Chapter 9

Gwen looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. Even though Ethan had more than proven he loved her body over the past couple weeks, she still thought she could stand to lose a few pounds. Although if they kept up the bedroom gymnastics they’d been doing, it wouldn’t be too hard. Still, the outfit was hot. She never would have picked out the corseted teddy look, but the sales woman had shoved it into the fitting room for her to try on. It would have been rude not to at least look at it. The results were surprising to say the least.

Another trip to that store was definitely in order if tonight went well. Gwen turned around, examining the back side. In reality, the corset didn’t really support all that much. There wasn’t enough cloth for that. But the illusion of support and the strategic peeks of flesh were damn sexy. The transformation downright stunned her. She hardly recognized the woman in the mirror, or that wicked smile sporting her lips.

The kitchen timer going off startled her. Here she was woolgathering when she needed to get downstairs and finish dinner. Ethan would be home any minute and she wanted everything to be perfect. The past couple weeks had been better than she could have dreamed. Ethan had been treating her like a queen. And while she loved the attention he paid her, she was beginning to feel a bit…selfish. He was always cooking her meals, watching movies she wanted to watch, and making her laugh. Well, it was time to repay the favor. The whole night would be all about him.

Gwen had gotten the recipe for one of his favorite meals from his mother. She’d even rented one of those action movies with no plot but with lots of explosions and fighting. And of course, there was the outfit. But it wouldn’t do any good to burn the meal. Leaving the bathroom, she hurried down the stairs and walked quickly into the kitchen. She’d barely passed the archway that separated the room from the rest of the house, when Ethan walked through the door at the side of the room leading to the garage. They both froze, staring at each other across the room. Ethan’s hand hovered over the counter, clutching the mail in a fist.

Clearing her throat and pushing down her nerves, Gwen chirped, “Hi, honey. Welcome home.” If only she could read his expression, she wouldn’t be so nervous. But he remained silent, his assessing eyes raking her form. Maybe this had been a horrible idea.

Just as she turned, ready to rush up the stairs and forget this whole bad idea had ever come to her, Ethan pounced. Leaping across the room, he spun her around, and took her mouth in a consuming kiss. Heat blasted through her, melting her bones until her legs gave out on her.

Without missing a beat, Ethan swept her into his arms as if she weighed nothing at all. If someone had asked her a month ago what type of mate she hoped for, she would have chosen a fellow otter, maybe some other small creature. Wolf would never have crossed her mind. Boy was she glad Fate had taken matters out of her hands. Being around Ethan made her feel dainty and feminine. Like a woman, without the business always in front.

Jumping a little as her butt met the cold table top, Gwen giggled against Ethan’s lips. The laugh ended on a moan as he moved down her throat and across her chest. As the heat of his mouth blazed a trail along the lace edge on her breasts, she threw her head back, closing her eyes to savor every sensation.

It wasn’t until she’d heard the rip that she’d realized Ethan had ruined yet another of her outfits. The third this week. Her eyes popped open and she looked down at the shredded material. He had a bad habit of using his claws on her poor clothes.

“Damn it, Ethan. I just bought that nightie!” It hadn’t been cheap, either. Not to mention the way it looked on her or the way it made her feel like a sex goddess. She’d never been obsessed with lingerie before. Didn’t see much point since it had to be taken off before the good stuff started. But the more she wore it, the more she liked it. Liked the power she felt when she put on something lacy.

But she wasn’t going to keep throwing money away if Ethan kept insisting on ruining her outfits every time she wore one. Ethan didn’t seem the least deterred by her exclamation, lifting his mouth from her breast and skimming up to nibble on her ear.

“If you keep ripping my clothes, I’m not going to have anything left to wear,” Gwen managed to gasp as his tongue circled the rim of her ear, dipping into the crevice. Stringing words into coherent sentences was becoming harder and harder as the fire his hands and mouth lit inside her blazed higher.

