WHEN PHIL ENTERED the living room the next moming he found a small table set with a very sound breakfast for three. While he was lifting plate covers and wondering whether good manners required him to wait until joined by others, Joan entered the room. He looked up.
"Oh! It's you. Good morning, and stuff. They set a proper table here. Look." He lifted a plate cover. "Did you sleep well?"
"Like a corpse." She joined his investigations. "They do understand food, don't they? When do we start?"
"When number three gets here, I guess. Those aren't the clothes you had on last night."
"Like it?" She turned around slowly with a swaying mannequin walk. She had on a pearl grey gown that dropped to her toes. It was high waisted; two silver cords crossed between her breasts and encircled her waist, making a girdle. She was shod in silver sandals. There was an air of ancient days about the whole costume.
"It's swell. Why is it a girl always looks prettier in simple clothes?"
"Simple hmmf! If you can buy this for three hundred dollars on Wilshire Boulevard, I'd like to have the address of the shop."
"Hello, troops." Ben stood in the doorway. They both stared at him. "What's the trouble?"
Phil ran his eye down Ben's frame. "How's your leg, Ben?"
"I wanted to ask you about that. How long have I been out? The leg's all well. Wasn't it broken after all?"
"How about it, Phil?" Joan seconded. "You examined it I didn't."
Phil pulled his ear. "It was broken or I've gone completely screwy. Let's have a look at it."
Ben was dressed in pajamas and bathrobe. He slid up the pajama leg, and exposed a shin that was pink and healthy. He pounded it with his fist. "See that? Not even a bruise."
"Hmm You haven't been out long, Ben. Just since last night. Maybe ten or eleven hours."
"That's right."
"Maybe so. Let's eat breakfast."
They ate in thoughtful silence, each under pressing necessity of taking stock and reaching some reasonable reorientation. Toward the end of the meal they all happened to look up at once. Phil broke the silence
"Well... How about it?"
"I've just doped it out," volunteered Joan. "We all died in the snow storm and went to Heaven. Pass the marmalade, will you, please?"
"That can't be right," objected Phil, as he complied, "else Ben wouldn't be here. He led a sinful life. But seriously, things have happened which require explanation. Let's tick 'em off: One; Ben breaks a leg last night, it's all healed this morning."
"Wait a minute are we sure he broke his leg?"
"I'm sure. Furthermore, our host acted as if he thought so too else why did he bother to carry him? Two; our host has direct perception, or an uncanny knowledge of the mountainside."
"Speaking of direct perception," said Joan, "have either of you tried to look around you and size up the place?"
"No, why?" "Neither have I."
"Don't bother to. I tried, and it can't be done. I can't perceive past the walls of the room."
"Hmm we'll put that down as point three. Four, our host says that his name is Ambrose Bierce. Does he mean that he is the Ambrose Bierce? You know who Ambrose Bierce was, Joan?"
"Of course I do I got eddication. He disappeared sometime before I was bom."
"That's right at the time of the outbreak of the first World War. If this is the same man, he must be over a hundred years old."
"He didn't look that old by forty years."
"Well, we'll put it down for what it's worth. Point five; We'll make this one an omnibus point why does our host live up here? How come this strange mixture of luxury hotel and cuff dwellers cave anyhow? How can one old man run such a joint? Say, have either of you seen anyone else around the place?"
"I haven't," said Ben. "Someone woke me, but I think it was Ambrose."
"I have," offered Joan. "It was a woman who woke me. She offered me this dress."
"Mrs. Bierce, maybe?"
"I don't think so she wasn't more than thirtyfive. I didn't really get acquainted she was gone before I was wide awake."
Phil looked from Joan to Ben. "Well, what have we got? Add it up and give us an answer."
"Good morning, young friends!" It was Bierce, standing in the doorway, his rich, virile voice resounding around the many-sided room. The three started as if caught doing something improper.
Coburn recovered first. He stood up and bowed. "Good morning, sir. I believe that you saved my life. I hope to be able to show my gratitude."
Bierce bowed formally. "What service I did I enjoyed doing, sir. I hope that you are all rested?"
"Yes, thank you, and pleasantly filled from your table."
"That is good. Now, if I may join you, we can discuss what you wish to do next. Is it your pleasure to leave, or may we hope to have your company for a while longer?"
"I suppose," said Joan, rather nervously, "that we should get started down as soon as possible. How is the weather?"
"The weather is fair, but you are welcome to remain here as long as you like. Perhaps you would like to see the rest of our home and meet the other members of our household?"
"Oh, I think that would be lovely!"
"It will be my pleasure, ma'am."
"As a matter of fact, Mr. Bierce " Phil leaned forward a little, his face and manner serious. " we are quite anxious to see more of your place here and to know more about you. We were speaking of it when you came in."
"Curiosity is natural and healthy. Please ask any question you wish."
"Well " Phil plunged in. "Ben had a broken leg last night. Or didn't he? It's well this morning."
"He did indeed have a broken leg. It was healed in the night."
Coburn cleared his throat "Mr, Bierce, my name is Coburn. I am a physician and surgeon, but my knowledge does not extend to such healing as that. Will you tell me more about it?"
"Certainly. You are familiar with regeneration as practiced by the lower life forms. The principle used is the same, but it is consciously controlled by the will and the rate of healing is accelerated. I placed you in hypnosis last night, then surrendered control to one of our surgeons who directed your mind in exerting its own powers to heal its body."
