Cora rolled over slowly and sat up. She scowled at her misshapen ankle. ‘Just great.’

‘Does it hurt much?’ Vivian asked.

‘It hurts like shit.’

‘Now what’ll we do?’ Abilene asked.

‘Sit here and wait for it to heal,’ Finley suggested.

Ignoring her, Cora said, ‘I guess I can use the shotgun as a crutch. But we’d better start by stabilizing my damn ankle. I don’t want it flopping around. We’ll need some splints.’

Abilene stretched out flat on the pier. She looked down through the gap and saw the splintered ends of the plank that had snapped under Cora’s weight. Still nailed at the top, the two sections of board drooped toward the water. She grabbed one, pulled it up, and jerked it from side to side. The nails squawked as they were tom from their moorings.

She stood the slat upright. With Batty’s knife, she split it down the middle. She broke each board across her knee. When she was done, she had two usable pieces of wood, each a couple of inches wide and nearly a foot in length.

‘Perfect,’ Cora said.

Grinning, Finley said, ‘Hickok, you’re a regular Boy Scout.’

‘Taking the makeshift splints from Abilene, Cora pressed them against both sides of her ankle. ‘Now we need to bind them in place.’

‘Belts,’ Finley suggested. She lifted the hanging front of her shirt, looked down at her waistband, and frowned.

‘You took it off to tie up Batty,’ Abilene reminded her.

‘Oh, yeah. So where the… jeez, did I leave it there?’

‘I guess so.’

‘Well, shit.’

‘That’s all right,’ Abilene said. ‘I’ve still got mine.’ She unbuckled it.

As she pulled it from the loops of her denim skirt, Vivian said, ‘Batty’s got my shoes, Finley’s belt…’

‘Improving his wardrobe,’ Finley said.

‘Cora’s tire iron. Anything of yours?’ she asked, looking at Abilene.

‘Not unless you count the water bottle.’

‘The old bat’s got quite a collection of stuff,’ Finley said.

‘That’s what I’m thinking,’ Vivian said.

‘While you’re thinking,’ Abilene told her, ‘give me your belt.’ Vivian unfastened it and pulled it from the loops of her white shorts. ‘Can’t he use that kind of stuff for casting spells? You know, personal possessions of people?’ She passed the belt to Abilene.

‘Here we go with hexes again,’ Cora said.

As she buckled her belt to Vivian’s, Abilene said, ‘They use things like fingernail trimmings and hair. I’ve never heard of working black magic with someone’s shoe… or tire iron.’

‘It’s not my tire iron, anyway,’ Cora pointed out ‘Came from a rent-a-car, remember?’

‘But you were carrying it.’

‘Could we just forget all this curse shit? We’ve got real things to worry about, okay? Like, for instance, my ankle.’

‘Should we leave your shoe on?’ Abilene asked.

‘Yeah. It’ll give me some extra support.’

While Cora held the splints in place, Abilene wound the connected belts around them. She overlapped the leather end to secure it, then worked her way downward, wrapped the strap a couple of times under her heel, worked her way back up the ankle and shoved the end buckle between two tight layers of leather.

‘Pretty good,’ Cora said.

‘It might come undone after a while, but…’

‘As long as it’ll get me back to the lodge. Plenty of stuff in the car we can use to bandage it better. Let’s get moving.’

Vivian lifted Cora from behind while Finley and Abilene pulled her up by the arms. Braced on her left leg, she tucked the shoulder stock of the shotgun under her right armpit and put much of her weight on it. With Abilene supporting her from the other side, she turned around.

‘We’ll go ahead,’ Vivian said. ‘Try to step where we step.’ She put an arm around Finley. Side by side, they matched strides and stepped together onto each plank. Abilene and Cora followed them, Abilene struggling to hold Cora steady, Cora hopping along on her good leg, the shotgun barrels clumping each time she planted them against the wood.

‘You doing okay?’ Cora asked.

‘Just a little nervous.’

It’s like walking across a frozen lake, Abilene thought. Feeling the ice give a little every time you step down. Hearing it groan and crackle. Knowing it’s going to collapse. Waiting for the drop.

