Chapter 23

When we arrive at home, Aislin goes up to my mother’s to try and see if she can get the mark off her. After Alex gives me a brief lecture on being more careful with myself then tells me that he thinks that I should start training, to get a better grasp on my fighting skills. But then says that he wants Laylen to do it, not giving an explanation why. But I know the answer—because he’s trying to keep his distance from me.

So I agree and then go up to my room to change out of my pajamas and pull my hair out of my face. As I’m waiting for Laylen to show up, I decide to flip through the Foreseer book some more, to see if I can find the answer to the Purple Flame. It seems more important than ever now that I know the mark is traveling throughout the world.

But after searching through page after page, I grow frustrated and become desperate. I’m not sure if it’s meant for what I’m about to do, but I decide it’s worth the risk of trying.

“The Power of a Foreseer’s Mind.” I shut my eyes, focusing on seeing what I need to see, but am retaliated by light.

See past the light, see what you need to see. I’m not sure whose voice it is but I do as it says and look past the light.

The Purple Flame… the Purple Flame… the… Purple… Sharp pain erupts through my skull, like my head is cracking apart. I tip sideways on the bed and fall out of it. When I hit the floor, I slip deep inside my mind.

* * *

I’m energized, powerful, glowing. I can feel the energy inside me, about to combust and go out into the world. I’d be free from it and I realize I want to be free from it.

“Open your eyes, Gemma,” a familiar voice whispers.

I open my eyes and then step back. I’m in the City of Crystal standing in front of the massive crystal ball that’s about the size of a football stadium, flaring brightly within the enormous space of the cave. Attached to the crystal, solely by chains are people with tubes embedded in their skin, giving energy to the ball for the Foreseers.

“What you need is not in the book,” the voice says to me. “It’s in there. Touch it and you’ll see.”

I inch tentatively toward the crystal ball then taking a deep breath, I extend my hand toward it. My fingers are magnetized, begging us to connect. When I place my palm on it, the hot surface scorches my skin and a fire blazes through me. My heart slams against my chest as energy zips through my body, charging me. Powerful. I am powerful. I pull away and hold up my hand where a purple flame burns vibrantly in my palm.

“One of these days, you’re going to have to figure things out without me,” the voice says and this time I recognize who it belongs to.

I turn around and look behind me “Nicholas…”

I don’t see him but I swear I detect the faint lingering scent of flowers and rain.

* * *

I bolt upright, lifting my hand in front of me. There’s no fire burning from it, but I know what I have to do. I slip my shoes on and grab the Traveler’s Ball that was left on my bed with the note. Maybe I should say something to someone. It’d probably be better if I did. But I know if I do then Alex will put up a fight so instead I shut my eyes, grasping onto the crystal ball filled with rubies and a few seconds later, I’m there.
