
My “First Reader:” You always take one for the team.

“Team Sigler:”

• Julian “Tha Shiv” Pavia and the hard-workin’ cats at Crown Publishing. Y’all make this a fun party.

• Byrd “The Natural” Leavell for constant support, guidance and story instincts.

• Scott Christian and J. C. Hutchins for vital advance reads that helped iron out some pesky wrinkles. You guys are nails.

• Mae “RDQ” Breakall for being my brain.

• Paul “Pulsar” Rogalinski, programming assassin.

• Arioch Morningstar, audio production machine.

Research and guidance:

• Jeremy “Xenophanes” Ellis, my friend and amazing science adviser. This book wouldn’t have happened without your brilliance.

• Doug Ellis for help with BSL-4 procedures.

• Paul Blass and Bill DeSmedt, who provided much-needed help with orbital physics.

• “Slow-Lane-Express” for teaching me about semi-tractors and trailers.

• Robert W. Gilliland, Major, USAF, for in-depth Air Force knowledge and many years of friendship.

• Chris Grall, U.S. army veteran, for all the tactics, weapons, details and culture.

Thanks to all the men and women of the U.S. military for all that you do and all that you sacrifice.


A most heartfelt “thanks a frickin’ lot” to Joe Dumars, president of Basketball Operations for the Detroit Pistons, for trading Chauncey Billups to Denver shortly after this novel went to the printer. At least now I can say that Dumars made me look like an idiot…

And finally, to my die-hard fans, aka “The Junkies.” All of this is for you. The novel you hold in your hands brings us closer to the Sigler Ascension. Spread the faith, for soon the plaid tanks will roll…

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