She was awash with sweat, panting for air, and muscles all over her body seemed to be twitching. Partly from the exertion, she thought. But mostly from fear, from expecting the drop.

Vivian and Finley, only a short distance in front of them, took one final stride and stepped ashore. They turned around to watch.

‘You’ll make it fine,’ Vivian said.

‘No sweat,’ Finley added.

It felt to Abilene like a miracle when she finally placed a foot on solid ground.

‘Let’s make it to the top,’ Cora gasped. ‘Then we’ll rest.’

Abilene grunted in response. Vivian and Finley stepped aside to make way for them. The ground was level for a few feet, then slanted upward toward the edge of the forest. The boards of the dock had been nearly dry, but the grass and weeds were still wet from the rain.

They struggled slowly up the embankment, being careful not to slip. The muzzles of the shotgun sank into the moist earth, and Cora had to yank them free after each step. Like Abilene, she was panting for air and drenched with sweat. Her right side, bare where Abilene clung to it above the armhole of her tank top, was hot and slippery. Her left arm felt like a massive weight across Abilene’s shoulders.

They were halfway to the top when hands pushed against Abilene’s rump. She couldn’t look around, but realized that Finley and Vivian must’ve decided to help.

It’s like when I was towing the boat, she thought.

Cora no longer felt quite so heavy leaning on her and the slope seemed less steep.

When she reached the top, a pinch through her denim skirt revealed the identity of her helper.

‘Ouch! Fin, you creep!’

‘Couldn’t resist.’

The three of them lowered Cora to the ground. Then Abilene flopped down beside her. Though twigs and rocks poked against her, the grass felt cool and wonderful. She lay there, struggling for air.

‘That was probably the worst of it,’ Vivian said, sitting down nearby. ‘The rest’ll be pretty level.’

‘It won’t be easy,’ Abilene said.

‘I’ll take over for you,’ Vivian told her.

‘Yeah,’ Finley said. ‘We can trade off every few minutes.’

‘Who’s gonna trade off with me?’ Cora asked.

‘You’re the jock around here,’ Finley said. ‘This oughta be a snap.’


‘Too bad it wasn’t one of us,’ Vivian said.

‘Speak for yourself,’ Finley told her. Abilene didn’t look up, but she was certain Finley must be smirking.

‘Would’ve been better,’ Vivian went on. ‘Cora’s the biggest.’

‘And heaviest,’ Abilene muttered.

‘Hell, yes,’ Finley said. ‘That’s how she broke the pier.’

‘You guys are a riot.’

‘If one of us had the busted ankle,’ Vivian continued, ‘Cora could’ve carried us out.’

‘Maybe Batty planned it this way,’ Abilene said, and wondered if she was kidding. ‘To keep us from leaving. Broke the board under Cora to disable the strongest of us.’

‘Get real,’ Cora muttered. ‘It broke because it broke.’

‘None of the others did,’ Vivian pointed out.

‘I guess that proves it,’ Finley said. ‘Old Batty’s gone and put the whammy on us. We’re doomed for sure.’ This time, nobody laughed.

Abilene unbuttoned her blouse and spread it open. She felt a mild breeze stir over her skin, cooling the sweat. ‘Whammy or not,’ she said, ‘we’ve sure been running into a lot of crap ever since we went to Batty’s place.’

‘My friend,’ said Finley, ‘the crap started before that. Just ask Helen.’

They made their way slowly through the woods, Cora hobbling along with the aid of the shotgun, Vivian supporting her. They didn’t get far, however, before the belts came loose and Abilene had to rewrap Cora’s ankle. They continued their trek, Finley hanging onto Cora. When the belts came undone a second time, Abilene fixed them, then knotted her blouse tighdy around the straps. ‘That oughta hold things together for a while.’

She was staggering along at Cora’s side when they finally reached the edge of the forest and she saw the lodge at the far end of the field.

‘Let me down,’ Cora gasped.

