0900 hours.
Taylor had barely slept waiting for the news. He’d been expecting a call from General White all night. He’d done his utmost to stay out of trouble, but it had found him that night, and yet, no call came.
Every news agency was focused on the gathering of Spanish forces and awaiting their next move. Five seconds past the hour, and nothing had happened. Taylor prayed for a moment that it had all been a sabre-rattling exercise, but then it started.
“We’re getting reports that the thousands of soldiers are boarding craft ready to cross the sea as the President warned. This is it.”
“Christ, Europe could be at war in a matter of hours, and what the hell can we do about it?”
Just as he said it, a message came through that interrupted the news. He accepted it and was pleased to see Captain Ryan before him.
“Sir, glad to see you’re all right, but damn, what the hell are you doing in Brussels? General White is livid and is after your balls.”
“Yeah, well, he can wait in line. We have larger problems. Where are you?”
“On our way. We’ll be putting down at a landing zone one klick south of your hotel. I am ordered to recover you and Jafar immediately, and return you to report directly to General White.”
“Yeah, well you can pick us up, but I’m not leaving Europe while there is still a chance we can make a difference.”
“Sir, I am under strict orders.”
“Do you not trust me, Captain? I knew I could always depend on Captain Reyes and his crew, and you have honoured him, will you sway from that path now?”
He shook his head. Taylor knew he had persuaded the man who had long called Taylor a friend.
“Sir, no matter what you do, the shit seems to slide off you. Can you extend that luxury to us when we get home?”
“I wouldn’t worry about getting home, Captain. We’ve got a war to stop.”
“One last thing, Sir. Just moments before I called, Tsengal woke up.”
“What? Is he talking?”
“Not yet, but his eyes are open, and something’s going on in there.”
It was the best news he had heard in a long time.
“Thank you, Captain. We’ll be there when you land.”
As the message ended, Armand stepped through into the room.
“My ship is en route, will you join us?”
He looked unsure, but Taylor continued in an excited manner.
“I have aboard a friend of Jafar. He’s the only survivor from Red 1. I have long believed he may hold some vital information for us. Before he slipped into a coma, he tried to tell me something important, who knows what.”
That seemed to get his attention.
“Of course, Colonel. If I may, I will have my personal staff transfer over to your ship where we can work from.”
Taylor was surprised at his enthusiasm, but it gave him a great excuse for not obeying White’s orders. Taylor couldn’t wait to see Tsengal, and it seemed forever that they stood at the landing pad awaiting the ship. Finally, the sight of it made Taylor feel the best he had done in days. The Deveron was an eternal sign of hope for the Colonel.
Captain Ryan came out to greet them in person, but Taylor did not stop for any pleasantries. He rushed inside and towards the room where he knew Tsengal would be. Jafar was close at his side but didn’t seem to share his enthusiasm.
“Have you not looked forward to this moment for all these years?”
“Well, you don’t look it. Four years he’s been dead to the World and is now awake.”
“I always expected him to wake up, and I could wait as long as need be.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not that patient.”
He rushed into the room to see the ship’s Doctor at his side monitoring levels. Tsengal turned his head just a little to acknowledge their arrival and seemed to recognise the two of them.
“My God, you really have woken up. It’s good to see you back from the dead.”
Tsengal did nothing but nod in recognition.
“You must have so many questions, as do we. Important thing to know is that we won the war.”
“He needs rest,” said the Doctor.
“Any chance of him speaking anytime soon?”
“His body seems to be coming online fairly rapidly. He could well be talking within a few minutes or a few hours. It’ll be quite some time before he walks again.”
“You let me know the second he shows any sign of improving. I want to know what he knows. God knows what he saw in the time he was away.”
He left the room feeling the best he had in a while.
“The World maybe going to shit, but we’re coming back together,” he whispered.
Armand stood waiting outside the room. He had with him three assistants and two bodyguards. It appeared the wounded man had already been replaced.
“Step this way.”
He led them through to the operations room where he imagined they would be spending many days, but right now the most important thing was the news. He turned it on to see a live feed of ships landing in North Africa.
“They’re really doing it?” he asked.
