Chapter Twenty-Four

Gwen’s last warning about trusting no one left a cold emptiness in my gut. Colby, Gwen and her brother, Kam, ran off into the jungle at an unnatural speed.

I stood staring at the swaying leaves in the wake of their departure. Alone in the jungles of Brazil, I realized I was too much of a city girl to appreciate its beauty.

Where others saw lush green vegetation and exotic life, I saw bugs. The jungles suddenly appeared more vast and darker than a minute ago. I did my best impression of the werewolves and ran down the trail. Getting caught out here in the dark would equate one of my worst nightmares.

Did I put on a brave face for Gwen’s sake? Yes, of course. I needed her to focus on finding Tane, not babysitting me. Could I make it back to the mansion safely? I sure as hell hoped so.

Out of breath, sweat trickling down my back, and legs burning, I arrived at the natural pool in the gardens. On weak knees, I collapsed in the closest chair. I had made it without some snake trying to eat me.

The sun still sat on top of the jungle canopy. I’d kill for a glass of water right now, the clear liquid from the stream taunted me and I licked my lips.

Quiet set upon the mansion grounds. Even though the vamps slept, they had servants and guards. Where was everyone? Maybe they were getting ready for sunset and the vampires awakening?

My own vamp would be wondering of my whereabouts and adventures. Tane forbade him from being at the hotel last night. If Colby had spotted him, he would have sensed the trap.

Rurik’s concern for my safety touched me. Most people take affection for granted until the day they lose it and are alone. Been there, done that. I got so used to nobody caring that when someone finally did, I clung to him. That’s why the loss of Laurent almost destroyed me and why I deserted everything to be with Rurik.

Everyone needs to be loved, even the unlovable. I’d thought of Tane as a demon once, but I’d just organized his rescue. Maybe Tane and I were not so different? Stubborn and damaged, sometimes being so alike made it difficult to accept the other’s faults. It would also explain why Rurik loved us both.

I closed my eyes at the thought, still uncomfortable with the possibility of sharing my boyfriend. Jealousy was a poor companion. The idea of Tane touching him set my teeth on edge. We had some hard decisions to make if we survived this crisis.

What if he decided to share Tane’s bed? I’ve never been good at sharing and knew myself well enough to foresee a quick departure.

My eyelids popped open. Then again, Tane could die and drag me to hell with him.

The sun had drifted behind the tree foliage.

Why hadn’t they killed him—us yet? I remembered so little from being tortured besides the pain. Luckard asked about the drug we used on Dragos, the same one they used on Tane. They obviously had acquired some.

I scratched my head as the gears spun in my mind and tried to make a connection.

What if they only had what Eric stole from Tane? That little vial didn’t contain much after Budapest. Maybe they were out?

They would need the source, but what would they use it for? A chill froze my heart as the facts came together.

I sat forward and leaned my face onto my hands. Shit.

They must realize Tane won’t tell them anything. After two nights of torture he never broke. What leverage did they have?

As soon as the question appeared in my thoughts I knew the answer.


My feet were running for the mansion before my brain registered what was going on.

The door slammed open as I hurled myself against it then ran toward the stairs. Taking the steps two at a time, I raced to our bedroom. Tears burned behind my eyelids and a hard lump constricted my throat, which made it hard to breathe.

Please, please, please…

I turned the doorknob and entered. The empty, unmade bed greeted my arrival.

No…please. No. A sob heaved my chest and the tears streamed down my cheeks. They took him too. My lover, my friend, my heart—and Tane’s biggest weakness. I crossed the room and moved the blankets as if he hid under them.

Just when I thought I hit rock bottom, someone handed me a shovel.

Archios or Luckard had more accomplices than we thought. One of them must have taken Rurik when he was helpless and waited for there to be only a handful of guards in the mansion. Crap. It never occurred to any of us he might be in danger.

My numb legs finally gave out and I sank to the floor. Leaning against the bed I reached into my short’s pocket to retrieve my cell phone and dialed a number I knew by heart.


“Colby, they took Rurik as well.”

Silence answered my statement. “Why?”

I’d hoped he wouldn’t ask. Shame of how complicated my love life had become flamed my cheeks. “Tane…cares for Rurik.” I still couldn’t say loved.

He sighed into the phone. “Doesn’t change our plans. We find Tane, we’ll find Rurik.”

I nodded even though he couldn’t see because I choked on a sob.

“Connie.” He said my name with concern. Something I’d never heard before. “When you get tired of this lifestyle, you can come back to work for me anytime. No questions asked.”

“Okay.” I sniffed like a five year old, but not comforted by his offer and closed the line. How the heck did Luckard and Archios get involved together?

Archios seemed to be Tane’s right hand man. What more could he want? He could never rule the vampire nation. Only a Nosferatu had the power to unite the different factions.

Even if they had an unlimited source of the drug, Archios couldn’t use it to control everyone. Damn, I wish I knew what he wanted it for.

Why did Luckard need Archios? If he killed Tane could he try to succeed him? I never took vampire politics 101 in school so I wasn’t sure if that’s how it worked. It seemed too easy. Nothing involving vampires was simple. Maybe he needed Archios’

connections and supporters to make it work.

