Affinite: person with a special ability or a connection to physical or metaphysical elements; ranges from a heightened sense of the element to ability to manipulate or generate the element
blackstone: stone mined from the Krazyast Triangle; the single element immune to Affinite manipulation and known to diminish or block Affinities
bratika: brother
chokolad: cocoa-based sweet
contessya: countess
copperstone: lowest-value coin
dacha: house
dama: lady
deimhov: demon
Deys: Deity
Deys’voshk: poison that effects Affinites and is used to subdue them; also known as Deities’ Water
Fyrva’snezh: First Snows
goldleaf: highest-value coin
guzhkyn gerbil: pet rodent from the Guzhkyn region in southern Cyrilia
Imperator: Emperor
Imperatorya: Empress
Imperya: Empire
kapitan: captain
kechyan: traditional Cyrilian robe typically made of patterned silk
kologne: scented perfume
kolst: glorious
kommertsya: commerce
konsultant: consultant
mamika: “little mother”; term of endearment for “aunt”
mesyr: mister
pelmeny: dumplings with fillings of minced meat, onions, and herbs
pirozhky: fried pie with sweet or savory fillings
pryntsessa: princess
ptychy’moloko: bird’s milk cake
Redcloak: rebels; a play on the colloquialism “Whitecloak”
silverleaf: medium-value coin
sistrika: sister
sunwine: mulled wine made in the summer with honey and spice
valkryf: breed of horse; a valuable steed with split toes and an incomparable ability to climb mountains and weather cold temperatures
varyshki: expensive bull leather
Vyntr’makt: winter market; outdoor markets usually established in town squares prior to the arrival of winter
Whitecloak: colloquialism for “Imperial Patrol”
yaeger: rare Affinite whose connection is to another person’s Affinity; they can sense Affinites and control one’s Affinity