Hauk paced his comm room as he listened to the report from the senior officer in charge of the Bromese Sentella base. All of them in the room – Nykyrian, Nero, Bastien, Safir, Chayden, Fain, Madai, Darling, Jayne, Ryn, Caillen, and Drake – were silent.

“We lost over a hundred members in the attack. The central bay is down and we have almost a thousand wounded. For now, I’ve closed the base and have evaced everything we could move to the base on Altira.”

“Is the Porturnum giving air support?” Ryn asked.

The commander nodded. “The Tavali have been a godsend to us, Ambassador. We’d have lost everyone had they not mobilized to our aid.”

Ryn glanced to Fain and Chayden. “Do either of you know Venik personally?” Venik was the Porturnum leader, and a vicious pirate bastard.

But if you wore a Tavali uniform, there was nothing he wouldn’t do for you.

Fain nodded. “I’ve known him for years. You?”

Chayden shook his head.

“Fain,” Nykyrian said. “Can you contact him and convey our gratitude? Tell him we’re in his debt. Send him a crate of the best Tondarion Fire you can find.”

“Will do.”

Madai met Saf’s gaze before he spoke. “We will need to lead a retaliatory strike for this.”

“No.” Nero folded his arms over his chest. “Kyr did this to get back at us for taking Kalea from his custody. Another strike will only cost more innocent lives.”

Madai scoffed. “I’m good with that. They’re our enemies. The fewer of them who live, the better.”

Fain nodded. “You don the uniform, you know the hazards.”

“But they don’t all wear them by choice,” Saf reminded them. “And I was one of those.”

Madai said something to him that caused Saf to cup his hand and gesture at him.

While Hauk had no idea what that meant, the murderous expression on Madai’s face said it wasn’t a gesture for health or well-being. He passed a quirked brow at Saf. “Should I ask?”

“No. It’s not fit to be repeated. Even among you degenerates.”

Nykyrian glanced to Hauk. By the look on his face, he knew Nyk was thinking the same thing he was. “We’re going to have to destroy The League.”

Hauk nodded. “Tear that motherfucker down.”

“And Kyr will have to die.” Darling spoke up for the first time.

Madai curled his lip. “You don’t get to make that call, arito.”

Darling responded in Phrixian, which caused Saf to have to catch his brother before Madai attacked.

Safir spoke to Madai in Phrixian before he turned his attention back to the rest of them. “Darling’s right. We all know it. This won’t end until we bury our brother.”

Sadness darkened Madai’s face. “We are Phrixian and we will do what we must. But I would rather we take Kyr alive.”

“We will try,” Nykyrian said in true diplomatic mode.

Darling glanced at Nyk, then Hauk and Fain. “As much as I hate to admit it, Madai’s right. We need to plan a strategic response to cripple them and make sure they don’t hit us again without a strong sphincter clench.”

Bastien stepped forward. “You’ll need a war commander between your allied nations and the four main branches of the Tavali. Someone who can organize the logistics and make command-level decisions without running everything past your emperors, and waiting for their responses.”

Nykyrian nodded. “Someone who was Gyron Force would make a damn good one.”

Bastien shook his head. “I wasn’t a commander, Commander. And I have something to take care of, first. Besides, I don’t play well with others.”

Caillen laughed. “I think that statement applies to everyone in this room.”

Jayne snorted before she spoke. “You know who would be the best choice for this… Galene Batur.”

“Who’s he?” Madai asked.

She,” Jayne stressed the pronoun, “is the current prime commander of the Andarion armada.”

Nykyrian considered it. “She’s damn good. A little abrasive —”

Fain burst into laughter. “And hell is a just a hot tub. Have you actually met her?”

“Ignore him,” Hauk said to Nykyrian. “He’s still seething over the little prank she played on him in school.”

“It wasn’t a little prank and she’s a nasty piece of work. Besides, the Phrixians won’t follow a female war commander, and with the exception of Darling, the Caronese won’t like it either.”