“I like you best naked anyway.” She didn’t know when Ethan had learned how to talk while nibbling and sucking with his mouth at the same time, but she was extremely grateful for the talent.

“Although I must say, this get-up is a very close second to naked. I’m going to buy you ten just like it and rip them all off anytime you wear them.” The raspy words, as well as the roguish smile on his face as he raised his head to look in her eyes, made her chuckle. She loved that he made her laugh, even in the middle of sex. Loved that he didn’t take sex too seriously. She loved everything he did…

The breath stuck in her throat as the world around them froze. Love. She loved him. Dear God, what had she done. Tears filled her eyes as she considered the implications. She’d gone and done the one thing she told herself she could never do, fallen in love with the man.

A strong tug on her jaw forced her to look at Ethan. His eyes burned into her, filled with concern. His thumb brushed away a tear on her cheek.

“Gwen? Are you okay?” She stared into his concerned eyes and watched as the wolf in them slowly retreated in the face of her tears. She forced a smile and shook her head. Tonight was supposed to be for Ethan. There’d be plenty of time later to analyze her feelings for Ethan.

“I’m fine. Must be the onions from earlier.” He looked skeptical until she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him down for a brief kiss.

“Jeez, don’t scare me like that.” Ethan murmured, sweeping a lock of hair behind her ear. His concern for her was apparent in every line of his face. He wouldn’t be this worried if he didn’t feel something for her, right? Something beyond mere liking. Maybe he didn’t love her yet, but the look on his face didn’t match up with the scorn in his previous words.

For the first time, a spark of hope flared to life in Gwen’s heart. Maybe a future with Ethan wasn’t as bleak as she’d originally feared. Reaching up, Gwen traced his bone structure with his face, adoring the man in front of her. The eyes that met hers as the lids slowly rose were full of devotion.

“Make love to me Ethan,” she whispered. For a moment, she was afraid he would ask questions she wasn’t ready to answer. But either he sensed her need for time, or his beast, demanding they finish what they started, overpowered his curiosity.

This time, when his lips brushed against hers, the greedy passion had simmered into a slow burn. The tenderness in his hands and lips took her breath away and brought tears to her eyes. Eventually she’d have to sort out her new emotions. There were more important things to concentrate on at the moment. Like the wicked things he was doing with his hands. There’d be time to contemplate what loving Ethan entailed later.


Conflicting emotions whirled through Gwen’s head as she paced inside the entrance of the house she and Alyssa had recently purchased for their B&B. Everything was falling into place as far as the inn was concerned. But her relationship with Ethan was a whole different story. It had been almost a month since she’d admitted what she’d overheard at the resort, a week and a half since realizing she loved him, and she didn’t know what to believe anymore.

She’d accepted in the beginning that Ethan didn’t love her, that he didn’t want her. Had come to terms with it and made her peace, even taken steps for her future, to keep herself happy and occupied. But lately everything had changed. She loved him. And as her feelings grew, so did her doubts about everything she’d heard at the bar that morning.

It wasn’t just that he was attentive. If she only read kindness in his actions, she would brush it off as sympathy. But it was so much more than that. He’d not only been taking her out on dates, but kept doing thoughtful little things for her, anticipating her desires before she could voice them. Like this morning. She’d woken up to the smell of coffee and hot cheesy eggs, a favorite of hers, as he brought her breakfast in bed. He’d even fixed her coffee just the way she liked it.

How the man kept figuring out her favorite things was a mystery she fully intended to get to the bottom of. A single red rose had been placed on the side of the tray. It was the kind of thing Gwen would’ve hoped for in a love match, certainly not a match of convenience. Or whatever her relationship with Ethan was.

It wasn’t just breakfast in bed, but the way he looked at her, as if she was the most precious thing in the world. Her blissful sigh filled the air. Just thinking about that look made heat pool in her belly.

