Chapter 6

Taylor was watching the world go by from the window of an aircraft once again as they made their way across France. He looked over to the seat opposite him that was occupied by King.

"You know, Captain, I prayed for a miracle down there. I prayed for a miracle, and I got the Rangers."

King laughed. "We've been called many things but never that."

"You know we went to that meet in Basel in good faith to try and bring an end to all this madness, and if anything, just made it worse."

"Was it worth trying?"

"Yes, of course, anything was worth risking for the chance of success."

"Then you made the right decision."

"You know we aren't fighting for the US here? We pledged our service to the EA because they were willing to fight the battle which needed to be fought."

"Yeah, I get that."

Taylor pulled out his flag patch and stuck it back on his sleeve.

"But that doesn't change the fact we will always be Americans. And we fight for America, even when she doesn't know there's a fight needing to be fought."

"We're with you, Colonel, every step of the way. We didn't come out here to save your ass. We came to join you."

"And you know the shit that puts you in?"

He nodded.

"Well, you have my eternal gratitude."

He breathed out a sigh of relief before continuing. "What's it like back home with respect to feelings about this war?"

"Some want in, some never want to hear the word 'war' uttered again in their lifetimes. Some people are just blind to the facts before them."

"We need America in this fight. We need Americans in this fight. If you were willing to join of your own accord, would others?"

"If you were to step up and ask them, I think so."

"Then that is what we must do."

"How?" Silva asked.

"Where there's a will, there's a way."

He looked over to King and thought for a moment before making him an offer.

"What is your strength?" Taylor asked him.

"One hundred and twenty six," he replied confidently.

"If you fight beside us, you fight as one of us, and not as a member of the United States armed forces. The Inter-Allied Regiment is a mix of all sorts, the best kind of mongrel there ever was. If you would accept it, I would be honoured to have you and your Rangers form a Company in the Regiment, with you at the head."

Taylor offered out his hand as a gesture of good will to seal the deal, and King took it with a huge smile on his face.

"I can't think of an officer I'd rather serve under, even if he is a marine."

"Then it's done. Welcome to the Regiment. You can formally announce it when we land."

"Screw that," he replied.

He lifted up his comms to the entire Ranger unit. "Listen up! We just joined Taylor's Inter-Allied. Welcome to the Regiment, boys!"

A cheer rang out through the ship that was followed by a hive of conversation as they excitedly discussed their new role. Five minutes later they were coming into land at Meaux, and Taylor could not feel more relieved as they touched down. The mission had been a failure and far more arduous than expected, but Taylor could not help but feel triumphant returning safely with all he had taken out and now with a veteran Ranger Company at his command.

He was the first out of the ship down the ramp towards General Dupont who was awaiting him.

"Mission was a complete failure," he stated before he'd even reached the General. He wasn't at all surprised.

"I know, but you did your best, Colonel, I know that. Right now, I have your General White on hold. He says the US President wants to talk to you, Colonel, and I cannot state how important it is you try and get the US on board. Do whatever you have to, but get the US on side. Follow me."

Taylor's relief and excitement for having got back, and with the Rangers in tow, was completely dissipated as he was led inside an office.

"I am no negotiator."

"You're our best hope here, Colonel. And what is it you always say, adapt and overcome?"

"Improvise and overcome."

"That's it, then you know what to do."

"Gee thanks," he replied as the screen flicked on in front of him. It was General White, just as he had been told. Taylor did not greet him and just waited for the shit storm that was coming, but he was surprised to see White's tone was nothing as he expected.

"Colonel Taylor, glad to see you are alive and well."

You changed tactics on me, you son of a bitch.

"No thanks to the dogs you sent after us," he replied venomously.

"Yes, I must apologise for Major Martin. He has a heavy handed approach, but he gets the job done."

"Not this time, he didn't," Taylor snapped.

"Quite, and I do apologise for that. Martin was not given permission to use force."

"Not use force? He had Mechs blowing the shit out of us."

"Yes, and Major Martin will pay a heavy toll for his sins, just as we all must."

Great, here he goes again.

