Table of Contents
Consensual by Jack Ketchum writing as Jerzy Livingston by Boyd E. Harris
Face by Patrick Shand
Pinch by Shane McKenzie
Ghunt by Lee Thomas
Joyeux Pâques by Emma Ennis
The Greatest Sin by Kevin Wallis
The Greenhouse Garden of Suicides by Kirk Jones
I *Heart* Recycling by Lesley Conner
Taco Meat by John McNee
Remember What I Said About Living Out in the Country? by A.J. Brown
Every Day a Holiday by Steve Lowe
Seeing Red by Chris Lewis Carter
Southern Fried Cruelty by Matt Kurtz
By Bizarre Hands by Joe R. Lansdale
Family Man by John Bruni
We Run Races With Goblin Troopers by Lee Thompson
Pascal’s Wager by Wrath James White
A Special Surprise at Thanksgiving Dinner by Elle Richfield
Waiting for Santa by Bentley Little
Hung With Care by Ty Schwamberger
Sunshine Beamed by Marie Green
Dia de los Inocentes by Elias Siqueiros
Three, Two, One by Nate Southard
Author Biographies