And the sex. Jesus, the sex was absolutely unreal. Gwen never thought she had such a vamp in her. With Ethan she simply couldn’t help it. All he had to do was smile at her, and she pounced on him, tearing his clothes off.

Not that he was a paragon of self-control, either. If he didn’t quit using his claws on her poor clothes, she was going to start billing him for the damages. Although that would probably just fire him up, she thought with a chuckle..

For someone who had always found sex pleasant but not anything mind-blowing, the way Ethan drew out her pleasure amazed her. He knew exactly how to play her body, bombarding her with sensation after sensation until she was quivering with need. Not to mention, the man had incredible stamina. Much to her surprise, he usually managed to get her off more than once each night. Each and every night.

She hadn’t anticipated how good her sex life would be. Nor had she anticipated how hard she would’ve fallen for him. She had been so sure she could separate her emotions from the situation, that she was strong enough to resist his charm. After all, she knew her worth. Knew she deserved someone who loved her and who saw her for the incredible and strong woman she was.

Yet, that was exactly how Ethan made her feel. There was more there than mere heat. He acted like someone who loved her. Ever since that night when she realized she loved him, their lovemaking had changed into something different. Sure, he still pushed her up against the bathroom wall every now and again. But more often than not, he didn’t just screw her, he made love to her. Treated her with tender consideration. And every night, he asked her about the inn and seemed genuinely interested in her life.

Maybe she hadn’t really given Ethan a fair chance. A shifter couldn’t prepare before meeting their mate. There were no signs to signal their impending arrival.

It’s not like she’d been expecting her mate to walk through the doors at the resort. And yes, she had been thrilled when Ethan appeared. Of course she’s been happy. She had wanted to find her mate. Ethan hadn’t. It made sense that he would be a bit freaked out by the whole situation. She hadn’t really looked at this from his point of view.

Everything happened so fast. If Samantha was to be believed, and Gwen saw no reason for her to lie, Ethan had taken the vacation to escape being trapped into mating. Instead he’d smacked right into his true mate. His behavior made absolute sense. And considering his behavior since then…

“What has you so deep in thought?” Alyssa walked through the front door, Samantha in tow.

Gwen felt her face heat in a blush. “Uh…Ethan.” Both women laughed.

“Are you blushing? Never mind, I’m living through the first blush of mating myself so I know exactly what that thought was.” Samantha smiled at Gwen, her eyes shining mischievously.

Gwen still had a hard time believing how welcoming and helpful Ethan’s family had been. All of them had stopped by the B&B and offered to help. One Saturday when Alyssa and Gwen had planned to spend the day painting, the whole group had shown up, Ethan and his brothers loaded down with enough pizzas to feed a small village. The amount of food had seemed outrageous, but the need for it had become clear as other members of the pack had started to arrive. Almost everyone in the pack, human and wolf, had stopped by and volunteered.

Gwen shook off the memory, and focused back on the two women in front of her. Samantha wore a blush, probably remembering some of the more wicked encounters she and Jason had shared as new mates.

“Well, I don’t have a mate. I’m living vicariously through you, so spill.” Alyssa said, an impish smile curving her lips.

Looking at Alyssa, more like a sister to her than a best friend, the desire to tell her everything, to lay her burden down for a minute and let someone else carry the weight, rose up to choke her.

She couldn’t figure this out on her own. There were too many angles to consider. She needed advice. And who better to give it to her than her best friend and Samantha, an arctic fox mated to a Premier wolf?

“I don’t know what to do anymore,” she burst out. Both Samantha’s and Alyssa’s smiles faded into concern. Samantha hurried over, pulling her to the couch in the adjoining room.

“About what, honey?”

“About me. Ethan. Everything’s just so confusing and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do or feel.” Gwen paused to gather her thoughts. “Before, when I thought he didn’t love me, at least things were clear, focused. I had a plan. Hold myself back, live my life separate from him and make my own happiness. But now, I’m having a hard time holding myself back–and the things he does and says. It’s downright painful. The way he looks at me. It makes me think things, long for things I’m scared I won’t ever have.”