“It was inevitable they would cross the water. The only question is are they willing to fire on the Germans?”
“What do you think?”
“Doesn’t matter what I think, only what we can affect.”
“How long do we have until all this kicks off?”
“Protestors will move out of their way. Having soldiers rolling in willing to kill every Kry in the land is exactly what they have been calling for. It’ll take them an hour to get assembled and in place ready to assault. Then the only question is how much are they willing to negotiate with the German forces there before they go in?”
“How long would you give them?”
“I wouldn’t set an ultimatum on allied forces. We shouldn’t be killing our own. But I guess they’ll give the Germans a thirty-minute ultimatum to think it over. Anymore than that, and they risk other forces being moved into play.”
“You’re a smart man, Colonel.”
“Smart enough to have stayed alive this long, so what’s our play here? We heading over to negotiate with the Spanish forces in person? I know a few among them. I might be able to sway a few senior officers.”
“No, we tried going to the source once and look how that went. We’re sitting this one out for now. The UEN will call upon us when they need us.”
“Shit, the World’s going to hell, and you want us to sit tight and watch? I’m not too good at that.”
“Even so, that is our job. There are forces at play here far larger than either one of us.”
“That’s what worries me.”
Taylor got up and left, for there was nothing more to say on the matter. He strode up the bridge where the crew sat idle.
“Your orders, Sir? Where are we heading?”
“Absolutely no where,” he said with a sigh.
“What? World’s going to hell and we aren’t heading for it? Colonel Taylor isn’t heading for it? What’s happened?”
“Can’t say I like it either, but this isn’t our fight. If the Spanish and the Germans really want to kill each other because of a few Mechs, who are we to stop them?”
“Somebody has to.”
“This isn’t our fight, Captain! We are members of the United States armed forces! We have zero authority in these lands!”
“Amazing how they were happy to have us when aliens were crawling through every street.”
The bridge went silent. None of them liked sitting there while the World seemingly went to hell again. Taylor knew he had to raise morale, something to break through the thick and depressing atmosphere that had arisen. He stood up tall and proud.
“I know what you are all feeling, because believe me I feel exactly the same. It makes me sick to the stomach what is going on right now. But don’t forget what we got through together these past few years. Nobody ever said life was gonna be some paradise once we beat the invasion. We stick together, survive, and do our duty to our country, the Corps, and our race, and we’ll be just fine!”
It sounded uplifting. He wasn’t sure he believed it, but at least the rest of them did. Just when they expected him to continue, a call came through from the Doc.
“Sir, Tsengal is coming to.”
“Thank you, Doctor.”
He looked back up to the crew. “You see that. One who was lost to us has returned and is making a recovery. That’s hope if I ever saw it.”
He raced off the bridge to reach Tsengal. As he got to the entrance to the room, Armand met him.
“What can I do for you, Councillor?”
“I hear your friend is awake. If what you tell me about him is true, I’d love to meet him and see what he has to say.”
Taylor nodded in agreement. He didn’t even think about it. All he cared about was seeing his friend was okay. He entered the room to see in his eyes that his mind was returning to him, and that was a great relief.
“Great to meet you,” added Armand.
Tsengal turned his attention to the Councillor, and Taylor noticed an odd expression on the alien’s face, almost as if he recognised the man but could not understand how. It was something for a later conversation in private.
“Great to see you again, buddy. We were all wondering if you’d ever wake up. It’s been four years.”
He was silent, clearly trying to piece together his memories.
“Last time I saw you, Tsengal, sounded like you had something real important to tell me. You remember what that was?”
He was racking his mind for the memory, but it wasn’t coming to him.
“It may take some time before his memory fully recovers, and he may still have blank spots for awhile, maybe permanently,” added the Doctor, “He should get some more rest.”
“Councillor, can you give us a moment?”
“Sure, Colonel.”
Something was eating at Taylor that he had to ask. The second Armand was out the room; he came right out with it.
“You recognised him, didn’t you? How and from where?”
Armand was just the other side of the door and listening in. He was as eager to know the answer as Taylor was. Tsengal was still racking his brain for answers, but he could find none. He shook his head.