Taylor was expecting another lecture, followed by a plea for him to return to the States, but it did not come.

"Colonel, let me get to the point."

"Please do..."

"President Robinson has personally requested to talk to you. Will you receive him?"

"Yeah, go on," replied Taylor with no enthusiasm at all.

He was transferred to a secretary. "Please hold for the President."

"So much for waiting to talk with me," muttered Taylor.

The President suddenly appeared before him, and he had no idea if he'd heard his last comment or not.

"Mr President," he said.

Robinson was young for a US President and in good shape. He was clearly at least part South American descent and was slick in his appearance, but it didn't impress Taylor.

We need a fighter in office, not a suit.

"Colonel Taylor, may I just say it is an honour to finally speak to you, and may I extend the nation’s gratitude for all you have done for this great nation."

Great, a kiss ass as well. This isn't gonna end well.

"Thank you, Sir," he replied, trying to remain calm.

"Colonel Taylor. You have done more for your country than can ever be asked of a man. However, I must now ask that you return home. You will not be charged. You will not face a court martial. I shall see to that. You are stepping on a lot of toes, Colonel, and straining many diplomatic relations which have taken many years and much work to set up."

"I’m sorry I am making diplomatic relations tough in order to keep the World safe," he replied sarcastically.

The President brushed his comment aside and continued.

"Do you not think this country has suffered enough in recent years? Do you not think we deserve peace?"

"Peace? I am fighting because we do deserve peace, and it must be fought for just as the founding fathers of our nation knew it."

"This is not the way, Colonel. If you..."

Taylor reached for the transmission button and cut him off. The door beside him burst open, and Dupont flew through it.

"You just hung up on your President!"

"He is no President of mine," snarled Taylor. "When a man with the balls for the job takes over, I'll talk again."

"What have you done?"

"Didn't you hear it? That asshole can't be talked into war. He's just doing everything he can to get me back there. Is that what you would have? Would you have me sent home where I would almost certainly be stripped of my rank and imprisoned?"

Dupont shook his head.

"No, I would not wish it, and you know I would take back all that I ever did to you if I could."

"This isn't about us, General. You stand beside me, and for that you are my friend."

It brought a surprised and puzzled expression to Dupont's face.

"So what now?" asked Taylor.

"I know the mission failed, but I need to know why. We need to understand this war. I need you debriefed immediately before you take your leave."

Taylor sighed. It was going to be a long day. When he finally stepped out into the open air once again, he found the sun was almost down. He felt utterly exhausted having sat for so many hours outlining all he had seen and experienced to Dupont and other EA officers. He turned and was pleasantly surprised to find Parker sitting on a wall waiting for him. Her head was down in her hands, and she looked utterly bored.

"Evening," he said softly.

Her head shot up at the sound of his voice, and she rushed into his arms.

"You know, back home they frown on this kind of behaviour, Sergeant," he said with a straight face.

"Well, we set the rules now."

It wasn't far from the truth, but he also recognised it was a potentially dangerous position to be in.

"So, did you convince the UEN to halt the war?" she asked.

Taylor sniggered. "No, it was a complete cluster fuck."

"I figured as much."

"Your vote of confidence is overwhelming."

"So what's next?"

"No idea. Just wait on new orders, I guess."

"There’s no way we can end this war with the info we now have?"

He shook his head.

"With Krys agents having infiltrated the UEN at every level, there is no chance."

"And they only infiltrated the UEN, what about our side?"

He shook his head. It didn't bare thinking about, but the clone of Jones was a nasty shock and reminder of what they could be facing.

* * *

Taylor awoke and shot up as a brainwave had struck him during the night. Eli groaned beside him and was clearly not impressed with having been awoken so abruptly, but he was too single-mindedly focused to notice or care. He jumped out of bed and pulled on his clothes while she still grumbled.

"Come on back to bed. We don't have to be up for hours."

"No, the war won't wait for us," he replied.

"What?" she muttered as she turned over and went back to sleep.

He looked at his watch. It was almost 0900 hours, and they had slept way past what a marine should.

"Goddamn it."

