While the little girl named Nikki Oliveri introduced herself to the group, Buckley drank from a gallon jug of salt water. Although his gut was filled to bursting, he had to raise the sodium level of his blood. The maggies were coming fast and furious now. The last thing he needed was to end up like Sally Struthers, his recent memory of her death reminding him of how bad it could get. And thankfully, no one paid attention to him. Instead, all eyes were on the new addition to the group who sat on the curb with Little Rashad beside her, pleased to pass her Twinkies and a warm can of soda. The boy couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

Finally the girl came up for air. "I didn’t think I’d be able to eat again. Everything was rotting and…"

Sissy knelt behind the girl and laid her weapon on the ground. "There, there. It’s all going to be good now. I won’t let you die, honey."

Buckley stared at Sissy in wonderment.

Gert and MacHenry exchanged a private look.

Grandma Riggs hummed an aimless tune to herself.

They all heard the sound of a caddie feeding on a building several blocks away, but couldn't take their eyes of Sissy.

"That’s what my Mommy always said," Nikki whispered.

"She kept her promise, didn’t she?"

"I guess so. I just…I just…"

"Miss them. I know," Little Rashad said. "Me too."

Nikki stared at the boy.

"My Dad died when I was five. A car accident. My Mom died couple of days ago. No big deal."

A building collapsed somewhere on the next block. Buckley took one more swig of water, then put it away. It would have to do.

MacHenry spoke first. "Thing’s getting closer. We should get a move on."

"Give me a hand with Grandma," Buckley said to MacHenry.

"And then there was Sally," Little Rashad continued. "I need to tell you about Sally sometime."

"Was she someone special?" Nikki asked.

"Oh yeah."

"We need to get going," Gert said nervously.

Sissy patted Nikki and Little Rashad on their backs. "Come on kids. Get your stuff together."

MacHenry and Sissy finished laying the duct tape and tying the ropes that affixed Grandma Riggs to her chair.

When Buckley tried to stand, he groaned.

"You know? Either she’s heavier or I’m weaker."

"Stop talking like I’m not here," Grandma Riggs said.

They got into formation. MacHenry and Gert took point. Little Rashad held Nikki’s hand, and the pair walked in front of Buckley, still struggling with Grandma Riggs on his back. Sissy brought up the rear, occasionally turning and scanning the street along the length of her rifle. After fifteen feet or so Grandma Riggs kicked Buckley in the back with a heel. "And I ain’t heavier."

Buckley chuckled. "I know Grandma. I know."
