Chapter Twenty

Marie wrapped herself around me when she opened the door. She mumbled incoherent Hungarian things then drew us into one of the sitting rooms, all the while calling out for Rurik.

“What happened to you? We were so worried. Who was that man who carried you off? Rurik has sent everyone out to find you and it’s left us defense—”

“Enough, Marie.” Rurik’s quiet voice silenced her. He drank me in with his eyes from across the room as he stood in the doorway. The light reflected off his black untidy hair. Even after the fight at the party he’d maintained an impeccable appearance. In a few strides he’d crossed the room, almost too quick to see, and lifted me to his lips. He consumed me with his kiss.

My spirit soared to be in his arms again. I dropped the pictures and ran my fingers through his silken hair to pull him closer. All my reservations about him shattered. Who was I trying to fool? I loved him.

He pressed his tongue into my mouth to taste me in lazy sweeps. A deep moan vibrated in his chest.

“I guess you two don’t need a counselor.”

Rurik jerked away from our kiss. His moan turned into a growl as he twisted to set me down behind him, barring me from Red. With preternatural speed he snagged Red off the floor by his shirtfront. “Was this the slayer who stole you from me?” Red hung a foot from the floor and dangled from Rurik’s grip as if he weighed like a child. He’d paled so his freckles stood out.

“Put me down.” The order snapped with the expert confidence being a drill Sergeant gave you. “I didn’t come here to fight.”

“No, you came to stake me.”

“A few hours ago I would have gladly done it but Connie’s changed my mind.”

Rurik twisted to glare at me. “How can you bring this here?” He shook Red with his last question. “You said you believed me.”

“I do and I can prove but not if you hurt Red. Put him down.”

His body tensed as he fought with indecision. I asked him to trust me after all I did so far betrayed him. Our decision to come here was a mistake. Red should have listened to me.

“Show him the pictures already, Connie, before this gets messy.” Red grasped at the arm that held him for balance.

I touched my tormented lover’s shoulder. “He’s a friend and wants to help. Please.”

He stared at me. Questions formed in his eyes and for the first time I saw doubt. It made me want to cry but he released Red. After all my secrets and a possible murder attempt he still wanted to believe in me. I hoped to earn it one day.

I retrieved one of the fallen pictures scattered around us and showed him. “The photos in my suitcase are altered. These are the originals.”

He didn’t even look at it. “I know the pictures were fake. I wish you didn’t need proof.”

His comment hurt me even more by stabbing me in the heart. Things between us were not forgiven after all. A relationship built on lies never had a chance.

I pointed at Red as I rounded on Rurik. “How do you expect me to convince them to stop hunting you? I’ve had faith in you since the bathhouse.”

His expression softened. “You’re trying to protect me?”

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. Why did I bother? He had a pretty face and a sexy body? Or was it for his tenacity to cling to an old rusted car because he loved it. That he built a happy clan that didn’t prey on human kind but embraced it. Maybe the way he teased me and made me laugh.

“Ah hell. Stop bein ’ an idiot. Connie’s been breakin ’ all the rules tryin ’ to help you. She cares about you and you care about her. We’ve got proof you’re innocent and are willing to make a truce. A fresh start for everyone.” Red’s cell phone buzzed. He pulled it from his pocket. “What?” He walked away to concentrate on whoever spoke.

I examined my worn running shoes. “I’m sorry.” Nothing I said would express how much. I met his stare. “I really am.”

The safety of his arms as he wrapped me in a hug felt divine after the turmoil of the last twenty-four hours. I closed my eyes and melted to his hard body.

He sighed. “A new start.”

“We all made up now?” Red stood with his feet apart, cell phone crushed in one fist. “Great. Can you help us out? Looks like we’ve got ourselves caught up in a Nosferatu power struggle. I don’t think any of us will survive this unless we make an alliance. Dragos is trying to kill you and it won’t be long before he comes after us.” He shook his head. “I can’t believe I just said that. They were a myth until two days ago.”

Rurik eyed Red, his arms slipped from my shoulders. “They need to remain myth. Do you understand? For your own safety.”

Red nodded. “Don’t spill the beans.”

“They would discredit you then destroy you. Not just Dragos, but any of his kind. They guard their secrets well and have millennia of experience doing it.”

I could see Red swallow.

“You wanted to offer me an alliance?” Rurik crossed his arms over his chest and faced Red. “What could I gain from this?”

“Any intel we obtain and extra hands to fight. We’ll also do our best to keep you in power.”

“I want the original and forged pictures.”

Red bent down and gathered some of the photos then stuffed them in Rurik’s hand. “Done, what else?”

Rurik turned his head toward me.

“She’s not for sale.”


“I’m not makin ’ you stay if you don’t wanna.”

“I didn’t imply for you to give her to me, only not to stop her if she chooses to stay.”

Tired of fooling myself, I reached up on tiptoe and planted a soft kiss on his cheek as my answer.

Rurik scowled at Red, daring him to object but Red nodded to us.

“One more thing, I don’t want any hunting of my clan. If you gain proof of their misdeeds, give it to me. I keep my own house.”

“I can’t speak for Colby but I’ll do my best to convince him.” He stuffed his cell phone in his pocket. “I’ll gather the troops and bring them here. We’ve misplaced our boss. He was following a Nosferatu lead. Can you help us locate him?”

“I will make some inquires. We can defend ourselves better together but I will fight only against Dragos and his men. No others.”