“Her record is flawless,” Jayne reminded him. “She’s fierce and doesn’t play games with anyone. She rose through the ranks the old fashioned way… she earned them.”

“You’re not seriously considering this?” Fain asked Nykyrian.

Nyk shrugged. “The Qillaq will have a hard time following a male into battle. And we can set her up with a male liaison who can relay her orders to the nations that don’t want to follow a female.”

Madai narrowed his gaze. “And who are you proposing for that?”

Hauk laughed evilly. “I vote Fain. He’s Tavali and has formal military training. Pretty much everyone loves him… Except Galene.”

Fain glared at him.

Hauk grinned at his seething brother. Galene was hell on earth, but he’d always liked her. She’d been extremely kind to him in school.

“I second it,” Darling said with a laugh.

Jayne nodded. “Thirded.”

Nyk inclined his head to them. “Then I’ll talk to her about it.”

“I hate all of you,” Fain snarled. “Bastards.”

A knock sounded on the door.

“Open,” Hauk said.

It slid up to show Syn in the hallway. “Hate to interrupt, but I need to talk to Hauk for a minute, in private.”

He left the others to join Syn outside. “What’s up?”

“I wanted to run something past you before I pitched it to your better half.”

Hauk frowned. “Yeah?”

He took a small vial from his pocket and handed it to Hauk. “I was able to pull a few favors and get that. It’s stronger than Prinum and will completely heal Sumi for her fight tomorrow.”

Impressive, but Hauk could tell by Syn’s tone it wasn’t quite as simple as it sounded. “What is it?”

“Experimental, which is why I’m asking before I say anything to Sumi and have you beat my ass for it. Right now, it’s Compound X943. It’s the latest in medical nanotech from Gouran. There’s only been very limited human trials so far, so we don’t know what, if any, side effects it might have.”

Hauk bit his lip. “What do you think?”

“I wouldn’t have sent for it if I thought it would hurt her in any way. But there’s always an unknown risk factor and I don’t want to make that call without letting both of you know the gamble.”

That was why he was so devoted to Syn. While the Rit could be a pain, he was always honest with his friends. “If it were Shahara?”

“I injected her with worse than that to get her pregnant.”

Now there was something Hauk hadn’t known. “Really?”

Syn nodded. “Believe me, I didn’t want to. But she was so desperate for a baby, and no one, not even the questionable agencies, would let us adopt. It was my last resort, and is why Devyn will remain her only child.”

Hauk still wasn’t sure. On the one hand, he wanted Sumi to have every advantage against Dariana. On the other…

If this went wrong, he’d never forgive himself.

But in the end, it wasn’t his decision to make. While her life meant more to him than anything else in the universe, it was still her life and not his. He would never substitute his reasoning over hers. “Let’s go ask her what she wants to do.”

He led Syn back upstairs where the women and Maris and Ture were still in Kalea’s room. As soon as he opened the door, he froze at the sight of mother and daughter in matching tunics and leggings, while they were placing the same exact outfit on Kalea’s doll.

Now that was adorable and hilarious.

And rather frightening.

Sumi looked up at him with a bright smile that wrenched his gut. She kissed Kalea’s cheek and handed her off to his grandmother before she excused herself.

Hauk glanced over to the other clerks who’d come with clothes for Sumi. He’d forgotten about them. But luckily, they were packing to leave. “Sorry to disturb you.”

She scoffed. “Baby, you never disturb me. I welcome your presence anytime.” She gave him a quick kiss that made him ache for an empty house and open schedule. “What do you need?”

He inclined his head to Syn, who quickly explained the drug to her.

She frowned as she considered it. “What do you think?” she asked Hauk.

“I trust Syn completely, but it’s up to you. I won’t make this call.”

She rubbed his arm. “Then let’s do it. As long as we have enemies after us, I don’t want to be down. I need all my fighting strength.”

