Chapter Thirty-Two

The Beginning

The battle was over, but they all knew that the war was just beginning. Suddenly tired and calm, Brand and the others picked themselves up and did what they could to staunch the flames. But Froghollow would be a ruin by morning, none of them doubted that.

In the flickering light of the burning house Brand had loved so much, Gudrin came to him and spoke with unusual gentleness. “You are a strong one. Strong of spirit as well as of limb. Few can willingly release Ambros once they have taken it up, and fewer still can do so without getting blood on its curved blades.”

Brand nodded. He knew it was true, he had held Ambros and knew the power of it.

“The enemy has been driven off for now. But life will not be easy for the River Folk from this day forward.”

“We will have to make weapons and prepare for war,” he said grimly.

“Perhaps,” said Gudrin. “What is certain is that your people and mine have a great problem, Brand,” said Gudrin. “I'm asking for your help in solving it.”

Brand looked at her seriously. Her face was old and craggy and worn. Females of the Kindred are rarely attractive, but Gudrin was perhaps even less so than the average. But still, he saw in her a certain beauty, a certain inner strength. She had done everything she could for him and his people by taking Myrrdin's place.

“I'm grateful for all you've done,” Brand said. “I'll help you in any way I can.”

She nodded. “I knew that you would.”