Abilene lowered her to the ground. She wanted to flop, but hated the idea of having to get up again in a couple of minutes. So she bent over and clutched her slippery knees. Sweat dripped off her nose and chin, streamed down her neck and back and sides and chest and legs. Her skin felt crawly goosebumps. She was shaking all over.

‘And you thought nothing could ever be worse than climbing the Statue of Liberty,’ Finley told her.

‘This… is… almost as bad.’

‘I can’t go on,’ Cora said. She was leaning forward, kneading the muscles of her left leg.

‘We’re almost there,’ Vivian said.

‘I can’t. Not right now. Gotta rest.’

‘Yeah,’ Abilene gasped. ‘What’s the hurry? We’re… not going anyplace… once we get there.’

‘I’m going in the pool,’ Finley said. ‘I don’t care if it is hot water. It’s gotta be an improvement. Might drink it all down, while I’m at it.’

‘I’m so thirsty I’m spitting sand,’ Vivian said.

‘Why don’t you two go on ahead?’ Cora suggested. ‘Bring back a water bottle. I’ll be okay in a while.’

‘It’s not a good idea to split up,’ Vivian said.

‘We can keep an eye on you till you get to the lodge. It’s an open field. Nothing’s gonna happen. Just go right around to the car and hurry back.’

‘What about you guys?’ Finley asked.

‘We’ve got the shotgun.’

‘I’ve got Batty’s knife,’ Abilene added. She straightened up and patted its handle. ‘Go on. We’ll be all right. And get me some shoes. And a blouse or something.’

‘Anything else while we’re there?’ Vivian asked.

‘How about flashlights?’ Finley suggested.

‘Get going,’ Cora muttered. ‘And keep your eyes open.’

‘You too,’ Vivian said. ‘Be careful.’

She and Finley started across the field, walking side by side. Abilene watched them. The sunlight out there looked very bright, very hot.

‘Glad it’s them and not us,’ she said.

‘Our turn’ll come. I’m just glad to have Finley out of my hair. What a pain.’

Abilene smiled. ‘I’d really start worrying if she stopped being one. Did you see how she acted after Batty grabbed her boob?’

‘Yeah. She didn’t make a crack for all of ten minutes.’

‘I think it made her a little crazy.’

‘That’s for sure. Christ. When she’s not being a wiseass, she’s dangerous.’

‘Viv’s taking everything pretty well,’ Abilene said.

‘I don’t think I’ve ever seen her lose her head, you know that? Even when stuff hits her hard. She could be tom to pieces inside, but she always keeps her cool. She’ll complain about shit. She’ll cry her eyes out sometimes. But she always gets on with business. Never flips out. Smart, gorgeous, and she’s got balls of brass. I could kill her.’

Abilene laughed.

Vivian and Finley were halfway across the field now. Walking slowly as if the sun were pressing down on their shoulders.

Finley looked around.

Abilene raised a hand.

Finley nodded, turned to Vivian and said something. Vivian elbowed her.

Abilene swept her eyes across the rear of the lodge, then up and down both sides of the field. Satisfied that no one was approaching them, she turned to Cora.

‘Are we gonna need those flashlights?’

‘I’ll be ready when they get back. I think. Get a load of this,’ she said, and raised her right arm. The skin of her armpit was red, abraded raw by the stock of the shotgun.

‘God,’ Abilene muttered.

‘My leg might last long enough to get me to the lodge. I hope so.’

‘We’ll get you there, one way or another.’

‘I’m not gonna be hiking to town, that’s for sure.’

‘Maybe we can find the car keys.’


Abilene sat on the ground beside her. She was tempted to lie down, but knew she wouldn’t like the feel of the weeds and twigs and leaves against her bare back. She crossed her legs, then folded her hands behind her hpad and stretched, straining her arms backward and arching her spine. It felt so good that she moaned.

‘How would you like to stay with me?’ Cora asked, looking her in the eyes.

‘Huh?’ Abilene lowered her arms.

‘Somebody’ll have to go for help. I figure Finley’d be good for that, but she can’t go alone. I don’t want anyone going anywhere alone. I thought maybe Vivian could go with Fin and you could stay with me. It’s up to you. If you don’t want to, that’s fine. It’d mean spending the night around here someplace. God knows what might happen.’