“All right. I’ll get it ready. As soon as you’re done here, we’ll inject it.”

She smiled at him. “Thank you, Syn.”

“Don’t thank me yet. Just remember, if you grow another head or other appendage, I did warn you it was experimental.” He headed off.

Laughing, Sumi took Hauk’s hand as Kiara showed the clerks out of the house. “Want to come see what I’ve picked out to wear? Give it your Andarion approval?”

He offered her a lopsided grin. “I’m sure I’ll like whatever you’ve chosen. Besides,” he leaned in to whisper in her ear, “I prefer you naked.”

She tsked at him. “I don’t think you’d let me leave the house like that. But I did pick out a dress very similar to Eleron’s for dinner at the palace.”

All the humor left him. “Excuse me?”

She laughed. “So you do care.”

“Relax, Hauk,” Shahara called from inside the room. “Her sedate taste in clothing makes mine look like a hooker’s.”

That made him feel a lot better. Shahara had always been very circumspect in her wardrobe choices.

“Daddy! Look!” Kalea came running up with her doll fully clothed. “We all match!”

Kneeling down, he smiled at her. “So you do.”

“You need to get leggings and a shirt like ours! Then you can match us, too!”

“Um… yeah. I don’t think I’d be so adorable in it.”

“He’d also get beaten up by smelly boys,” Maris said with a laugh.

Kalea arched her brow. “Really?”

“Probably.” Hauk ruffled her hair. “And I’d be teased by your uncle, Fain, until I was forced to kill him.”

“Oh. We can’t have that. Never mind.” She ran back to Lillya.

As he rose to his feet, Sumi tugged gently on his arm. “What’s bothering you?”

“Besides the fact that I have to put the woman I love in a ring to fight for my worthless ass tomorrow?”

“Yeah. I can tell something else is on your mind.”

Hauk hesitated before he answered. “One of our bases was attacked and destroyed.”

Zarya, Desideria, and Shahara drew closer.

Maris joined them. “What happened?”

“League. What else? Kyr escaped and went after them.” Just as Hauk started to tell Maris his family was downstairs, he felt a hush come over the room.

Looking toward the door, he saw Nyk with Madai, Safir, and two men he assumed must be Maris’s father and the brother who was the heir to the Phrixian throne. Like Mari, they both had black hair and dark eyes.

For several seconds, no one moved or spoke as the emperor glared at his disinherited son. Not until Kalea whispered loudly to Hauk’s grandmother. “Are they good men or bad men, Yaya?”

Nykyrian was the first to recover from the awkward silence. “Emperor Zatyr and Prince Zander wanted to meet the princess Safir and his brothers saved.” He gestured to Hauk’s grandmother first. “I present to Your Majesty and Highness the Ger Tarra of the Warring Blood Clan of Hauk, Corinne.”

She rose and gave a slight bow. “It’s an honor to meet your graces. I cannot thank you enough for coming to the aid of my grandson and his daughter.”

Zatyr inclined his head to her. “The honor is ours, Ger Tarra.”

Sumi picked up Kalea and brought her over to them.

Nykyrian indicated Hauk first. “And the Most Valorous, Dancer of the Warring Blood Clan of Hauk.”

Hauk saluted them in turn. “Sire. Your Highness. I am forever in your debt for my daughter’s life. It is a debt of blood I will forever honor.”

They were both impressed that Hauk knew better than to thank them, since there was no word for that in Phrixian. To their people, everything was a matter of duty, honor, and blood debt.

Zatyr returned his salute. “It was our duty and honor to rectify the wrong done to your family by a member of ours. His behavior will not go unpunished, I assure you.”

Inclining his head respectfully to the emperor, Hauk stepped back and placed his hand on Sumi’s shoulder. “Allow me to present to you Her Royal Highness, Sumi of the Most Sovereign Blood Clan of eton Anatole, and our daughter, the Princess Kalea.”