“It’s okay. You get some rest and tell me anything you can, when you can.”
Armand was long gone by the time Taylor stepped out of the room. He returned to the operations room and found Armand sat there as if he had never moved. He had no real reason to assume otherwise.
They were watching the news and were absolutely fixated on it.
"Guys, this sucks. We can't just stand here helplessly watching this unfold," Taylor murmured.
His words fell on deaf ears, as they all knew they had to do exactly that. The Spanish troops were formed up and ready to move at any moment. Reporters were at the scene of several prisons, waiting to film the scenes of carnage that may ensue. But then the news network went back to the studio with an important message.
"President Marin of Spain is about to make a statement from Madrid, live in..."
The video cut immediately to the announcement, and Taylor noticed the French President stood at his side, along with several other European leaders. Captain Ryan walked into the room just in time to see it.
"This can't be good," whispered Taylor.
"They calling it all off?" asked Ryan.
Nobody could bear to answer him, as they watched and dreaded what might come next.
"In light of the recent inactions of the UEN and the ongoing threat of the alien populace on earth, Spain can no longer remain as a member of an organisation which actively defends the existence of an invading force on our very doorstep. And we are not alone. From this day forth, Spain is withdrawing from the UEN, along with six other nations who have already agreed to be part of a new initiative, a new organisation; one which has the safety of European citizens at its heart."
"They're setting up the crowds for civil war in Europe."
"Surely not, Colonel?" asked Ryan.
They watched open mouthed as the speech continued.
"In partnership with my good friend and colleague, President Jacques, I want to announce the creation of the European Alliance, an Alliance of free nations without universal rule or regulation, with the single aim of making the World safe for all. I want to extend a welcome to all our European brothers and sisters. Join us, for the greater good."
There was a long pause, but no one in the audience made as much as a sound. They waited with bated breath to hear it to the end.
"May all Europeans see the way to peace and security for us all, and join us in this venture which will finally bring an end to the wars which have plagued our nations. As we speak, the armies of Spain are poised to move against the remaining aliens on Earth, and while I would never wish harm to come to another human, any who stand in the way of this task will meet the same fate. The advance begins in precisely ten minutes. All human forces protecting alien life have until that time to walk free. We do not ask that you lay down your weapons, nor surrender. For you are our allies. Simply join us, or walk free. Thank you, and good luck to you all."
"Ten minutes!" Ryan sighed. "That's a hell of an ultimatum. Surely they won't go ahead with it."
It was a waiting game now. Five minutes later, the news attention was turned to a hastily set up conference led by the German Prime Minster, Ms Muller, in Brussels where she had remained for the trial. She stood confidently and looked firm, but they could see in her eyes the sadness of what she was expecting.
"Thank you all for coming. I am sure you all appreciate the seriousness of the unfolding events in the World. On behalf of the UEN, I am forced to condemn the departure of nations from the UEN. Since 1957, the powers of Europe have stood as one, just as they did during the most recent wars. However, the UEN respects the rights and freedoms of those nations who choose to depart the Union. Additionally, I must state in no uncertain terms, that the UEN will not be bullied, nor stand down from its duties."
She took a deep breath before she continued with what none of them wanted to hear.
"The warmongering of this new Alliance will not be tolerated. The UEN policy on prisoners of war remains as it always has, and the forces of all our nations will fight to protect those laws and policies. The UEN does not seek bloodshed on either side, and will only respond in kind. I must repeat the comments of many of my colleagues in the UEN that we do not want war. Do not bring it upon us."
This isn't right, Taylor thought.
He could not believe they had reached the current situation so quickly, and it was clear it stunned all around him, except for Armand. The Councillor seemed all too comfortable with the events as they unfolded. He wondered if maybe he really just was that cold and heartless, or if he had a vested interest in a new conflict. He put the thought aside, as it didn't make any sense. Muller was rounding off her speech. It was heartfelt, but he couldn't imagine it would be enough to sway minds that were already polarised.
"I must underline once again. The UEN does not wish pain and suffering to come to a single human being nor alien. Remember what we fought for, and remember how hard won this peace was. Thank you, and may God be with us all."
God? He ain't gonna save you.