He rushed to the door, stopping as he remembered the last time he went out without a weapon and quickly rushed back, grabbed his sidearm, and strapped it about his waist.

"Got it, I got it you son of a bitch," he muttered to himself as he strode for Dupont's office that was located in the bastion they called a research facility. As he approached, he noticed it was named only 13E.

A subtle name to conceal a mammoth structure, he thought.

He rushed into Dupont's office and found him meeting with two Generals from other EA nations.

"I need to put out a broadcast," he demanded.

Dupont stood up, shocked by his abrupt entrance.

"You will have to excuse Colonel Taylor. Combat fatigue has made him forget his manners," he said; the other two laughed.

"If the UEN won't listen to the evidence we put before them, and the US President won't see sense, let me broadcast it to the World. People trust me. God knows why, but they do. Let me take the evidence we have to every news agency in every country which still remains neutral, and let the people decide for themselves."

Dupont sat back down silently and mulled over the idea. One of the other Generals finally answered.

"Why not? It could work."

He spoke in a strong Spanish accent. Dupont shook his head and replied.

"It's a dangerous proposition. We are looking for allies, and such a thing could turn people against their governments who would blame us for inciting any trouble which ensues."

"And?" asked Taylor. "Are we not past the point of politics and simply trying to win by any means?"

"There are always politics, Colonel. Believe me, I wish there weren't. Many times have I wished I could be in your shoes and not have to play the politics game."

"Let me do it. Not with any support, given or intended by you or any member state of the EA. Let me do it as a United States Marine, as a free man. If we can get this evidence out to the people of this world who are beyond the control and indoctrination of Krys agents, we could completely turn this around."

"And if it doesn't? What if it backfires and it sounds like crazy talk? No matter how true the evidence we have, it sounds crazy."

"I can't change the truth. I can only tell it like it is."

Dupont thought about it for a moment and looked at the other two. They both nodded in approval.

"Then do it, and let us pray the audience are as passionate and trusting as you believe."

"Thank you, this is gonna work. It’s gonna work like you could never believe."

"It's hardly the way to do things as far as diplomacy goes, but hell. Whatever we're doing now isn't gaining any more support. See my secretary on the way out. She will set you up with everything you need, including our press officer Captain Bernard."

Taylor was excited but also terrified that so much now depended on him. But this wasn't the pressure he was used to. He didn't have to succeed through combat, but through communication.

What the hell have I got myself into?

Half an hour later, he stood around a table with his own senior officers and the press officer as promised, but none of them yet knew his plan.

"Bernard, I am told you have plenty of contacts in the International press?"

"Yes, Monsieur," he replied.

"Good. I need you to get me on air, live. The US is absolutely essential, so try and get a sensible hour. We've got about seven hours until the Eastern seaboard wakes up and turns on the news. When they do, I want them to see me on screen telling it to them straight."

"And what is it you will be telling them?"

"That isn't your concern, right now."

"Begging your pardon, Colonel, but if I am to negotiate this for you, the stations will want to know why. It's a big ask."

"Then tell them Colonel Taylor of the Immortals has news the World needs to hear. That should be enough."

"That's it?"

"Has to be. We need this to be last minute. If the wrong people get wind of it, they will shut us down. I need you to get us on air quickly."

"If I may make a suggestion, Colonel."


"Is what you are going to say controversial?"


"Will governments want to block it?"


"And will people talk about it? Will it spread from one to another?"

"Yes, I hope so."

"Then forget the mainstream media. If you want to go viral, we can post it ourselves, and the news agencies will soon pick it up before there is any chance of shutting it down."

It was a concept he had heard of, but wasn't awfully familiar with.

"Trust me, no need to live record. You put a video together, and if it’s half as controversial as you think it is, the World will know about it before this day is over."

"All right, then I need a cameraman."

"What is the location?"

"The clone’s cell. Behind the mirrored glass so that the camera may see him, but he cannot interfere."

"And all this is cleared by General Dupont?"

"We have free rein to do whatever the hell we want."

