
Ty threw a rock.

He gathered in the makeshift sling as the rock struck the rabbit on the head, killing it instantly. The still-wet ground sucked at his boots as he made his way to the kill. It was the third coney he had felled, using slinging skills he had learned as a boy. He was well pleased that he had retained the knack of it and knew the others would be more so for the soon to-be-cooked rabbits. He glanced at the sky as he turned to head back. It looked as if the rain was finally over. The air had a heavy feeling to it, hot and swampy, but it wasn’t as sultry as it had been as the sun set, and his mountain-bred weather sense told him it was getting dryer.

As he trod the game trail, he hoped Hal had managed to get a fire started so that they could quickly dress and cook the rabbits. It had been three days since they’d left the ship and escaped the pirates and what little food they had carried in their belt pouches was long gone. What had started off as a quick hike to a safe village had now turned into a rigorous overland trip into dangerous territory.

Ty reached the clearing they had elected to use for a camp for the evening. While hunting he had looked for signs that anyone was on their trail again, but it appeared as if the false Kingdom soldiers who had been searching for them were far enough away that they could risk smoke from the cook-fire. Hal helped Ty dress out the rabbits and while they were cooking, he went to bury the hides and offal. ‘No sense in having carrion eaters circling overhead and calling attention to us,’ he said.

As the rabbits cooked, Princess Stephane asked, ‘What do we do now?’

Ty said, ‘I’ve been thinking. It’s probably more dangerous to double back to the east and head for the border states. Moreover, we can’t be sure any of the Eastern Kingdoms haven’t allied with one side or the other. We blunder into Prandur’s Gate or Maladon, you could be held for ransom or turned over to Lord John Worthington’s agents for your “protection” as soon as we surface. No, we strike for Ran. Unless it’s fallen, we’ll be safe there.’

Hal said, ‘If Ran’s fallen, we’ll have more to worry about than ransom, Princess. It would mean a Keshian presence on the Kingdom mainland in the Eastern Realm, for the first time in history.’

Ty nodded. ‘Those false soldiers were almost certainly Kingdom men, from their speech, not Keshian, and they were in league with those Ceresian pirates, so we have no idea whom they serve.’ He sighed. ‘I know my father is taking care of my mother, and as a minor Kingdom noble he’s probably being watched, but it’s unlikely more than that.’ He glanced at Stephane. ‘I know you worry about your parents.’

She nodded. ‘And my brothers.’ She looked from one to the other. ‘My parents have loyal followers. I know Lady Franciezka is important in all this intrigue, but she would die to protect my family. She’ll ensure they’re safe and it’s not in Lord John’s interest to harm them. He just wants me married to his son.’

‘Which means you’re worried about your brothers.’

She smiled a tight smile. ‘My brothers are men of character and tougher than one might think.’

Hal smiled. ‘So is their sister.’

She glanced at him and saw open admiration in his expression. ‘Thank you,’ she said. ‘That was gallant.’

‘Well meant,’ he returned. ‘You’ve held up like a soldier.’

Ty turned the rabbits. ‘I suggest we eat and move on. Bury the remnants of the fire, just enough to be discovered if someone chances by, then lay in a false trail to the south.’

‘We go north-west?’ asked Hal.

‘If I can read these hills,’ he said, looking in that direction, ‘there should be water sources up there in that low gap. That means rivers for ample water and caves most likely. We can shelter for a day or two, rest up, fish, hunt, and then strike south-west to Ran.’

‘Rest would be good,’ said the Princess.

Hal reached out and gently touched her shoulder. ‘We’ll get you to safety, I swear.’

Stephane smiled and they gazed at one another for a moment, then the Princess looked away to watch the rabbits cooking.

Ty watched this. Then, with a slight incline of his head to Gabriella he added, ‘I’m going to scout a bit for shelter.’

Gabriella at once got to her feet. ‘I’ll go with you. I want to stretch my legs.’

Both Stephane and Hal frowned slightly at the remark, but said nothing.