Samantha grabbed Gwen’s hand and forced her eyes to meet hers. “Gwen, I know we don’t know each other well, but I already feel like we’re sisters.”

“I do too.” It was true, Gwen realized with a start. Within weeks Samantha had become one of her favorite people. A person she’d come to count on.

“When I first came to town and met Jason, I didn’t think he could possibly want me. Sometimes I still don’t know what he sees in me. Besides being a wolf, he has everything, the pack, his family, his career, and then I look at myself and I don’t have anything to offer him. But every time I have those dark thoughts, all I have to do is look at Jason, at the way he gazes at me, and I know what I bring him. I love him. I love him more than anyone else ever will. I loved him before I thought he loved me.”

“Didn’t it hurt? Loving him, but not knowing if he felt the same way?”

“Sometimes. Sometimes it hurt a lot. At least it did until I came to a realization. It didn’t matter if he loved me or not. My heart was already sunk, and no matter how he felt about me, I would still love him. So I guess the question is, do you love Ethan?”

“Yes,” Gwen whispered. “It terrifies me.”

“Do you think Ethan loves you?”

That was harder to answer. So many things to consider. She thought about the overheard conversation. Then she thought about everything that had since transpired.

“I don’t know.” The whine reeked of desperation. “After the things he said, I was so certain he couldn’t. But now, every time he looks at me and the little things he does for me…it makes me wonder. I don’t like questioning myself.”

Samantha didn’t answer immediately, but when she did, her voice was quiet. “Now for the really important question. It shouldn’t be too hard to answer. You either know the answer or you don’t. Does it matter if he doesn’t? Does it change the way you feel about him?”

Gwen thought about everything he did for her. She thought about the way his arms surrounded her from behind as she washed dishes, and the way he held her as they watched television on their couch. She thought of the way his hand stroked her leg under the table as they ate dinner, as if he wasn’t even fully aware he was doing it. How his hand always reached for hers when they walked down the street.

Whether he loved her or not, it didn’t change the person he was. And it didn’t change how he made her feel. It didn’t negate the thoughtful things he did for her with the sole intention of making her smile. Looking up, she saw the truth reflected in her friends’ eyes.

“Why don’t you go surprise your man and take him out to lunch?” Alyssa suggested.

“You guys don’t mind?” The three of them had made plans.

“Not at all.”

Gwen kissed Alyssa on the cheek and did the same for Samantha without thinking about it. It was a standard form of showing gratitude in the romp, but Gwen froze as she realized she’d done it to Samantha, unsure how she would take the affection. Before she had time to worry, Samantha leaned up and kissed her cheek in return.

The open affection brought a smile to Gwen’s face as she ran out the door. She never thought she’d fit into this pack as well as she had her romp. Plenty of packs had stayed at the resort throughout the years. She’d seen the way shifters of all kinds treated outsiders. Their pack rules varied, some going so far as to not socialize with other species entirely. She’d seen enough to know that without Jason’s unique leadership, she and Alyssa would have never been accepted as easily.

Unlike the other Premiers she’d seen, Jason didn’t use intimidation and fear to keep his rule. Instead he thought out every decision he made, looking at it from all sides. And lucky for her, he accepted non-wolf pack mates, treating them as one and the same. Besides his fox mate and Gwen and Alyssa, most of the town, including the humans, were considered pack. No one was excluded because of who or what animal they had been born. It was the perfect environment to raise little wolf-otters.

Little wolf-otters… Just thinking about it gave her the giggles. She’d need to talk to Ethan about starting a family right away. Too much time had been wasted already.

* * *

Walking into Ethan’s office, Gwen wasn’t surprised when he immediately got up from his computer to greet her. Instead of giving her a simple peck, he skimmed his lips across her cheekbone. The caress had her closing her eyes as a wave of desire rushed through her body. He made her feel so special.