An hour later Taylor and Jones sat in the room as planned and ready to go. Taylor knew it wasn’t being shown live, but the fact it would go out to so many so soon gave him the jitters all the same. He looked to the cameraman.

"When I say you roll, you do so until I say stop, okay?"

The man nodded in agreement.

"We're gonna put this out as is. No fancy cutting, editing, or any of that shit. This is gonna hit 'em straight."

He turned to see Jones staring at his clone. It hadn't occurred to Taylor that despite it being big news, his friend had never seen it for himself.

"Cloning? I used to read about it and thought it was fascinating. I used to joke to my mates at Sandhurst if we ever got to cloning, I would have ten of myself cloned so I'd finally have someone worth talking to."

"Wow, bet your mates really loved you."

"I think maybe the humour is lost on Americans."

"If that's what British humour is like, you can keep it."

That at least brought a smile to his face.

"If they cloned me once, how do you know they won't do it again? Maybe they already have."

"Probably. But they have played their hand and it failed. We're wise to it now."

"But how do you know I am...well me, right now?"

"I had you scanned on the way through, and I am working on getting you scanned, as well as everyone else in the Regiment every single day. God knows what possibilities there are for infiltrating us, and we cannot have it happen again."

"But do you think it's wise me staying in the unit when it is such a danger?"

"Bullshit. They could clone any one of us. I need you. The Regiment needs you. Don't tell me you're having second thoughts about fighting."

He shook his head.

"I couldn't face Coco and tell her I’d quit. I'm in this till the very end of the fighting."

"Better make that sooner rather later, okay?"

"Do my best."

"Ready when you are," said the cameraman.

Taylor knew he could have as many takes as he liked, but he didn’t have the patience for a second take. He looked to Jones who looked more comfortable with the whole thing than he did.

“I’ll do the talking. You’re just here to look pretty.”

“I always was the more handsome one.”

He looked into the cell. The clone stared into their room as if he knew they were there. “Still freaks the hell out of me to see that thing that looks like your twin.”

“Just say the word, and I’ll end its miserable life.”

“Love to, believe me. Let’s do this,” he turned to the cameraman. “Roll the camera.”

He was given the thumbs up, and for a moment he remained silent. He looked at the floor, trying to think over how he could appeal to the World’s population, and then in a moment of clarity, he just opened up and spoke his mind.

“This is Mitch Taylor, Colonel in the Inter-Allied Regiment, and hopefully still the United States Marines Corps. I currently fight for the European Alliance in a war that I know has to be fought. While some nations choose to stay out of this war, I feel it my duty to inform you, the taxpaying voting public of your respective nations, of what is truly going on here.”

He looked over to Jones who seemed fairly impressed and that spurred him on to continue.

“What you need to know is that the war currently fought in Europe is not a simple war between two Earth alliances. It is not just a human war, and I need to show you how.”

He pointed for the cameraman to pan over to Jones.

“This is my good friend and fellow officer, Captain Charlie Jones. A man who has served his country and this Earth with distinction since the first invasion, and at a massive personal cost, I must add. Captain Jones, do you have any siblings?”

“No,” he quickly replied.

“Let that be known. Captain Jones is an only child. Now can you please focus on the subject behind this screen with Captain Jones still in frame.”

He did as requested.

“The man this side of the glass is the same Charlie Jones I have known for as long as I can remember. What you see inside that cell looks identical to Jones. It shares the same genetic make up, and is for all intents and purposes the same man. And yet, the man in that cell murdered a number of staff on this base and tried to keep a very real secret from you. The aliens we thought were beaten; they weren’t beat at all. Bloodied and weakened yes, but far from beat.”

He pointed for the camera to come back to him, and the cameraman quickly obliged.

“Alien agents are among us. Human clones that are almost indistinguishable from the friends, family, and neighbours we have known our entire lives. This is not a time to become suspicious of all those around you, but to stand together. The Krys, the alien invaders, will take this world again, and they are doing so under the name of the UEN. They are fighting us from within. We tried to stop this war, but that was impossible. We have just one choice left, to win it. The United States will not choose a side, nor will many others. I am here to tell you that we don’t fight for a country; we are fighting for our planet. We fight for Earth and the existence of the human race. Your leaders may not see sense, but you can be the judge. We need fighters to fight for this world. Join us, before it is too late.”

