
In addition to writing consistently under his own name, Donald Westlake published under more than a dozen pseudonyms:

[listed in order they debuted]

Richard Stark

Grace Selacious

Alan Marshall/Alan Marsh

James Blue

Ben Christopher

John Dexter

Andrew Shaw

Edwin West

John B. Allan

Don Holliday

Curt Clark

Barbara Wilson

Tucker Coe

P.N. Castor

Timothy J. Culver

J. Morgan Cunningham

Samuel Holt

Judson Jack Carmichael

Richard Stark: Westlake’s best-known continuing pseudonym was that of Richard Stark. Stark debuted in 1959, with a story in Mystery Digest. Four other Stark short stories followed through 1961, including “The Curious Facts Preceding My Execution”, later the title story in Westlake’s first short-story collection. Then, from 1962 to 1974, sixteen novels about the relentless and remorseless professional thief Parker and his accomplices (including larcenous actor Alan Grofield) appeared and were credited to Richard Stark. “Stark” was then inactive until 1997, when Westlake once again began writing and publishing Parker novels under Stark’s name. The University of Chicago began republishing the Richard Stark novels in 2008. When Stephen King wrote the novel The Dark Half in 1989, he named the central villain George Stark as an homage to Westlake.

Grace Selacious: One-shot pseudonym, used as a third name for the short story “Martin’s Place” (Escapade, 1958). The first part of the name (“Grace”) believed to be the nickname friends called his maternal grandmother.

Alan Marshall (or Alan Marsh): Westlake acknowledged writing as many as 28 paperback soft-porn titles from 1959–64 under these names; titles include All My Lovers, Man Hungry, All About Annette, Sally, Virgin’s Summer, Call Me Sinner, Off Limits, and three featuring the character of Phil Crawford: Apprentice Virgin, All the Girls Were Willing, and Sin Prowl. Westlake was not the only author to work under Marshall’s name, claiming that: “The publishers would either pay more for the names they already knew or would only buy from (those) names… so it became common practice for several of us to loan our names to friends… Before… the end of 1961… six other people, friends of mine, published books as Alan Marshall, with my permission but without the publishers’ knowledge.” Two novels published in 1960 were co-authored by Westlake and Lawrence Block (who used the pen-name “Sheldon Lord”) and were credited to “Sheldon Lord and Alan Marshall”: A Girl Called Honey, dedicated to Westlake and Block, and So Willing, dedicated to “Nedra and Loretta,” who were (at that time) Westlake and Block’s wives.

James Blue: One-shot pseudonym, used as a third name circa 1959 when both Westlake and Stark already had stories in a magazine issue. In actuality, the name of Westlake’s cat.

Ben Christopher: One-shot pseudonym for a 1960 story in 77 Sunset Strip magazine, based on the characters from the TV show.

John Dexter: A house pseudonym used by Nightstand Books for the work of numerous authors. The very first novel credited to John Dexter is a soft-core work by Westlake called No Longer A Virgin (1960)

Andrew Shaw: Pseudonym used by Westlake and Lawrence Block for their 1961 collaborative soft-core novel Sin Hellcat. Like John Dexter (above), “Andrew Shaw” was a house pseudonym used by a wide variety of authors.

Edwin West: Brother and Sister, Campus Doll, Young and Innocent, all 1961; Strange Affair, 1962; Campus Lovers, 1963, one 1966 short story.

John B. Allan: Elizabeth Taylor: A Fascinating Story of America’s Most Talented Actress and the World’s Most Beautiful Woman, 1961, biography.

Don Holliday: Pseudonym used by Westlake for two collaborative soft-core novels (with various authors, including Hal Dresner and Lawrence Block) in 1963/64.

Curt Clark: Debuted in 1964 with the short story “Nackles”. Novel: Anarchaos, 1967, science fiction.

Barbara Wilson: One co-authored novel with Laurence Janifer (The Pleasures We Know, 1964); Janifer also used this name for at least one solo novel with no involvement from Westlake.

Tucker Coe: 5 mystery novels featuring the character of Mitch Tobin: Kinds of Love, Kinds of Death, 1966; Murder Among Children, 1967; Wax Apple and A Jade in Aries, both 1970; Don’t Lie to Me, 1972.

P.N. Castor: Pseudonym used for one 1966 short story co-authored with Dave Foley.

Timothy J. Culver: Ex Officio, 1970, thriller.

J. Morgan Cunningham: Comfort Station, 1971, humor. Cover features the blurb, “I wish I had written this book! — Donald E. Westlake.”

Samuel Holt: 4 mystery novels featuring the character of Sam Holt, 1986–1989: One of Us is Wrong and I Know a Trick Worth Two of That, both 1986; What I Tell You Three Times is False, 1987; The Fourth Dimension is Death, 1989. Westlake used the Holt pseudonym as an experiment to see if he could succeed as an author under a new name; he was dismayed when his publisher revealed the true identity of “Holt” simultaneously with the release of the first book. Westlake subsequently delivered all four books he had contracted for as Holt, but abandoned plans to write at least two further books in the series.

Judson Jack Carmichael: The Scared Stiff, 2002, mystery; U.K. editions dropped the pseudonym.
