
(by rank, then alphabetical order)

Audric ca’Dakwi [AHD-ric-Kah-DAWK-whee] The Kraljiki in Nessantico.

Sergei ca’Rudka [SARE-zhay Kah-ROOD-kah] The Regent of Nessantico until Audric comes into his majority at sixteen.

Karl ca’Vliomani [Karhl Kah-vlee-oh-MAHN-ee] Ambassador of the Numetodo from the Isle of Paeti, friend of Archigos Ana and Regent ca’Rudka.

Allesandra ca’Vorl [Ahl-ah-SAHN-drah Kah-VOORL] Daughter of the Hirzg of Firenzcia, and once the heir to that title herself.

Jan ca’Vorl [Yahn Kah-VOORL] Son of Allesandra and Pauli.

Eneas cu’Kinnear [Eh-NIGH-us Coo-ken-EAR] An offizier with the Garde Civile in the Hellins, fighting the Westlanders.

Varina ci’Pallo [Vah-REE-nah Kee-PAHL-low] A Numetodo.

Nico Morel [NEE-koh Mohr-ELL] A young boy living in Oldtown.

Niente [Nee-EHN-tay] The Nahual (chief spellcaster) of the Westlanders (Tehuantin).

The White Stone An assassin.