He looked over to Jones for approval, and he nodded in response.

“All right, that’ll do.”

The cameraman cut the recording and asked, “All that really true?”

Taylor nodded in response.


“That about sums it up.”

Taylor looked back to Jones. “What d’ya think?”

“Well it was corny as hell, but the yanks will love it.”

Taylor led them out of the room to where Bernard was waiting them.

"That was quick," he said in surprise.

"Easy when you know what you want to say," he replied. "As I told your man here, I don't want any fancy cuts or editing. I don't want anyone claiming the video is fake for whatever stupid reasons."

"They will anyway if it becomes popular enough."

"Well, no matter. Do your thing, whatever that is."


Mitch was still dubious that anything could come of such a simple self-published video, but it required so little effort and resources, he was willing to give Bernard the benefit of the doubt.

"You've got twenty-four hours," said Taylor. "If it hasn't worked by then, we go with my plan."

Bernard was already watching the video on a screen nearby and was utterly engrossed with it. It reached the shot of the clone, and he was flabbergasted.

"I'd heard rumours about this, is it really true?"

"Unfortunately," replied Jones.

"This is going to blow peoples’ minds," he stated.

Taylor nodded and left it with him.

As they strolled out of the building into the daylight once more, Jones asked, "You know you have just incited rebellion in your own country, as well as probably countless others."

"If governments can't handle the truth, on their heads, so be it."

Jones smiled. "Viva la revolution."

Hours later Taylor sat about a large maintenance bay where his unit had taken shelter from the sun, awaiting their next assignment. They all accepted that leave was a thing of the past. Most were cleaning weapons and equipment, including Taylor. His rifle was new off the shelf, since his old one required extensive repairs. He stripped the new weapon to every last component part and adjusted and reassembled it to his own configuration.

A large screen projection at one end of the hall had an Earth news channel playing; a United States endorsed and funded station that acted under the guise of neutral politics, despite few knowing its true identity. Most of the day’s stories had been covering sport. It seemed bizarre while those who watched it were living in a war zone.

"I guess the US really doesn't want involvement in this war?"

"I don't think anybody wants to be involved in this war, Charlie. They just haven't realised yet that they have no choice but to be," replied Taylor.

"Colonel Taylor!" came a call.

His grip reached for his sidearm instinctively. He looked up. An officer stood before him, silhouetted against the light coming through a ceiling light. He covered his eyes from the glare and recognised Becker, the German tank commander. Taylor leapt to his feet. He could see the German flag Becker had always worn with pride was gone, replaced with a black double-headed eagle encased in a vivid yellow shield. He wasn't at all familiar with the symbol.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I might ask you the same question."

"No, but I mean really, why are you here? Your country is at war with France."

"No, the German government is at war with France and certain idiotic creatures with it. I still fight for Germany in the only way I can. Took me a little while to convince the EA I was genuine, but here I am."

Taylor was still looking at the symbol on Becker's sleeve, and the Captain felt he needed to explain.

"Holy Roman Empire," he stated. "It's how I can still fight as a German, without being shot for being one."

Taylor laughed. "Honestly, I'm amazed to see you are even still alive."


Becker's attention suddenly turned, and his eyes looked past the Colonel to the end of the room.

"Looks like you are creating quite a stir."

Taylor looked confused. He turned to find out what the Captain meant and was met by his face projected on the massive screen.

"No way," he whispered.

"Turn it up!" Jones shouted out.

A moment later, he was listening to his own voice as recorded earlier that day on one of the most watched news stations in the World. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"It's the Colonel!" one of the unit shouted. "Get a look at the Colonel!" another one called out. Cheering rang out and swallowed up the sound from his interview, but it was okay, he didn't need to hear it.

"What have you got yourself into, Colonel?" asked Becker.

"Long story, but in essence, we need more people like you. Volunteers to fight for what needs to be fought for."

Silva walked over to join them with a huge grin across his face. "Man, White is gonna be pissed."

