Chapter 13

The desk intercom burbled, interrupting Emmett's conversation with Verwood, the head of Guild Security. Irritated, he punched the button.

"I thought I told you that I did not want to be disturbed, Perkins."

"I assumed that you would make an exception in case of an emergency, sir."

Emmett gripped the phone a little tighter. He did not need any more problems.

"What is the nature of this emergency?" he asked evenly.

"I'm not sure, sir, but according to Miss Smith, there definitely is one in progress. She insists on speaking with you immediately."

Lydia's name in the same sentence with the word emergency made him go cold.

"Put her through, Perkins."

"Yes, sir."

Emmett picked up the phone. "Lydia? What's wrong?"

"I'm really sorry about this, Emmett. I don't have a good excuse. But I don't think it will do too much harm. Honestly, the time will go by before you know it, what with you being so busy and all these days. You'll hardly even notice."

"Are you all right?"

"Yes, of course, I'm fine, why?"

"Perkins said there was some sort of emergency."

"Yes, that's what I'm trying to explain."

He called on what was left of his store of patience. "What the hell is wrong?"

"It's a long story. You see what happened was, Melanie and I came out of the dress shop and there were all these reporters waiting in front."

He allowed himself to relax a little. "Honey, they were bound to find you, sooner or later. It's not like we've tried to keep our relationship a secret."

"I know." She cleared her throat. "The thing is, they wanted a comment about us, Emmett."

"You should have told them to call my office."

"I'm sure you'll be hearing from the media at any moment," she said dolefully. "Because I gave them a comment. That's why I'm calling you now. To warn you."

Confusion was starting to take the place of concern. "Warn me about what?"

He heard her take a deep breath on the other end of the line. "I hope you won't be too upset about this. I guess I was just feeling cornered. They were going on and on about the Mystery Mistress thing and I just couldn't take it anymore. It's embarrassing."

"What did you say to the press?" he asked, spacing each word very carefully to get her attention.

"I told them that I was not your mistress."

For an instant it seemed as if the whole world went away. She had denied their relationship.

He stared blankly at the view of the Dead City outside the window. He was aware that Verwood was looking at him with concern.

"I see," he said softly.

"I'm really sorry about this, but I don't think it will do too much damage."

The only damage being done was to him, he thought wearily. Well, what had he expected? He had known from the start that his connection to the Guild would be a huge issue for her. The media circus surrounding the Mystery Mistress had probably pushed her too far.

"Emmett? Are you still there?"

"I'm here."

"I've made an appointment at the registrar's office for three o'clock this afternoon." She sounded crisp and assured now. A woman with an objective. "I know you're awfully busy, but it won't take long. Can you make it?"

He was definitely not tracking here. "The registrar's office?"

"The clerk said they would make an appointment so that we wouldn't have to stand in line."

"Why do we have an appointment?" he asked.

"Something was said about being only too happy to do a favor for the Guild, as I recall."

"I meant, why do we need an appointment at the registrar's office?"

There was another brief pause. "I thought you understood. I just got through telling the media that I was your fiancée, not your mistress, and that we were going to file for an MC this afternoon."

The world snapped back into focus. "You told the press that we're getting married? Today?"

"I'm afraid so."

"I see," he said again.

"How mad are you?" she asked, sounding resigned.

"I'm not mad. Just a little surprised, that's all." More like stunned, but there was no reason to tell her that.

"I realize that I probably should have talked to you first," Lydia said apologetically. "But like I said, the reporters caught me by surprise and I just couldn't stand all those stupid questions about the Mystery Mistress."

"It's okay. I understand. Don't worry about it."

"I know a year sounds like a long time but it will go by before you know it and it's not as if you and I weren't spending a lot of time together, anyway."

"I said, don't worry about it." He glanced at his watch. "I'll meet you at the registrar's office at three."

"You're okay with this?"

"I'm okay with it."

He hung up the phone and looked at Verwood. "Congratulate me. I'm getting married this afternoon."

Verwood, a big, square man with very little neck, did not alter his politely impassive expression. "Congratulations, sir. A sudden decision?"

"No, I've been thinking about it for a while." Emmett picked up the file on Sandra Thornton that Verwood had given him earlier. "I was just waiting to be asked."