Sumi bowed low. “As Dancer said, Your Majesty, we are forever indebted to you and yours for your help in reclaiming our daughter.”

Zatyr scowled. “What did you say?”

Sumi swallowed hard at his severe tone. Had she said something wrong? “We are forever indebted to you and yours.”

He looked at Zander then Madai. “That is the voice, is it not?”

Before they could answer, Safir stepped forward to address her. “Highness? Are you the one who called my father about me?”

Sumi didn’t know what to say. She glanced to Dancer to see what would be appropriate, but it was Maris who responded to them.

“She is, indeed.”

Saf gaped at Maris. “You knew?”

He nodded. “It was also the first thing she said to me when I met her. She wanted to make sure you were freed.”

All four of them went down on a knee to bow before Sumi, who panicked over that.

Maris placed his hand on Sumi’s arm so that he could explain why they did such. “That is the greatest honor a Phrixian can bestow on another. And for them to do so before a woman is an extremely rare occurrence and distinction. What they do is a blood oath of service to you, and it acknowledges a family debt. It means that for the rest of your life, they will protect you and yours.”

Sumi duplicated the gesture. “Majesty. Highnesses. You’ve already paid me back with interest.” She tightened her hold on Kalea, who was watching them with wide eyes.

His expression stone, the emperor met her gaze. “I lost a son when he wasn’t much older than your daughter, Highness. I had to stand back as my enemies took him from my home and do nothing to reclaim him.”

He slid a furious glare to Maris, who was now every bit as pissed off. “When he returned years later, he wasn’t the same child I had sent away. No longer obedient or respectful, he was angry and bitter. Filled with hatred for us all. And I was forced to lose him again, because of the choices he made against our culture and his family. There is no greater sadness than to say good-bye to a child, no matter the age. It is our honor to return your daughter to you before she was infected or corrupted by those who imprisoned her. It is our hope that she brings the same honor and pride to you that my Safir has brought to us. While all of my remaining sons are the best of our species, Safir has always shone above them. I would have been inconsolable had I lost him to such needless dishonor. And while you believe that the return of your daughter is equal to the sparing of my son, I respectfully disagree. All of Phrixus is in your debt for your service to my crown and our family.” And with that, he rose and led his sons from the room.

Except for Safir, who remained. He drew Maris into a tight hug and said something in Phrixian to him.

Closing his eyes, Maris patted him on the back. “You were always your father’s favorite.”

“And you were always mine. I love you, big brother.” Releasing Maris, Saf stepped back and turned to Ture. “I can’t leave without seeing my favorite little nephew. How’s it hanging, Big T?” He knelt down by Ture’s side and peeked at the baby in Ture’s lap. “And baby T… aren’t you walking yet?”

Ture laughed. “He’s still a few months away from that.”

Saf tickled his nephew, who laughed in response. “Just wait, Terek, I’ll have you cruising babes in no time.”

Hauk snorted. “From what I hear, you need to cruise a few less.”

Safir kissed Terek’s head before he stood. “Just making up for lost time.” He placed his uninjured arm over his chest and bowed to Sumi. “Thank you for what you did. Kyr would have killed me had you not called my father.”

Sumi swallowed hard at the swell of emotions she felt for Safir. He was a good man and she was glad to have helped him. “I just wish I could have called sooner.”

Saf winked at her. “It’s all good.” He placed a hand on Kalea’s head. “And you, little princess… returning you to your parents is my greatest accomplishment so far. I can’t think of anything that will ever top this.”

Frowning, Kalea reached out and touched his sling. “You have a boo-boo?”

“I do.”

She leaned forward and kissed his arm. “Did I make it better?”

Saf laughed at her. “Yes, you did, princess.” He bowed to her. “Thank you.”


He winced at his father’s angry call before he glanced back to Maris.

Maris kissed his cheek. “You better go before he decides he likes Dray better.”

