I'd had a few brushes with how absolutely power could corrupt. The Wardens were built on solid, idealistic principles, but somewhere along the way some of us-maybe even a lot of us-had lost the mission. There were a few faithful, altruistic ones left (I didn't dare count myself among them).

It's never been my job, or my nature, to worry about whether or not what I was doing was right in the grand scheme of things. I'm a foot soldier. A doer, not a planner. I like being useful and doing my job well, and so far as the lasting satisfaction goes, owning a killer wardrobe and bitchin' shoes doesn't hurt.

I never wanted to be in an ethical struggle. It shouldn't be my job to decide who's right, who's wrong, who lives, who dies. It shouldn't be anybody's job, but most especially not mine. I'm not deep. I'm not philosophical. I'm a girl who likes fast cars and fast men and expensive clothes, not necessarily in that order.

But you do the job you're handed.

The author wishes to thank:

Good fortune, Godiva chocolates, and Slim-Fast

My long-suffering, long-haired Cat.

Jo, Kel, Glenn, Jackie, Pat, Annie, Circe, and a host of other wonderful friends too numerous to name here.

Lucienne Diver, for her magnificent support.

My friends and colleagues at LSG Sky Chefs.

Musical support: the great Joe Bonamassa,

Eric Czar, and Kenny Kramme!

(And thanks to all the JB fans out there who've made me welcome in their family!)