“Hi, pet. What are you doing here?” There was such unadulterated affection in his gaze and tone of voice. How had she ever hoped to resist him?

“I was hoping to take you out for lunch. If you’re not busy.”

“Give me a few minutes to wrap up. When do you have to be back?”

“Whenever. Nothing major is happening today.” Ethan smiled and kissed her cheek, making her whole body sigh. Would she ever become immune to his charm? She stared at his butt as he walked over to his brothers.

She watched him surreptitiously from across the room. After a moment, he caught her gaze and winked. Warmth flooded her. “All right. I have the rest of the afternoon off,” he said, coming up and embracing her from behind.

“How’d you manage that?”

“Jason owes me a favor. What do you think about picking up some take-out and taking it back to the house?” Gwen knew where this was going. There was no way they wouldn’t end up naked long before they got to their food. Still, how many people could say they had such an amazing sex life? She’d wager the number was fairly small.

As Gwen threaded her fingers through his, she knew with absolute certainty that she was making the right decision. Everything would turn out all right.

* * *

As anticipated, Ethan barely got her inside the house before ambushing her and trying to, once again, tear her clothes from her body.

“Stop.” Gwen had no idea where her sultry voice came from, but Ethan did bring out the shameless hussy in her. “Upstairs,” she all but purred.

Ethan looked like he wanted to protest being ordered around. The alpha wolf in him needed to have control, and she knew that. But today, she needed control. His face scrunched up and she could practically see the wheels turning in his head, but he obviously didn’t want to squash her confidence. Just as she sensed his inner struggle, the moment he decided to let her have things her way was displayed on his face.

For now. She heard the words as clear as if he uttered them out loud.

Meeting Ethan’s stare, Gwen saw more than just heat and desire. She saw devotion. Why had she held herself back from this, from him? Since moving to town, he had been nothing but considerate, showing her with more than words he wanted to try to have a real relationship with her.

He had already opened up his heart to her. Every day it was there in his touch, look, and voice. Why hadn’t she seen it before?

“Gwen?” Ethan asked softly. “Where did you go?”

She looked into his eyes and melted. There was such openness in his gaze, such caring and kindness and…love? It was time she put the past and that stupid morning behind her. Behind them. It was time to move on with their lives together.

Gwen smiled and shook her head, then pointed toward their bedroom, her sultry gaze back in place. Ethan grinned wolfishly and hurried to do her bidding as she followed him up the stairs and into their bedroom.

“What now, pet?” Ethan asked, looking like he wanted to grab her and have his wicked way.

“I want you naked and on the bed.” This afternoon she would show him exactly how she felt. Show him what she still couldn’t yet admit in words. She loved him, no matter how he felt about her.

The past few weeks had been an eye opener. Ethan was more than just the man she was destined to spend the rest of her life with. He was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

“Am I the only one getting naked tonight?” Resting on his elbows, Ethan watched her with lazy satisfaction. She loved his voice when it got all growly.

Instead of answering, Gwen sauntered to the foot of the bed and unbuttoned her top, never taking her eyes off him. As he stared into her eyes, they shifted to the golden hue of his wolf.

“I love seeing your eyes change.”

Ethan smiled a large toothy grin, his canines already down. But she couldn’t let him bite her tonight. Tonight it was her turn.

Removing the last of her clothing, Gwen crawled up the bed until her mouth was even with Ethan’s jutting erection. Her breath caressed him as she paused, raising her gaze to his.

* * *

Ethan groaned as Gwen’s hot mouth closed over him. Never in his life had he been more turned on than he was with this woman. She drove him wild, her tongue stroking the vein running along the underside of his cock as she took him deeper. He felt himself hit the back of her throat but instead of pulling back, Gwen swallowed against him and almost brought him off the bed as he arched up.

Was this actually happening? Many nights he’d dreamed exactly of this but he hadn’t wanted to rush her. Gwen had been opening little by little over the past weeks, but even this morning he’d seen the distrust in her eyes. The walls had still been up, solid as ever, preventing him from connecting fully with her.