He looked at his watch. They were two minutes from the ultimatum. The news cameras were on the Spanish forces once again, with a timer ticking loudly at the corner of the screen. They cut to the German defenders who were equally as anxious.
"Surely they won't fight? Not to defend the Krys?" Ryan whispered.
Taylor shrugged. He prayed they would open the gates and leave the Spaniards to it. It was now the only possibility he could see for peace. The timer kept creeping down, and neither side seemed willing to back down.
Come on, don't do it.
The timer reached zero and for a moment nothing happened at all. They all held their breath and hoped, but it was not to be. After a few seconds, the Spanish forces launched into action.
Armoured vehicles rolled across the sands towards the prison complex. It was the Gafsa compound they were seeing where Taylor had recently been. They watched in silence as the vehicles tore across the sands. The press crews were filming from the air a kilometre away.
The armoured vehicles were only half a kilometre away now, and they could only watch in horror as the guns opened fire, tearing holes in the gates and walls of the facility. The troops at the walls returned fire, but they could do little against the might of the army bearing down on them. As the vehicles reached the walls and smashed into the compound, a dust cloud arose so high the camera crews could no longer see what was unfolding.
"They really did it? Human versus human?"
"It sucks, Captain, but that's our lives now. What do we do about it?" Taylor asked.
They looked to Armand for answers.
"The UEN will not and cannot stand by and let this go unanswered."
Taylor could see he knew a lot more than he was letting on as he pointed to the news screen.
The cameras panned up to the skies to dozens of fighters flashing past the news copter and opening fire. They panned back from the prison to the rest of the incoming Spanish forces. Explosions erupted amongst their ranks, and the fire demolished armoured vehicles.
Anti-aircraft missiles and gunfire soared into the sky. A few seconds later, the cameras rocked aboard the news copter as a massive explosion burst through the ship.
"We've been hit. We've been hit!" the screams rang out as the cameras shook. “We’re going down!"
Screams followed until the screens went dead, and the news feed cut back to an anchorman in an office far from the action. He was too stunned to speak for a full ten seconds."
"I...we apologise, for we have lost the feed there in Tunisia and are experiencing technical difficulties..."
He looked down at new reports coming in at the screen in front of him.
"We are getting confirmed reports that UEN forces have engaged the Spanish armies in North Africa, in what seems to be a bitter battle fought over the multiple prisons in the north of the continent."
"What he hell do we do?" Ryan asked.
"Right now? Nothing we can do."
"Why? They're killing each other."
"Yes, and what is America's position on this?"
He shrugged his shoulders.
"Precisely, this isn't the last war. That was total war where every human being fought on whatever front he or she happened to be on. But this is something very different."
"So, we do nothing because we aren't from here?"
"That about sums it up."
Taylor got to his feet. He'd seen enough. He left the room and headed for Tsengal. The alien was happy to see him, although he was surprised to not find Jafar there. Ryan stepped through a moment later.
"Jafar, where is he?"
"On guard at our perimeter with three of the crew," he replied. "World's going to hell. We hold two aliens and a UEN Councillor on board, think we aren't a target? No, I want to be ready when someone comes after us."
"A wise move," he said, looking back to Tsengal. A screen was on near him, and he was looking through recent history since the war had ended.
"Memory coming back much?"
"That man who was in here earlier, you recognised him, didn't you?"
"I think so."
Taylor tapped a few buttons on the screen and brought up Armand's profile with a picture of him.
"How? How do you know him?"
Tsengal seemed to study the face very carefully until finally something clicked in his mind. His eyes widened in horror.
"What is it?"
Tsengal's memories were flooding back to him, and the subject he so desperately needed to tell Taylor. He didn't know where to begin, but Armand's face was what was stuck in his mind, and he was beginning to remember why.
"What we discovered on Red 1. That is the reason I had to get back you. Colonel Chandra ordered me to do so."
"Okay, well, spit it out."
"Hundreds of thousands of humans in incubation chambers, like you saw before in the war. Maybe even millions of them."
"And Chandra discovered this?"
"Yes, deep below the surface."
"Well, where did they come from? What, clones or what?"
