
Thank you, to the following…

My parents for putting me through college where I came to love this craft, which so many of us slave over, willingly, like oarsmen rowing for our very lives.

Alice Austin of Manchester High School, the first to indulge the earliest scribblings of a fledgling writer.

Professor Robert Pope of the University of Akron for all of his guidance these many years. No writer could ask for a better mentor. No student could expect a finer teacher. And no man could hope for a truer friend.

Elicia Skelton for restoring to me that which I had lost. Mere words cannot adequately express the depth of my appreciation for your appearance on the scene. My finest wishes are with you always.

Lisa Cron and Doug Michael for their many hours of diligent work and, most of all, for believing in me.

My agent, Ian Kleinert, for believing in this story.

And finally, Dr. James Helmuth and Mr. David Lynn Jones… for saving my life.

Just as I have attempted to demonstrate within the pages of this novel, no one is an island, and no one does it alone.
