People I want to thank:

David Fugate, my agent, without whom I would still be blogging my stories on nights and weekends.

Julian Pavia, my editor, for being a pain in my ass at exactly the right times.

The entire team at Crown and the Random House sales force for their hard work and support. You’re an army too numerous to name individually here, but please know I’m incredibly grateful to have had so many smart people believe in my work and get it out into the world.

A special shoutout is due to my longtime publicist Sarah Breivogel, whose efforts have been instrumental in keeping me sane over the last few years.

For their smart feedback in various arenas, but most especially for helping me tackle the challenge of writing a female narrator, Molly Stern (publisher), Angeline Rodriguez (Julian’s assistant), Gillian Green (my UK editor), Ashley (my girlfriend), Mahvash Siddiqui (friend, who also helped make sure the portrayal of Islam was accurate), and Janet Tuer (my mom).
