
My fabulous and much-loved agents, Scott Miller and Frank Wuliger, and Sarah Self for their fine representation and help.

My spectacular editor, Marc Resnick, who makes me glad every day that I decided to try this novel thing, and the lovely and talented Sarah Lumnah, for her help and support.

Again, Marc and Sarah, and Sally Richardson, Matthew Shear, Katy Herschberger, Talia Ross, Matt Baldacci, and the entire St. Martin’s Press team.

Michael Gorn of the Boston PD Crime Lab, for his extraordinary willingness to share his knowledge and expertise. The mistakes I have made and liberties I have taken are solely mine.

The awesome Beth Tindall, webmistress; and Michael Miller, Sheila English, and Adam Auerbach for their art.

Sarah Langan, Sarah Pinborough, and Rhodi Hawk, dark soul sisters under the skin.

Kimball Greenough, for his extraordinary contributions to this story and my understanding of the forces.

Rhodi Hawk, Laura Benedict, Sarah Shaber, Brenda Witchger, Elaine Sokoloff, Franz Metcalf, and Jess Winfield for their early reads and phenomenal notes.

The whole gang at, for teaching me the business every day.

Heather Graham, F. Paul Wilson, Harley Jane Kozak, the Pozz’s, and the Slush Pile Players—the best reward for finishing writing.

The Coven, because a girl just needs her witches.

The authors, officers, and staffs of Sisters in Crime, International Thriller Writers, Mystery Writers of America, Horror Writers of America, and Romance Writers of America, for creating these incredible communities.