Something had changed between this morning and now. He sensed the transformation the moment she’d entered his office this afternoon. Although thrilled, he wanted to find out what had caused this transformation. There had been something new in her eyes this afternoon. The distrust was gone, replaced by something he couldn’t quite define but that made his heart soar. The wall between them was starting to crumble.

Ethan grunted, fisting his hands in the sheets as Gwen swallowed his length once again. The woman was doing wicked things with her tongue. Absolutely amazing.

He caught her gaze as she took him deep into her mouth again. The fire in her eyes drove him crazy. Knowing going down on him gave her pleasure was the biggest turn on of all.

Releasing his shaft, Gwen straddled Ethan and slowly guiding him inside her. He almost lost it when her heat encased him. She arched her back, thrusting her breasts toward him, but when he tried to sit up to suck on one of her nipples, she pushed him back down. He growled, but followed her lead. The little tease.

Thinking back to the woman he’d first seen on the beach, her hair tightly coiled in a bun and her curves hidden behind austere clothing, he was amazed at the transformation. Her long hair fell around them, tickling his skin as she rode him. Her lips were swollen from swallowing him, and her eyes held such passion and heat they practically scorched.

He wasn’t going to last long, especially not if she kept clenching around him like that. Panting, he raced toward the cliff edge, ready to tumble with her into oblivion. But before he could explode, her hips stopped their movement. A whine escaped before he could stop it. She couldn’t be this cruel. Ethan’s eyes popped open and regarded Gwen quizzically. What game was she playing?

“Ethan…I want…”

“What do you want? Anything, I swear I’ll give it to you.” It was the truth. Anything within his power would be hers.

Gwen looked deeply into his eyes as if puzzling something out. After a moment, she leaned against him, nuzzling his chest. Ethan started to protest. Really, what kind of person would leave a man hanging like this? But as he drew in a breath, a sharp sting pinched his chest.

Without warning, his world exploded in a flood of ecstasy. His whole body convulsed as he emptied himself inside her. He felt her jerky release but his brain was slow to process what had happened. Neither of them had moved, yet he’d had one of the most amazing orgasms of his life.

It took Ethan a moment to get his bearings. Gwen cuddled against him making the sweetest cooing sounds as she rubbed her nose on his chest. Suddenly the stinging pain made sense. Glancing down, Ethan’s suspicions were confirmed. There, just above his right nipple, were two small puncture wounds. Bite marks.

Happiness flooded him. Gwen had bitten him. She had marked him as hers. Finally, she wasn’t merely accepting their mating, she had chosen to actively mate with him as well. Searching within, Ethan felt his bond with Gwen thrumming stronger than ever. There was a give-and-take now, an exchange in the connection.

Ethan’s arms curled around her, and he buried his nose in her hair as she continued to coo. He loved hearing the sound of her pleasure. He hadn’t heard it since their first night together and hadn’t realized he missed it until right now. If he had his way he would keep her making that noise every night for the rest of their lives.

* * *

Gwen awoke, utterly sated, surrounded by the arms of her wolf. She burrowed her nose against his side and a small sound of contentment escaped her.

“Mmmm, I love that sound.” Ethan’s husky voice ran over her like a warm blanket as he pulled her closer. His lips hovered above hers and Gwen closed her eyes in anticipation of the kiss she knew would melt her soul.

A deep rumbling interrupted them moments before Ethan’s lips would’ve crashed down on hers. She looked up at Ethan in wide-eyed embarrassment. “Sorry, I haven’t eaten much today.”

His rich laugh filled the room. “Guess I’ll have to give you sustenance before I ravage you again.” Ethan began to crawl from the bed but stopped Gwen when she started to move as well. “You stay here. I’ll warm it up. Besides, I like the thought of you waiting for me in bed.”

