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О книге

Добавлена в библиотеку 01.02.2012 пользоватем Sanguinius
Издание 2009 года
Автор: Джон Соул
Жанр: Ужасы
Размер fb2 файла: 1.21 MB
Объём: 353 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя

Описание книги

The dark history and dire secrets of a peaceful small town are summoned from the shadows of the past. Unholy forces are stirred from long slumber to monstrous new life. And two young misfits discover the chillingart of turning persecution into retribution. With these eerie ingredients, bestselling master John Saul once again works his unique brand of sinister magic to conjure an unforgettable tale of unspeakableterror.

For most of her young life, thirteen-year-old Angel Sullivan has been on the outside looking in, enduring the taunts of cruel schoolmates and the angry abuse of a bitter father. ThenAngel's family moves to the quaint town of Roundtree, Massachusetts-where a charming home is available, a promising job awaits Angel's unemployed father, and most of all, the chance to make anew start beckons to the shy, hopeful teenager. But when she is shunned by her new classmates, Angel falls deeper into despair. Until she meets Seth Baker, a fellow outcast-and a fateful kinship is forged.

It's Seth who tells Angel the unspoken truth about the legacy of murder that hangs over her family's home-and the whispered rumors that something supernatural still dwellsthere. Uncertain whether the stories are true, and desperate to escape the torment of their daily lives, Angel and Seth devote themselves to contacting whatever restless soul haunts the dark recesses of Black CreekCrossing. But once they have begun, there is no turning back.

Guided by an anguished and vengeful spirit, they uncover the shocking events and centuries-old horrors that lay buried beneath the placidveneer of Roundtree. And along with the ghastly revelations comes a terrifying power-one that feeds upon the rage of the victimized, turning the basest impulses and most dangerous desires into devastatingweapons. Now, the closer Angel and Seth are pushed toward the edge by their tormentors, the deeper they descend into the maelstrom of dark forces they've unleashed… and the more unspeakable the hour ofreckoning will be.

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