
I have many people to thank for helping Alienated make it into your hands, so kick back and get comfy. This might take a while.

To my editor, Laura Schreiber, thank you for being my very first L’annabe. You fell in love with my characters and took a chance on their creator, for which I am infinitely grate­ful. Working with you has made this book stronger than I ever imagined possible, and I’ve felt your enthusiasm during every step of the process. It’s truly a privilege to be your author.

A thousand thanks to my agent, Nicole Resciniti, who cheered me on through one more rewrite, then went on to sell this book to Disney. You found the perfect home for the book of my heart, and that makes you my hero.

Big hugs to my critique partners, Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon, who have also become incredible friends. I don’t know what I’d do without your companionship and support. I’m grateful to have you in my life. Next time we schedule a writing retreat, I’ll bring the peaches. Additional thanks to my sisters at the OVRWA. You ladies rock.

A giant shout-out to the NaNoWriMo community for helping me see that I had the power to finish a novel—even if it was a hot, ungodly mess at the end of those thirty days. Alienated exists because of you. Write on, friends!

Many thanks to my early readers: Heather, Shannon, Olca, Jamie, Zoe, and of course, my mom. I’m mortified that I sent you guys the second draft of a book I wrote in thirty days, but your encouragement helped me push through five rewrites. Well, that and my own obsession. But let’s give you the credit, because that sounds better.

To the NBC writers, thank you for helping me with everything from brainstorming to query advice. Nesties rule! A special thanks to YA writer Shana Silver, whose detailed critique of my first six chapters taught me more about fiction writing than any instructional text I’ve read.

Thank you to Carol M. Stephenson, Ph. D., for patiently explaining to me the dangers of nanotechnology . . . and for being an excellent neighbor.

Much love to my friends and family. You continue to amaze me with all you do to help spread the word about my books. Thank you! To my children: Ashley, Troy, and Blake, thanks for your patience. I know it’s hard when Mom is chained to her laptop every day, but, hey—you’re in my book! I hope that makes up for all the nights we’ve eaten grilled cheese sandwiches.

Finally, to my husband, Steve, thank you for being the fin­est human I know. The L’eihrs might not elect to clone you, but I totally would. Love you, babe!