Gwen smiled as Ethan strode out of the room. The stairs squeaked and Gwen heard the microwave being turned on in the kitchen.

Accepting her love for Ethan was like a weight lifting off her shoulders. It didn’t matter if he loved her or not, she knew her life with him would be everything she dreamed of and more.

Grabbing his dress shirt off the floor, Gwen swung it on as she made her way to the bathroom. The shirt arms engulfed her hands and the waist fell around her hips, landing mid-thigh. Looking at her reflection in the mirror as she washed her hands, Gwen thought she looked delightfully tumbled.

Ethan was already setting the food up on the bed as Gwen made her way out of the bathroom but he paused to stare at her. The wicked smile he threw her warmed her heart.

* * *

Abandoning his chore, Ethan grabbed Gwen around the waist and pulled her tight against him.

“I do love you in my shirts.” As he leaned down for a kiss, her growling stomach interrupted them once again. “Come eat before your stomach starts scaring my wolf with its ferociousness.”

Gwen blushed again and looked away. “Sorry. I haven’t eaten since breakfast this morning.”

“Why are you apologizing?” Ethan saw Gwen pull at the hem of his shirt self-consciously, and her words of their first night together echoed through his mind. I’ve got a few more curves than your average woman. He thought they’d gotten over this. Where was the woman who had just boldly ordered him to strip?

Pulling her in close, Ethan whispered reassurances against her temple. “Gwen, you are the perfect woman for me in every way. I love gripping your curves in my hands as I plunge inside you. Besides, you’re going to need the energy because your curves are so enticing, I plan to keep you up and occupied all night long.” Ethan placed a love bite on the side of her throat.

Her arms snaked around him, and he felt her lips gently brush his jaw. “Thank you.” Keeping his arms around her, he pulled back so that he could look into her eyes. After what she’d given him tonight, he needed to make sure she knew how he felt about her. The trust in her gaze mesmerized him.

“I love you, Gwen.”

Shock reflected back at him, but as he watched, belief and acceptance slowly crept into her eyes.

“You do?”

“I love everything about you. The strength you exude with your business, the vulnerability you show only to me. Just being in your presence sets my wolf at ease, as if everything is right when you’re with me. I love you for everything you are, Gwen, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you in my arms.”

Tears pooled in her eyes, but a large smile curled her lips, reassuring him. “Oh Ethan! I love you, too! I never thought you’d love me back.”

“I’m so sorry for the things I said before. They were stupid and selfish and I didn’t mean a word of them. Even as I uttered them, I knew they were wrong.”

“It doesn’t matter anymore. None of it matters.”

Holding Gwen at arm’s length, Ethan stared into her eyes.

“It does matter, Gwen.” He reached up and cupped her cheek. “I hurt you. That matters to me. I swear to you, you’ll never have a reason to doubt me again.”

“You’ve already made it up to me and more.”

“I’ll never stop.”

She started to say something, but Ethan cut her off, claiming her lips in a scorching kiss. He’d known Gwen loved him from the moment she’d sunk her teeth into his chest, claiming him as hers. The words hadn’t been necessary. Still, it was nice to hear them. It had been the last piece missing from their union, the last thing holding her back from him. Her mark was now forever on his chest, proof for all to see.

Dragging her to the bed, he pulled her down and placed a plate full of steaming seafood alfredo on her lap. She waited until he got situated before digging in, her enthusiasm for the meal making him smile. Everything about her made him smile. She caught him staring and gently set down her fork. But he was having none of that. Picking up her fork, he fed her a bite of his pasta. The next bite, he deliberately missed her mouth, leaving a large smudge of sauce at the corner. He leaned over and sucked the pasta off, moving his lips across hers and capturing her lower lip between his teeth.

“Mmm, tasty.” Sitting back, he grinned at the dazed look on her face. He’d never get tired of looking at her, or kissing her until the haze of passion clouded her eyes. Ethan planned to treasure every moment.