‘There’s gotta be another way.’

‘If you can think of one, I’d be glad to hear it.’

‘We should all at least try to get off the grounds of the lodge. Down as far as the road, maybe.’

‘I don’t know about making it down that driveway.’

‘You could roll.’

Cora grimaced at her. ‘You’re almost as bad as Finley.’

‘What was your plan?’

‘Hide somewhere in the woods, I guess. Like last night.’

‘Are you sure you’d rather have me than Vivian?’

‘I think so. If something goes wrong, I think I’d rather have you with me.’

‘Really? How come?’

Cora shrugged. ‘You’re quick to use your head. You usually seem to know right away what needs to be done, and you go ahead and do it.’

‘Well. Thanks.’

Looking out across the field, she watched Vivian and Finley vanish beyond the corner of the lodge.

‘So you’ll do it? Stay with me?’

‘Sure. Hell, it’d beat walking all night.’

‘Scoot over a little closer, would you?’

The request perplexed Abilene, but she did as asked. Cora put an arm around her back, gently caressed her bare side.

Her heart started thumping.

What’s going on?

She can’t be… gay. She’s married, for Godsake! Got married only three months after the New York trip. (What does that prove?) She can’t be.

‘Just relax,’ Cora whispered, her breath tickling Abilene’s ear. ‘Just act like everything’s normal.’


‘There’s somebody in the bushes right behind you.’

The words slammed through her chest. ‘Who is it?’

‘I don’t know.’



‘Oh God.’

‘It’s okay, it’s okay. Act normal. We’re gonna nail him.’ Cora patted her side. ‘Let’s get going,’ she said in a louder voice. ‘I’m tired of sitting here.’

Fighting her urge to look back, Abilene got to her feet. Someone watching us.

Helen’s killer?

She glanced toward the lodge. No sign of Vivian and Finley. A great time for us to be split up.

She bent over and clutched Cora’s left arm.

She saw her blouse knotted around Cora’s ankle. Not that she needed reminding that she was half naked.

I don’t believe this. Shit!

As she pulled, Cora pushed herself up with the shotgun.

‘Let me see if I can walk on my own. Stand back.’

She let go and took a couple of steps away. She watched Cora, keeping her eyes from the bushes where the stranger supposedly lurked.

Cora stayed up. ‘See? I can get along without you.’

Pivoting on her left leg, she shouldered the shotgun and swung its barrels toward the dense foliage beside the trail. ‘Come out of there or I’ll blow your fucking head off! ’

Abilene heard a gasp, but couldn’t see anyone through the green tangle.

‘Come out!’

‘Don’t shoot! Don’t.’

The head of a teenaged boy rose into view. Abilene recognized his long dark hair, the almost pretty features of his smooth face. He was the kid they’d seen yesterday in the pool, the kid who’d fled into the woods.

Helen’s killer?

Abilene pictured her friend sprawled dead in the showerroom.

She pulled Batty’s knife from the sheath at her hip.

The kid’s terrified eyes stayed on Cora as he came out from behind the bushes.

He was shirtless and skinny, wearing cut-off blue jeans low on his hips. The jeans, too big for him, were held up by a couple of ropes that came down from his shoulders like suspenders.

His stomach was smudged with bruises. Had Helen done that to him? Punched him as she struggled for her life?

Halting in front of Cora, he shook his head. ‘I didn’t do nothin’,’ he said. ‘Ya ain’t gonna shoot me, are ya?’

‘More than likely,’ Cora said.

‘No, please! It weren’t me. I didn’t touch her!’

‘Oh you bastard,’ Abilene muttered. The kid’s head jerked sideways. He looked at her. She saw his eyes lower to her breasts but she didn’t care. ‘You killed her. You butchered Helen, you filthy maggot.’

‘No! It weren’t me! ’ He shook his head wildly from side to side. ‘My brother done it! He’s crazy, my brother. I didn’t do nothin’ but try ’n scare ya off!’

‘Bullshit,’ Abilene said.

