Leo stood at the shoreline, watching me with concern. I put the ring above the water and asked it to tell him what had happened.
Too far, the ring said.
‘Damn,’ I said. Leo would be panicking. I put my snorkel back in and headed towards the shore.
Leo swam out and met me halfway. I stopped and took the snorkel out again. We floated in the water together.
‘She’s okay, don’t worry,’ I said. ‘She can breathe the water. The Dragon’s taken her to try out some stuff. I’ve had enough. I’m going back.’
Leo swam beside me back to the beach.
When I pulled myself out of the water, I threw off the goggles and fins and collapsed onto the mat, panting.
‘You need to do more physical stuff,’ Leo said. ‘You’ve been doing far too much energy work lately.’
I gave him a push. ‘Thank you very much.’ I turned onto my back. ‘She forgot to put her snorkel back in and was breathing the water. She dived down to look at the reef. The Dragon came and took her out for,’ I laughed, ‘a field trip.’
‘Damn, Emma, that’s amazing,’ Leo said, looking out over the water.
‘Not surprising, though. Her father can do it too. If you’re with him, holding his hand, you can breathe the water as well.’
Leo glanced at me, then obviously decided against asking. He grinned. ‘Want a coconut?’ He gestured next to him on the mat. Three young coconuts sat there with their tops chopped off and straws stuck into them.
‘Thanks,’ I said, and took one. The milk inside was clear and sweet, the flesh like jelly. It was ice-cold and refreshing. ‘Nice young one. Where’d you get them?’
‘There’s a kiosk at the end of the beach,’ Leo said.
I faced the water next to Leo. ‘You ever seen the Dragon in True Form?’
‘He’s at least twenty metres long. Huge.’
‘Gave me the shock of my life when I turned around under the water. His head was right next to me.’
Leo laughed softly.
We sat silently together on the beach and waited for them to return.
Simone and the Dragon reappeared about an hour later. They climbed out of the water together. The Dragon wore a pair of plain grey swim shorts and had made his hair short and black. He was elegant, slim and muscular.
Simone had lost the goggles somewhere along the way, but she still had the fins. She stopped to pull them off, and fell over in the water. She lay in the water and removed them as the Dragon stood and watched her with amusement.
Simone came up the beach and fell into Leo’s lap. She smiled up at him. ‘We’re going to the other island now. There’s better reef there and I’m going to jump off the boat.’
‘Lady, Lion,’ the Dragon said, still smiling, ‘if you will come with me, we will return to the boat and moor for a while off Manukan.’
Leo grabbed Simone and threw her over his shoulder, then hoisted himself up quickly, making her shriek with delight. He carried her towards the jetty, her arms slapping loosely on his back as he walked.
‘Faster, Leo!’ Simone squealed, and he ran, making her bounce on his shoulder.
The Dragon sighed, shook his head, and gestured for me to follow. A couple of smiling demon staff, in the form of young Malays, walked from the jetty to pack up for us.
‘Is she very unusual, being able to breathe the water like that?’ I said as we headed back to the boat.
‘Not even young half human dragons can do it,’ the Dragon said. ‘She really is exceptional. Very talented.’
‘She needs to be able to defend herself against big demons when her father goes,’ I said.
‘Yes,’ the Dragon said reluctantly. ‘That, I’m afraid, will be the most important skill of all.’
‘What if she can’t handle anything bigger than about level sixty when he goes?’ I said. ‘What do we do then?’
‘She will still be too small to travel to the Plane,’ the Dragon said. ‘You should just hope that he doesn’t go before she can handle just about anything. What about yourself?’
My shoulders sagged. ‘Not higher than about level forty bare-handed,’ I said.
The Dragon stopped. ‘You can handle up to level forty without a weapon?’
I turned to him. ‘I know. Similar with energy. With a weapon, nothing bigger than about level fifty.’
‘What about the Serpent?’ the Dragon said.
I started walking again, the Dragon at my side. ‘It’s a lot better. Apparently it’s taken out a whole heap of level sixty-fives with energy.’
‘I don’t remember any of it,’ I said.
‘What are you, Lady Emma?’ the Dragon said softly.
‘I wish the hell I knew,’ I said. ‘Want to have a look inside? Xuan Wu’s looked. Bai Hu’s looked. Neither of them found anything except for this enormous damn snake thing, which isn’t there most of the time. My guess is that I’m an engineered demon, ’cause I spent a lot of time with the brains behind One Two Two’s operation before I went to work for Xuan Wu. She took samples off me and a lot of blood. She thought she could control me. They probably did something to me, and that’s why I am what I am.’