"Well, I can't keep everyone happy."

Most of the Regiment was in the huge room and beginning to chant his name with excitement. He knew he had to get up and talk to them. He climbed up onto a nearby table and lifted his hands. Silence quickly followed.

"Every man and woman among you joined me in this war because you knew it was the right thing to do. Our government, our Generals, they still sit on the fence while we fight and die. Today, I am giving every American and every other nation’s citizens a chance to decide for themselves!"

Becker leaned over to Jones.

"How does he do it?"


"Survive, after pissing off so many people, and remain so fiercely popular?"

Jones shook his head for he didn't rightly know. "It is quite amazing."

The video interview replayed again on the screen until finally it was cut short and went back to a news desk. The crowd booed but were silenced by Silva's booming voice hollering, "Quiet!"

They were all fixated on the screen now and watched as the news anchor was clearly receiving notes through a hidden earpiece before relaying them on air. The anchor was a well-dressed blonde in her late thirties and always looked one hundred percent confident in her presentation, except for this time. She looked uneasy with what she was hearing and hesitated for a moment before speaking with a slightly shaken voice.

"We have had a request from the White House for an immediate broadcast from their location...Going now live to the White House..."

The familiar White House conference room set appeared before them, but it was empty. A few moments later a man stepped up to the podium, but nobody recognised him. He was in his early thirties and Hispanic. It was clear he was prepped for the interview but was doing his best to appear confident.

"Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen, for appearing on such short notice. I am Rodrigo Vidal, and I am advisor to the President. I am here on the President's behalf to ask for calm and consideration at this time. I am sure all of you have by now seen the broadcast put out a few hours ago by what appears to be Mitch Taylor. Let me remind you that Colonel Taylor is currently AWOL from the Marine Corps, and is acting of his own accord. We have no authentication of the videos source, nor any evidence that any material therein is accurate."

He took in a deep breath, and not one of the members of the press interrupted him as they waited with baited breath.

"The United States has seen no evidence of cloned humans or Krys involvement in the war currently being fought in Europe and its surrounding area. We have no choice but to declare this video a hoax. I repeat, the President has asked for calm consideration during this troubling time in the World. Thank you. That will be all."

Reporters jumped to get his attention, but he carried on as quickly as he could.

"Fucking asshole," said Silva. "A hoax? Get the President here, and we'll show him a fucking hoax."

"He's just towing the line. That video was never targeted at the government. It was for everyone else."

The troops were heckling the screen as it returned to the news anchor.

Becker was stunned. " really just did that? That really was you who put that out there?"

Taylor nodded.

"Think it'll work?" asked Jones.

"We can only hope."

"If this evidence exists, why not get it out to the World?" asked Becker. "Why not make everyone see it to be true? Hell, even take it to the UEN. They can't understand the shit they've gotten themselves into."

"It's what we've been trying to do, and yes we tried that as well. Nearly cost us our lives. No, there is no negotiation to be had with the UEN anymore. Maybe we can get a few individuals like you to cross over, but this war will only end when we win it."

"So what now?" asked Silva.

"Wait and see. Worst case, is nothing at all."

"Colonel Taylor!" a voice boomed.

He turned to see General Dupont standing before him.

Oh, shit!

"When did getting the evidence out to the World include open recruiting of citizens from neutral countries?"

Taylor shrugged his shoulders and stayed calm.

"You just did what none of my advisors would dare do, and what a job you did. Governments are panicking. Discussion of clones and alien involvement is spreading like wildfire. I didn't believe it ever could have worked."

"Just gotta have a little faith, Sir."

"We all knew you could fight, but who could ever have known you were capable of anything like diplomacy."

"I wouldn't call it that," he replied.

"Whatever you want to call it, you just stirred up the hornets' nest, Taylor."

"That's what I do."

Dupont walked off confidently, shaking his head in astonishment.

"When in the high hell did you get him on side?" asked Becker.

"It's a long story."

Parker appeared out of nowhere, a puzzled expression on her face.

"Never thought you had it in you," she said.

"I'm full of surprises."