Pulling my knees close to my chest, I leaned my forehead against them and closed my eyes. Exhausted from the past few days of craziness, I wished for my knight in shining armor to come to my rescue. The question remained, what did I need rescuing from?

Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours. My mind drifted from thought to recollections to regrets. Each moment that went by meant less of a chance of finding my vampires.

A flash of memory yanked me away. The manacles on my wrists, pressed to a dirty wall, the bite of the whip as it tore my flesh—I groaned and pulled my knees tighter to my chest. What would they be doing to Rurik?

He’d heal every time they’d cut him. Nausea formed in the pit of my stomach. The things they’d do to him a human wouldn’t survive. Could Tane watch?

I struck the hardwood floor with my fists. Helpless, I needed to wait on Colby or Gwen to find a trail. They did it last time, except they followed my cell phone signal. No phone this time, just a fading scent and a foggy mind connection.

The window, hidden by heavy drapes and wooden shutters, cracked open. The sound snapped me out of my misery. I rolled into a crouch and stayed behind the bed. All our games of fox and rabbit taught me how to hide and how to run, but sometimes a rabbit needed to stand its ground.

A thump followed as if the sneak tumbled through the window.

My heart rate skyrocketed as adrenaline pumped into my veins. The muscles in my arms and legs tensed with anticipation. I heard a delicate sniff. A clumsy, crying burglar?

Sounded as if we were related.

As the thief stepped past the foot of the bed, I sprang. My shoulder connected to the back of their knees and we rolled head over heels. A high-pitched screech accompanied my attack and I wasn’t the one making it.

I twisted and sat on top of a petite body, fists ready. A warning bell clanged in my head and I hesitated enough to see the tear smudged face of Belatia.

She held her hands in front to ward off any blows.


Peeking through her pale eyelashes, she glanced at me. A shudder shook her body as a sob racked her chest.

I got off her and she sat up.

Dirt stained tears streaked her cheeks. Her clear blue eyes shone like sapphires as she stared at me in earnest. “Connie, I’ve been trying to find you.” She wore a black t-shirt with a Guns and Roses emblem on the front. Not Bel’s usual, old fashion style. The left shoulder had a rip, the knees of her jeans bore mud stains, and her hands looked as if she’d been digging.

“What has Archios done to you?” I was going to kill him if it was the last thing I ever did.

His sweet, innocent wife broke into more tears and hugged me.

Patting her back, I tried to have patience. I tried to be sympathetic and comforting, but ended shaking her shoulders. “Bel, pull yourself together and talk to me.”

She retreated from my arms and spoke between sobs. “He’s done something terrible, Connie.”

No shit.

“R—Rurik and Tane, he’s got them. I woke in a strange place and heard a scream.”

I flinched.

“I went to go see where it came from and climbed the stairs. Luckard was there with my husband. At first, I thought we were prisoners, but then I saw Archios hurting Rurik.

My husband has lost his mind and is conspiring with the enemy.” She fell back into her tears.


She shook her head. “I was so scared. Luckard yelled at me and Archios yelled at him, so I ran and came to find you.” She took my hand. “I know I’m not smart and I get right and wrong confused sometimes. What they’re doing is wrong, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is. Can you take me to where they are?”

She nodded. “It’s all Luckard’s fault, Connie. You have to explain to Tane so he doesn’t hurt Archios.” Her eyes pleaded for me to understand.

“I will.” The lie cost me a piece of my soul. Like Tane said, Luckard didn’t have the support or the brains to pull this off. Archios was the mastermind behind all of this. Bel would never understand; love was blind.

“I can lead you there, but we need to jump from the window.” She stood and crossed the room.

“Why can’t we use the door?” As soon as the question left my mouth, I knew the answer.

Bel rolled her eyes. “If someone recognizes me in my disguise I could get in trouble.

I’m sure someone is upset about Tane and Rurik missing.”

Yeah, silly me. “I can’t jump from this height and survive. I’ll meet you outside.” I got to my feet. “What direction are we going?”

“Over the mountain, through the jungle and into the city.”

My heart stopped. “Can’t we take a car instead?”

She stared at her shoes. “I don’t know how to get to the city by the roads. I always went this way.”

“Archios made you go through the jungle?”

“No.” She shook her head and glanced at me. “I’m not supposed to go to the city but…but sometimes I get lonely.”

I sighed with exasperation, not wanting to hear why Bel was confined to the mansion at the moment. “Fine, through the freaking jungle it is.” I spun around and exited the room. Walking at a brisk pace through the mansion, I called Colby. “I’ve got a lead.”


“Archios’s wife.” I trotted down the stairs.

“Where are they being kept?”

“I don’t know yet. She’s a little simple and can’t give me directions. She’s going to lead me to them.”

“No, it sounds like a trap. Wait right there. Gwen will send some of her pack over.”

“She’s too frightened, Colby. They might make her bolt. I can’t take the chance.”

“How do you plan to rescue them all by yourself?” His voice rumbled with anger.

“I’m not. Once I get there, I’ll call again. It can’t be too far, Bel came by foot.”

Heavy breathing sounded through our connection then he whispered to someone on his end before returning to our conversation. “We’re scattered around the city at the moment, but when you call we’ll be ready.”

I hung up before he changed his mind. Not knowing if either of my vampires could hear me, I sent them a mental message. I’m coming.