Cobum looked baffled. Bierce continued, "There is really nothing startling about it. The mind and will have always the possibility of complete domination over the body. Our operator simply directs your will to master its body. The technique is simple; you may learn it, if you wish. I assure you that to learn it is easier than to explain it in our cumbersome and imperfect language. I spoke of mind and will as if they were separate. Language forced me to that ridiculous misstatement. There is neither mind, nor will, as entities; there is only " His voice stopped. Ben felt a blow within his mind like the shock of a sixteen inch rifle, yet it was painless and gentle. What ever it was, it was as alive as a hummingbird, or a struggling kitten, yet it was calm and untroubled.
He saw Joan nodding her head in agreement, her eyes on Bierce.
Bierce went on in his gentle, resonant voice. "Was there any other matter troubling any one of you?"
"Why, yes, Mr. Bierce," replied Joan, "several things. What is this place where we are?"
"It is my home, and the home of several of my friends. You will understand more about us as you become better acquainted with us."
'Thank you. It is difficult for me to understand how such a community could exist on this mountaintop without its being a matter of common knowledge."
"We have taken certain precautions, ma'am, to avoid notoriety. Our reasons, and the precautions they inspired will become evident to you."
"One more question; this is rather personal; you may ignore it if you like. Are you the Ambrose Bierce who disappeared a good many years ago?"
"I am. I first came up here in 1880 in search of a cure for asthma. I retired here in 1914 because I wished to avoid direct contact with the tragic world events which I saw coming and was powerless to stop." He spoke with some reluctance, as if the subject were distasteful, and turned the conversation. "Perhaps you would like to meet some of my friends now?"
The apartments extended for a hundred yards along the face of the mountain and for unmeasured distances into the mountain. The thirty-odd persons in residence were far from crowded; there were many rooms not in use. In the course of the morning Bierce introduced them to most of the inhabitants.
They seemed to be of all sorts and ages and of several nationalities. Most of them were occupied in one way, or another, usually with some form of research, or with creative art. At least Bierce assured them in several cases that research was in progress cases in which no apparatus, no recording device, nothing was evident to indicate scientific research.
Once they were introduced to a group of three, two women and a man, who were surrounded by the physical evidence of their work biological research. But the circumstances were still confusing; two of the trio sat quietly by, doing nothing, while the third labored at a bench. Bierce explained that they were doing some delicate experiments in the possibility of activating artificial colloids. Ben inquired, "Are me other two observing the work?"
Bierce shook his head. "Oh, no. They are all three engaged actively in the work, but at this particular stage they find it expedient to let three brains m rapport direct one set of hands."
Rapport, it developed, was the usual method of collaboration. Bierce had led them into a room occupied by six persons. One or two of them looked up and nodded, but did not speak. Bierce motioned for the three to come away. They were engaged in a particularly difficult piece of reconstruction; it would not be polite to disturb them."
"But Mr. Bierce," Phil commented, "two of them were playing chess.*'
"Yes. They did not need that part of their brains, so they left it out of rapport. Nevertheless they were very busy."
It was easier to see what the creative artists were doing. In two instances, however, their methods were startling. Bierce had taken them to the studio of a little gnome of a man, a painter in oil, who was introduced simply as Charles. He seemed glad to see them and chatted vivaciously, without ceasing his work. He was doing, with meticulous realism but with a highly romantic effect, a study of a young girl dancing, a wood nymph, against a pine forest background.
The young people each made appropriate appreciative comments. Cobum commented that it was remarkable that he should be able to be so accurate in his anatomical detail without the aid of a model.
"But I have a model," he answered. "She was here last week. See?" He glanced toward the empty model's throne. Cobum and his companions followed the glance, and saw, poised on the throne, a young girl, obviously the model for the picture, frozen in the action of the painting. She was as real as bread and butter.
Charles glanced away. The model's throne was again vacant.
The second instance was not so dramatic, but still less comprehensible. They had met, and chatted with, a Mrs. Draper, a comfortable, matronly soul, who knitted and rocked as they talked. After they had left her Phil inquired about her.
"She is possibly our most able and talented artist," Bierce told him.
"In what field?"
Bierce's shaggy eyebrows came together as he chose his words. "I don't believe I can tell you adequately at this time. She composes moods arranges emotional patterns in harmonic sequences. It's our most advanced and our most completely human form of art, and yet, until you have experienced it, it is very difficult for me to tell you about it."
"How is it possible to arrange emotions?"
"Your great grandfather no doubt thought it impossible to record music. We have a technique for it. You will understand later."
"Is Mrs. Draper the only one who does this?"
"Oh, no. Most of us try our hand at it. It's our favorite art form. I work at it myself but my efforts aren't popular too gloomy."
The three talked it over that night in the living room they had first entered. This suite had been set aside for their use, and Bierce had left them with the simple statement that he would call on them on the morrow.
They felt a pressing necessity to exchange views, and yet each was reluctant to express opinion. Phil broke the silence.
"What kind of people are these? They make me feel as if I were a child who had wandered in where adults were working, but that they were too polite to put me out."
"Speaking of working there's something odd about the way they work. I don't mean what it is they do that's odd, too, but it's something else, something about their attitude, or the tempo at which they work."
"I know what you mean, Ben," Joan agreed, "they are busy all the time, and yet they act as if they had all eternity to finish it. Bierce was like that when he was strapping up your leg. They never hurry." She turned to Phil. "What are you frowning about?"
"I don't know. There is something else we haven't mentioned yet. They have a lot of special talents, sure, but we three know something about special talents that ought not to confuse us. But there is something else about them that is different."
The other two agreed with him but could offer no help. Sometime later Joan said that she was going to bed and left the room. The two men stayed for a last cigaret.
Joan stuck her head back in the room. "I know what it is that is so different about these people," she anounced, "They are so alive."