Battlecruiser Kirov as seen cruising in the Tyrrhenian Sea by 248 Squadron — Note Fire Aft.
Royal Navy carriers Eagle, Indomitable, Victorious cruising as part of Force Z.
Sigint Decrypt passed to Admiralty HQ with the jarring code word “Geronimo”.
Kirov in action in the Med.
LTC Melville-Jackson, who spots Kirov while on patrol out of Malta in his Bristol Beaufighter, and draws first blood.
V. Adm Syfret, commandign Force Z in “Operation Pedestal”.
Fire Control Box, used in the action fought by battleships Rodney & Nelson.
Professor Alan Turing, the brilliant mathematician and code breaker who begins to unravel the mystery of Kirov.
Helmut Rosenbaum of U-73.
NOTE: This photo of Rosenbaum is the very same one Fedorov muses over in the narrative.
Home Fleet Admiral John Tovey
German WWII experimental U-Boat Launched Rockets in the Black Sea.