"We did not have time to find out. But what I know for certain is that Councillor; he is one of them. He was one of the faces I saw there."
"Maybe a million humans, and you remember his face? How can you be sure?"
"It was him; I was as close to him as you are to me now."
"So these humans are somehow working for the Krys?"
"Why else would they be there?"
"This is crazy. I can't believe what I'm hearing," Ryan said.
He waited while Taylor tried to make sense of what they had heard.
"You are one hundred percent about this?"
"I spent years trying to get back to you with this news which would have died with the Colonel."
Taylor sighed; the idea was quite simply frightening. Unfortunately, it was starting to make sense.
"You're not believing this? It's crazy."
"Sounds crazy, Ryan, maybe. I wish it was crazy, yes, but it's starting to make sense. Chandra and I came across a number of incubated humans during the war. Something none of us could ever explain, and every time we recovered any of them, the evidence was destroyed instantly. It's the reason Ramstein was flattened, or we think anyway."
"So let me get this straight. What you're telling me is that the human race has been infiltrated by other humans, programmed or created somehow by the enemy, to penetrate deep within our political system and do what?"
"Maybe to do exactly what we are seeing today. Armies who were recently the strongest of allies are now at each other's throats. This fighting is not going to stop anytime soon."
"But why?"
Ryan looked to Tsengal for answers, but he did not have any.
"Divide and conquer," stated Taylor. "The Krys threw everything they had at us, sheer mass of numbers, superior technology, and Planet Killing weapons. But what beat them? The strength of humanity united under one banner."
"Okay, let's say you're right. They do what? Push all sides into war and then sit back while we slug it out, weaken each other to the point where they can come back and triumph over..." He shook his head, "Oh, shit, it really is working."
"What proof do you have of this?"
"None, only what I saw."
"We have to get this information out there. People are killing each other over this," said Ryan.
"And how do you propose we do that?"
He began to open his mouth and then stopped, realising the situation they were in. Tsengal suddenly spasmed and then spat out blood over himself. He began shaking violently.
"Doctor!" yelled Taylor.
The man rushed in to his aid but looked completely clueless as to what was happening. Tsengal flat lined and went still. The doctor was pushing needles into him and pulled down a hinged device from the ceiling, placing it over Tsengal's heart. His body spasmed again as electricity pulsed through his body in an attempt to revive him.
"No, we can't lose him now. Save him!" Taylor begged.
The Doctor was trying everything, but to no avail, and then he stopped.
"What are you giving up for?" screamed Taylor.
"I am sorry, Colonel, but he's gone."
"Gone? He just recovered!"
"I don't understand it, something has shocked his body, but I can't see how."
"Well find out!"
He was looking over everything until finally he checked the nutritional drip that led into his body. He opened up the container the line was drawing from and recoiled at the smell.
"What is it?"
"Not that I know for certain, but I'd say he's been poisoned with something truly nasty. If it is what I'm thinking, he didn't stand a chance."
Taylor turned to Ryan with sheer hatred in his eyes.
"Get guards on Armand now!"
"Sir, he's an UEN Councillor. What if we're wrong?"
Taylor simply glared back at him until he did as ordered.
"All right, but this is on you."
It was obvious Ryan had a hard time believing the facts they had been presented with, but that was no surprise to Taylor. They were as bad as news could expect to be. Taylor heard shouts down the corridor and more over his comms channel. He rushed out of the room. Ryan was at the end of the corridor attending to an unconscious crewmember.
An alarm sounded throughout the ship as he rushed to the Captain.
"Where is Armand?"
"They've gone. We've got two wounded."
Taylor drew his pistol and rushed for the ramp out of the ship. He found Jafar and the other crew with their weapons at the ready but utterly unaware of what the emergency was.
"Where's Armand?"
"Departed by car about thirty seconds ago, Sir!"
"Fuck!" he screamed.
"What are your orders, Sir?"
"You stay put. Be extra vigilant, and report and all suspicious activity. Councillor Armand is to be considered an enemy agent from now on!"
They all looked confused but did as ordered. He paced up to Jafar so he could talk more privately, but he did not attempt to break the news softly.
