CERRYL SAT WITH his back to the window, Leyladin in the seat to his right and Anya across the table. The shutters were closed against the rain and the damp, chill air.

Cerryl massaged his forehead once, then forced himself to keep his hand from his throbbing forehead.

“What do you plan to do about Recluce, Cerryl?” The heavy scent of sandalwood and trilia drifted across the table from the redhead. “Now that you are High Wizard?”

“Make preparations as I can.” Cerryl shrugged. “First, we need to raise more golds.”

“Raise the tariffs, then.” Anya waved off the need for golds.

“Perhaps I should put it more clearly, Anya. I do not like Fairhaven suffering. We are suffering because we must maintain the roads and some of the ports. That costs golds. We are short of golds not because the tariffs were too low, but because Certis, Spidlar, and Gallos were not paying all they owed. Spidlar is paying now, and the revenues are increasing every season. To obtain the golds necessary to support an attack on Recluce-even a sea battle to destroy their ships-we need more golds. I cannot obtain more golds by raising tariffs rulers do not pay. I cannot fight another war that will cost more golds than we have to obtain golds.”

“Then what will you do,” Anya snorted, “cautious Cerryl?”

“What Jeslek wished to do and Sterol did not understand. Gain control of the major trade ports and thus raise more golds.”

Anya raised her eyebrows. “Oh?”

“Between Sedelos and the trader Wertel in Lydiar we have almost doubled the tariff golds there in the last season. And I am working on a plan to increase the tariffs that Certis pays.”

“We will have golds in a year, but no power.”

“If we have no golds, Anya, we shall be powerless even sooner.”

“At least, you have the right idea.” Anya turned to the healer. “You should encourage him to act, Leyladin.”

“I am sure he will act,” the healer said gently. “And he will weigh your words most heavily. He always has.”

“From you, those words have great meaning, and some small comfort.” Anya frowned as she stood. “Very well, I will bide, and tell Fydel and the others that you are raising the funds necessary to confront the Blacks. I can also tell them that you have been hampered by Sterol’s extravagances which left the Guild’s coffers near empty.”

“They were indeed near empty,” Cerryl affirmed. If not precisely for those reasons.

“And it is good you do not plan to tax further our own traders.” Anya bowed. “They will appreciate that.” She turned. “By your leave?”

“I would hope so.” Especially Jiolt.

Once the door closed, Leyladin shook her head. “She wants you to attack Recluce.”

“I can’t do it now, even if I wanted to. She knows that.”

“She will keep pressuring you.”

“Of course. That is how she will destroy me. She will make the Blacks the enemy, as Jeslek did, and if I fail to destroy them, then she will blame me for the traders’ woes and those of the Guild and find another High Wizard.” Unless you can turn her schemes.

Leyladin reached for the goblet of water. “She may, even with your understanding.”

“I know. I can only do what I can, and I can do nothing without more golds and tariff coins.”

“Father and Lyasa sent more than you expected.”

“Nearly a thousand golds, but that will be all until next summer, I fear. The ice grows now on the Northern Ocean. Tyrhavven will stay clear of the ice for another few eight-days, perhaps longer if the weather remains not too cold.”

Leyladin reached out and squeezed his hand. “You didn’t think it would be this way, did you?”

“I knew it would be, but I had hoped otherwise.” He took a sip of water, then stood. “I need to walk through the Halls. I cannot remain cloistered in the Tower, not when so few know or recall me.”

“I will return to the house. It would not be well for a Black to accompany you.” She paused as she rose. “I do expect you for dinner, and you are not sleeping here.”

“Yes, dearest lady.” He had to smile.

Leyladin returned the smile.