‘I swear it! I swear it!’ Facing Cora, he blurted, ‘Don’t shoot… hey.’ His mouth fell open. He ducked his head close to the muzzles and squinted. ‘Them barrels is all plugged up,’ he said.

‘Ya go and shoot me, the whole gun’s gonna blow up, more ’n likely.’

Cora frowned. She glanced at Abilene.

The kid drove an arm forward, pounding his hand against the double muzzles, ramming the shotgun hard against Cora’s shoulder.

The blow knocked her backward. The barrels swung toward the sky. Even as she tried to catch herself with her right leg and cried out, Abilene knew she was going down.

The kid bolted, looking over his shoulder at Abilene. She was rushing him before Cora hit the ground.

He raced into the field.

Abilene sprinted after him, flinging her legs out long and quick, pumping her arms, the blade of Batty’s knife flashing beside her face each time her right arm shot up. In seconds, she was wheezing for breath. Her muscles burned.

The kid got farther and farther away from her.

And he was running along the edge of the field, not across it, not fleeing toward the lodge. He’d been watching. He knew that Finley and Vivian were in that direction.

Abilene looked toward the corner of the lodge.

No Finley, no Vivian.

Where are they?

He’s gonna get away!

Turning her head forward again, she fixed her eyes on the kid’s gleaming back. He was fifteen, twenty feet ahead of her. Closing in on the woods at the corner of the field.

Can’t let him.

Can’t let him get away.

He killed Helen.

Abilene staggered to a halt. She turned the knife around and clamped the blade tight between her thumb and the curled side of her forefinger. She cocked it back over her shoulder and threw it.

Not a chance, she thought.

But she knew she couldn’t chase him down.

The knife tumbled end over end. At first, it seemed to be whipping straight for the kid’s head. That’s where she had aimed, figuring that even if she wasn’t good enough to make the blade stick, the handle might at least connect and stun him.

But the knife began to drop.

Gonna fall short.

Expecting it to hit the ground behind him, Abilene wanted to be there fast to retrieve it. She forced herself to run. And only took a single stride before the blade sank deep into the back of the kid’s left thigh. He twitched and cried ‘Yeeah!’ His leg jumped upward instead of striding out. He dived at the ground as if sliding head first for a base.

He reached around. He grabbed the knife. He yanked it out of his leg an instant before Abilene smashed down on his back. He grunted under the impact. Abilene hooked one arm across his throat and squeezed. Her other arm stretched out sideways and grabbed the wrist of his knife hand. She tried to keep it pinned to the ground as she choked him.

He bucked and writhed, slippery beneath her. He shook his head. He dug his chin into her forearm. He shoved himself upward with his right arm. Abilene felt his body rise and tilt. Starting to slide, she swung a leg over his hip.

Together, they rolled. He came down on top of her. Though she could barely breathe under his weight, she kept her grip on his knife hand and tried to tighten her stranglehold. She hooked her legs over his.

When he shoved her arm away from his throat, she jammed her mouth against the back of his head. His hair was wet and oily, so thick that she thought she might not get through it. But her teeth found his scalp.

He yelped and let go and drove his elbow down. It smacked into her just below the armpit. At the shock of pain, her mouth sprang open. He got his head away from her teeth, but she clutched his throat again. The elbow punched her a second time. And he kept on pumping it down, pounding her side. Each blow seemed to steal more of her strength.

She was helpless to stop him when the kid pushed her arm away from his throat, freed his knife hand from her grip, kicked his legs out from under hers and rolled off.

She lay on her back, struggling for air.

He got to his hands and knees. The knife in his left hand was pressed against the ground. He was gasping just as hard as Abilene. Raising his head, he looked at her through cords of wet hair that had fallen over his face.

‘I… didn’t… do it,’ he panted.

He suddenly raised his head higher. His face, red and dripping behind the strands of hair, twisted with despair.

Abilene could guess why.

She wondered if she had enough energy to turn her head so she could watch Finley and Vivian racing to her rescue.

She was still thinking about it when the kid scurried to her side and pressed the knife blade against her throat.