Saf snorted. “I defy him to do that… especially after the way I kicked Dray’s rank ass for what he did to you. Bastard’s still limping from it. Trust me, he won’t ever be after you again. I made sure of it.” He hugged Maris. “Love you, Mare-Bear.”

“Love you, too.”

Saf inclined his head to them then left.

Hauk frowned at Maris. “I thought only Darling called you Mare-Bear.”

Maris laughed. “What can I say? He taught Saf all kinds of bad habits.”

Sumi set Kalea down so that she could return to playing. “In spite of what your father said, I can’t imagine you angry and disrespectful, never mind bitter.”

Maris passed a knowing look to Hauk. “You didn’t meet me until better days. I’m not the same person I was when I was a commissioned officer in the Phrixian armada.” He moved to take Ture’s hand. “I like this Mari a lot better than that one. This model actually has a sense of humor and a most smashing wardrobe.”

Ture cleared his throat.

Maris swung Ture’s hand between them. “And the best hubby ever.”

Sumi laughed. “Not that Ture isn’t wonderful, but I think you’ll find a room full of us who would argue for that title.”

Desideria snorted. “You know what my mother always said? The first two years of marriage, you’ll want to eat him up. After that, you’ll wish you had.”

They laughed.

Sumi looked at Shahara. “You agree?”

“At times, yes. Remember, I’m the one who lives with a mad scientist, who loves to experiment on things.”

Zarya snorted. “Yes, but yours never wrapped himself up in explosives and threatened to blow up an entire city and his royal guard corps.”

Hauk let out a low, teasing whistle. “And on that, I’m out. But before I go, I will say this. Yes, my brothers are extreme, but I like them that way. Besides, there aren’t that many men in the universe who would kick down a League prison door, raid an assassin base camp, or start an intergalactic war to protect their spouses. Bat-shit crazy works for us.”

Sumi wrinkled her nose at him. “And crazy looks good on you, baby.”

“This is one of them times where they usually smooch and make noises,” Lillya whispered loudly to Kalea.

Hauk groaned as he looked to Desideria, who was blushing profusely. “FYI, you and Cai really need to move your daughter’s room farther down the hall.”

“Apparently so. Gah, I’m going to kill my husband.”

Zarya shifted Cezar in her lap. “Am I the only one who lives in stark-raving terror of the stories our children will one day tell about their parents?”

Hauk snorted. “Honestly? My fears are the stories about them that they won’t dare allow us to know.”

Hours later, Hauk lay naked in bed with Sumi in his arms. She’d fallen asleep on his chest. Her breath tickled his skin while he listened to her heart beating and fingered the small bruise on her arm from the shot Syn had given her. He’d tried to sleep, too, but that was an elusive bitch who had no use for him tonight.

In truth, he was afraid to close his eyes and lose his vigil. He had a bad feeling in his gut that nothing would shake. He had too much to lose now, and it was slowly making him crazy.

“El,” he whispered. “Show me Kalea.”

His monitor came on instantly to show her asleep in her bed in the next room. There were two Andarion guards stationed at the foot of her bed. They sat quietly playing a game of squerin. Meanwhile, two more were stationed outside her door, and another dozen patrolled his yard.

And still he was unsettled.

Sighing, he wrapped a strand of Sumi’s pale hair around his finger and prayed for everything to work out tomorrow. For Syn’s medicine to cure her, and for her to beat Dariana into the ground.

Actually, that wasn’t true. He bore no ill will toward Dariana. Not really. He just wanted to be free of her treachery and schemes. Why she’d refused to move on and find another husband, he’d never understand.

But then, she hated him.

Shaking his head, he pushed Dariana out of his thoughts. He didn’t want to dwell on that when he had such a beautiful woman on top of him. He lifted her hand to his lips and nibbled the soft skin on her palm. Nyk was right. She’d tamed the fury inside him that had driven him the whole of his life.