‘You don’t look like a demon,’ the Dragon said.
‘Have a look inside,’ I said. ‘If you can tell me what I am, I’d be absolutely goddamn thrilled.’
‘You are sure, my Lady?’ the Dragon said. ‘I would see everything, you know.’
‘Everybody else has,’ I said miserably. ‘One more can’t hurt.’
We were at the boat. Simone was sitting on Leo’s lap and talking excitedly into his face about what she’d done with the Dragon.
‘I think I would prefer to have the Dark Lord’s permission first,’ the Dragon said after contemplating for a while. He boarded the boat and took my hand to help me on. ‘After he has finished with Kwan Yin, he can supervise.’ He released my hand. ‘I would love to see inside, I must admit. You are rather like an iceberg, Emma. Nothing much on the outside, but a great deal of hidden depth.’
‘Can we have lunch before we jump off the boat, Uncle Qing?’ Simone said loudly. ‘I’m hungry.’
‘If that is your wish, my Lady, then it is my command,’ the Dragon said. He gestured and we pulled away from the dock, the demon staff busy with the ropes. The engines roared and the fresh breeze ruffled my hair. I took a deep breath and decided to live for the now.
The sky was a brilliant crystalline blue, but paler than I was accustomed to. The hill before me rose smoothly, covered in short green grass that almost appeared to be a tailored lawn.
I felt a jolt of joy. Home! Green and crystal and beautiful. If I could have sighed with bliss I would have.
I slithered up the hill, enjoying the feeling of the scratchy grass beneath my belly.
Hundreds of other snakes headed up the hill around me. All about the same size as me, and all as black as I was. We glittered.
Another snake was close enough to talk to, and I spoke to it without stopping. ‘What’s at the top of the hill?’
‘Blood,’ the other serpent said without looking towards me. ‘Blood and power.’
Suddenly the need for blood, the hunger, was so intense it was almost painful. I slithered faster.
But I woke before I reached the top of the hill.
By the fifth day John was a different person. He was lively and happy and sparkled with energy.
Leo had relaxed as well. He hadn’t mentioned it, but he had been feeling unwell; I could see it. The ulcers had stopped recurring by the third day, and I couldn’t practise my healing skills on him any more.
On the sixth day John decided over lunch to take a half day to spend with us. Simone was delighted. We went back to Sapi, and John and Simone spent more than an hour together on the reef. After they had emerged, John and I sat at the edge of the water watching Simone as she played. She had a little net and caught the small fish in the shallows, talking to herself as she did it.
‘You eat fish?’ I said.
‘Which form?’
‘Human, no. Turtle,’ he said as he shifted slightly, ‘sometimes.’ He smiled gently, still watching Simone. ‘I’m not sure you want to know too much about my dietary habits in True Form, Emma.’
‘Turtles are cute.’
‘Turtles are generally carrion eaters when they crave flesh,’ John said. ‘Cat food is second best.’
‘You had to know.’ He grinned at me, then his face softened, pensive. ‘Nothing quite like a well-ripened whale carcass that’s been floating in the sun and the salt for a few days. You humans have robbed us of one of our greatest pleasures.’ He laughed, his shoulders moving. ‘It revolted Michelle; she didn’t want to see me eat at all. Good thing I didn’t have both.’
‘The Turtle and the Serpent?’
He nodded. ‘Hn. Just Turtle.’
As if in answer to his saying the word, a large sea turtle swam right up to the beach and rested its head on the sand between us. Simone dropped her net and raced to stand behind it, her eyes wide with wonder.
‘Move away from it, Simone,’ John said quietly. ‘Come behind me.’ His face was expressionless. ‘I told you I did not want to see you.’
The green turtle watched him, its eyes sad.
‘Go,’ he said, glancing sharply away from it.
It transformed and I gasped. Simone squeaked behind John.
For a moment I thought there were two Dark Lords on the beach. In human form, the turtle was a young Chinese man appearing to be in his mid-twenties. He was golden and muscular and had long black hair hanging loose over his shoulders. His face had some softer angles than John’s, but there was a remarkable resemblance. He lay on his belly as the turtle had done, half in and half out of the water. He rose to his knees. He wore a simple pair of plain dark green long pants.