"Tsengal is dead. Killed by that coward Armand. He's one of the clones, or reprogrammed humans, whatever they are. Like we saw back in the war. Tsengal confirmed it and was killed because of it."
"Then his duty has been done."
Taylor seemed surprised by the comment.
"How so?"
"His last orders were to return to you with news of what he had seen. He accomplished that, did he not?"
"Well, yeah."
"Then his death was not in vain and his mission accomplished."
Mitch got what he meant, but it didn't make him any less angry about the situation. He rushed back aboard the ship. Ryan was awaiting him at the top of the ramp.
"Two wounded. They'll be okay."
"Everything that Tsengal told us before he died, you have records of?"
He shook his head.
"Armand had our surveillance and recording drives fried before he left. Onboard cameras are still in operation, but they're not recording anything they see."
"So we've got no evidence of either Tsengal's report, or of Armand's escape and assault on the crew?"
He shook his head once again.
"This is turning from shit to worse, Captain. Tell me you have some good news."
"I wish I did, Sir."
He stopped for a moment, trying to think who he could go to with the news. He knew he had no choice but to go to General White, the commanding officer who wanted to hear nothing more from him for years to come.
"Come with me, Captain. We need to talk to White."
"Why me, Sir?"
"Because besides me, you're the only one who heard Tsengal's story, and you think he'll take my word for it?"
They stepped into Taylor's personal quarters and put the call through. The General's secretary answered.
"Put me through to the General," he commanded.
"I'm sorry, but the General is otherwise engaged."
"The World is going to shit, and we might just have some information which could save it, so put me through to the fucking General!" he screamed.
The officer seemed taken aback by the response, but like many on the base, he knew Taylor's reputation and found it hard to say no.
"All right, Colonel, transferring you now."
The General appeared before him and looked flustered.
"What the hell do you want, Colonel? Haven't you caused enough trouble?"
"Tsengal, Sir, he woke up and has revealed some vital new information."
"This better be good, Taylor. I'm a busy man."
"It'll blow your mind."
He had the General's attention now.
"Taylor, you've got my attention."
"You remember the human incubation chambers we found during the wars, Sir?"
"I heard about them, never did manage to get any looked at by experts."
"No, because the enemy had them destroyed before we could learn the truth. Red 1, where Colonel Chandra and Tsengal were left; deep underground they found God knows how many humans like that, maybe millions."
"Wait, wait, wait. Just hold up there, Colonel. You're telling me in alien space, on the alien planet, Chandra discovered these humans?"
"Yes, Sir. I'm still no closer to understanding if they're some kind of test tube creations or reprogrammed prisoners from the first war or what, but what I do know is that at least one now walks among us on Earth, confirmed by Tsengal with his own eyes."
White still seemed baffled by the whole thing.
"This is all sounding like crazy talk, Colonel. Get to the punch line."
"Sir, they're infiltrating governments, starting wars, weakening humanity from within. Councillor Armand is one of them, and is just one at the heart of it in the UEN. I bet the US government has these spies embedded, too."
"Why am I only just hearing about this now, and from you? These are big claims, Colonel. You better be able to back them up. I want Tsengal returned immediately for questioning by our top people here Stateside."
"He's dead, Sir."
"He's what?"
"Murdered by Armand and his people before they managed to slip off this ship."
"What other evidence do you have besides your word?"
"Mine, Sir," Captain Ryan stated.
"Great, one of Taylor’s fan club ain't gonna cut it. What do you have that is real, that can prove this, that will convince anyone this crazy story is true?"
"Nothing," he replied with a sigh.
"Then it is nothing; hearsay, scuttlebutt, and a waste of my goddamn time. The World is in real trouble, Colonel. We need real solutions. Get your ass back here immediately, and forget all this nonsense until such time as you have some actual proof. Get your head screwed on, Taylor. We may well need your skills in the days and months to come."
The transmission cut out, and the two of them were left speechless.
"So that's it? We can't prove it, so he won't believe us?" asked Ryan.
"Does seem pretty farfetched until you have seen all we have seen."
"Then what now? We can't go home and forget all this?"
"No, we'll just have to find another way."