He had no desire to ever leave her arms. She and Kalea were an integral part of him now. The best part. Their smiles and love filled the ache that had been there for so long, he hadn’t even paid attention to it anymore.

Sumi sighed in her sleep and rubbed her face against him. His body hardened instantly, causing him to smile. He should be well sated for at least a month or more, given how long they’d made love after dinner. But there was something about her that always left him hungry for her.

Closing his eyes, he tightened his arms around her and let the warmth of her silken body soothe him. Tomorrow would decide their fate.


In that moment, he wanted to run with her. To leave behind everything and everyone. But that would put them in even more danger. They were at war with The League and Kyr. On Andaria, Sumi and Kalea were royalty. No one would dare touch them.

On any other planet, Sumi was a League fugitive with a death sentence, and Kalea was a weakness to be used against her. And while he’d fight to his last breath for them both, he knew he couldn’t always be with them.

It has to be done.

He wanted to believe it would be fine. But deep in his gut that feeling of dread persisted.

Something was coming for them, and it would be lethal.

“How dare you!”

Darice didn’t speak as his mother glared at him. He merely continued playing his game as if she wasn’t there.

Until she snatched it from his hands and threw it on the ground. “I want you in the transport. Now!”


She backhanded him. “You will do as you’re told!”

Darice wiped the blood from his lips before he stood to glare at her. “I want no part of your schemes. You’ve lied to me, and you’ve hurt Dancer for too long. I will never again sleep under the same roof as you. Not until you make this right.”

“You would side with a human-loving giakon?”

He slid his gaze to his mother’s best friend, who stood silently, watching them. “Funny you should use that word to insult him.”

His mother slapped him hard and shoved him back. “Careful what accusations fall from your lips, boy.”

Curling his lip, Darice stiffened. “I’m not a boy anymore. I’m an adult. I can legally make my own choices.”

“And I can disown you.”

“Go ahead,” he challenged her defiantly. “You might as well, since you can’t use me to tie my uncle to you anymore. That is the only reason I was born, isn’t it? And it’s the only reason you’re pregnant now.”

Before she could answer, the door opened to admit his gre yaya.

She drew up short at the sight of her unexpected visitors. Her gaze went to Pera first and then to him and his mother. “Dariana… to what do I owe this honor?”

His mother turned her head to peer at his great-grandmother over her shoulder. “I came for my son. His place is with me and my family, not here with you.”

She frowned at the sight of Darice’s face. “You hit him?”

“He is my son. I’m allowed to discipline him when he needs it.”

“And what has he done to warrant your wrath?”

Darice answered before his mother had the chance. “I’ve refused to leave with her.”

“He chooses that deformed, hideous —”

Darice cut her off with a growl. “Dancer is a formidable warrior who has bled for me, and I will not have you dishonor him. Ever again.”

“Agreed,” his great-grandmother said. “He is my beloved grandson and when you speak of him, it will be with respect in your voice.”

Dariana glared at them both. Then she turned back to Darice. “Fine. Stay here. But know that you will never again be welcomed into my home.”

“I shall endeavor not to cry over that tragedy,” he said sarcastically. “And I hope tomorrow that Sumi avenges Dancer, and you receive the full balance of the payback you’ve earned… Matarra.”

By the look on her face, he knew she wanted to strike him again, but didn’t dare do it in front of his father’s grandmother. “You will regret this decision.”

Darice scoffed. “The only thing I regret are all the times I let you use me to hurt my uncles.”

She reached for his shoulder.

“Scar him in my home, Dariana, and Princess Sumi will be the least of your fears.”

She turned on her heel and glared at his great-grandmother. “Tomorrow, after I beat that human whore into the ground, and remove her head from her shoulders, I assure you that all of you will regret this night. And this time, I won’t simply reject Dancer’s pledge. I will demand Restitution for what he’s done, and turn your precious grandson into a granddaughter.” She glared at Darice. “And you will spend the rest of your putrid life wishing you could take back your actions here.”