‘I wish to offer my services,’ he said, ‘my Lord.’
John didn’t look at him. He didn’t say a word. His face was an expressionless mask.
‘You need me,’ the young man said quietly. ‘You don’t have much more time.’
John shot to his feet, strode into the water and disappeared below the surface.
The young man turned and sat next to me. ‘Good day, my Lady,’ he said without looking away from the water. ‘My name is Ming Gui, but you can call me Martin, if you like.’ He smiled at Simone. ‘Hello.’
‘Hello.’ Simone studied him curiously, then came around him to sit in my lap. ‘Who are you?’
‘I’m your big brother. But our dad is mad at me and hasn’t spoken to me for centuries. That’s the first word he’s said to me in over two hundred years.’
Simone’s eyes went very wide. ‘You’re my brother?’
He nodded quietly. ‘Hn.’ Something inside me squeezed tight. He was definitely John’s son. The resemblance was devastating.
‘What are you, Martin?’ I said.
‘I’m just a little turtle Shen,’ he said, turning back to the water. ‘If you want me to go, just say so.’
‘He’s mad at you?’
He nodded again. ‘I did something very wrong. He lost a great deal of face. Both of us did. The entire House of the North was shamed. He still hasn’t forgiven me.’ He sighed. ‘I wonder if he ever will.’
‘What did you do?’
‘Not in front of my sister.’
He stiffened and froze. His face went blank. Simone’s face went blank as well. Then he and Simone turned to each other and smiled.
Simone approached and studied him closely. ‘You look a lot like Daddy.’
He nodded, his eyes sparkling. ‘Thank you.’
‘Can you do the Arts?’ she said.
‘That’s why I’m here,’ he said. ‘I think you may need me very soon.’
‘When Daddy goes,’ she said.
He nodded.
‘Did somebody just talk to you?’ I said.
‘Daddy introduced us to each other,’ Simone said.
‘He doesn’t want to be on the same beach as me,’ Martin said. He sighed with feeling. ‘Still hasn’t forgiven me.’
‘I’d really like to know what you did,’ I said.
‘I’ll drop by and tell you about it later, if you like,’ he said. ‘We can talk about the future as well. Whether you are willing to take me up on my offer, after he’s out of the picture.’
‘I’m asking Xuan Wu if I can trust you first,’ I said.
He turned back to the water. ‘Go right ahead.’
Leo came up and sat down next to Martin. He reached across Martin and offered me a young coconut with a straw sticking out. ‘Thanks,’ I said, and waited for it.
Leo offered one to Martin, saw Martin’s face and stopped dead. He stared, speechless.
Martin smiled gently at Leo. ‘Hello, Lion. My name is Ming Gui and I’m the son of the Dark Lord.’
‘You’re Martin?’ Leo finally said.
Martin’s smile didn’t shift as he nodded.
‘Michelle told me about you.’ Leo put the coconuts carefully onto the mat. He brushed his hands on his shorts, then held out his huge hand. ‘Pleased to meet you.’
Martin shook his hand and his grin broadened. ‘I’m delighted to finally meet you.’ He stiffened. His face froze.
‘Bye, Martin,’ Simone said, her voice full of disappointment. ‘Sorry.’
‘Bye, Simone,’ Martin said kindly. ‘I hope I’ll see you again soon.’
Simone hesitated, then walked up to him, threw her little arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled with genuine delight and gave her a hug.
‘I’m glad I’ve got a brother,’ she whispered.
‘I’m glad I have a sister,’ Martin whispered back. He pulled away to smile at her. ‘He’s on his way, I’d better move. If he sees me here he’ll have my shell for breakfast.’
He saluted me quickly, shaking his hands in front of his face. ‘Lady Emma. I may come and see you later, if you are not with my father.’ He touched Leo’s hand. ‘You’re everything I’ve heard.’ Leo’s face was a mask of restraint.
Martin transformed into a turtle, pulled himself clumsily into the water, and then disappeared swiftly underneath.
‘He was nice,’ Simone said. ‘I’d like to see him again.’
‘So would I,’ Leo said softly.
John appeared out of the water and flopped onto his stomach on the beach.
I didn’t know what to say. Martin was obviously a problem for him. Eventually I decided to tackle it head-on.
‘Can I trust him?’
‘Yes,’ John grunted, then lay dark, silent and unmoving on the beach. Conversation closed.