When they were out of earshot of the others, Ty said, ‘Stretch my legs? After three days of hiking these mountains?’

‘It was the best I could think of impromptu. Now, what did you want to talk about?’

‘What just happened? Back there I mean, with Hal and the Princess?’

Gabriella’s eyes narrowed slightly. ‘You feeling a pang of jealousy then, young rooster?’

Ty didn’t know whether to be amused or annoyed. He chose the first. ‘Hardly. Our young lord there may be dreaming of your charge, but I’ve spent enough time in court to know the Princess will not be married off to some rustic lord, even if he is to be Duke of Crydee some day, let alone a down-in-the-heels, title-poor, back-door-noble son such as myself.’

He grew thoughtful. ‘Men who think they need to protect their women get ferociously brave and stupid. If he’s being courtly, fair enough, but if he’s becoming a love-struck puppy, it would be wise to know.’

She shrugged. ‘I can’t tell. Some of your Kingdom of the Isles nobles are as untrustworthy and conniving as Roldem’s best, but this one?’ She fell silent for a moment as they moved towards the sound of water. ‘I think he’ll do the right thing, no matter what. He’s a very … well-brought-up young man.’

He smiled. ‘And me?’

‘You are the sort my mother warned me about.’

He laughed. ‘And you?’

She looked off into the distance and said at last, ‘I am not usually comfortable speaking about myself.’

‘Fair enough. Comfort has been a quality sorely lacking lately. But if you prefer to remain a mystery, I’m fine with that. I just need to know that if it gets bloody, you’re there.’ He saw her jaw firm and said, ‘I assume it’s safe to conclude you’re not a lady-in-waiting.’

‘I am the Princess’s personal bodyguard.’

‘Damn,’ he said lightly. ‘I knew you were dangerous.’

Caught halfway between confusion and humour, she frowned. ‘Dangerous?’

‘I don’t usually encounter six-foot-tall beauties, and none before have been as adept at woodcraft as you are. You remind me of my mother.’

‘Your mother?’

They found themselves on a slight rise looking down at a large, fast-running creek and half-walked, half-slid down the incline to the bank. Ty looked in both directions then pointed upstream. ‘There I think.’

As they moved against the flow of the water, Gabriella asked, ‘What is your mother like?’

‘Strong, like you,’ he answered without hesitation. ‘But in a different fashion.’


‘Like a slender tree; she bends with the wind, but endures.’

‘I think I understand,’ said Gabriella. She pointed. ‘Look.’

He saw the cave she indicated and as they walked towards it, continued, ‘Before I was born, the summer my father was undergoing the naming rite of his … our people, the Orosini, a man named Kaspar of Olasko ordered the obliteration of our people, because we would not allow his army to pass through our lands so that he could attack the Duchy of Farinda. Our homes in the High Fastness were destroyed and the few survivors were sold into captivity. My mother was one of those.’

‘And your father?’

‘My father, my real father, was some unknown soldier of Olasko.’

‘But I thought …?’

‘Talwin Hawkins married my mother. He had loved her since they were children, and he gave me his name.’

‘But I saw you together. You look so much alike.’

Ty grinned. ‘An interesting coincidence, isn’t it? My father must have been a handsome devil, I always say.’ His grin faded. ‘Talwin Hawkins is the only father I have ever known and I love him as such. He has cared for me as if I were his own. It’s reasonable I’d mimic him as I grew. My mother has not been able to have more children, so he’s stuck with me,’ he added on a lighter note.

She was silent for a moment then asked, ‘Have you a wife?’

‘Ha!’ he laughed so loudly it echoed through the dell.

He covered his mouth and she looked at him wide-eyed in surprise and covered her own mouth a moment, before saying with a smile, ‘I assume that means no.’

‘I … haven’t had the time,’ he said quickly. ‘My family is … the demands …’ He let the thought go unfinished.

‘I was wondering,’ she said as they reached the entrance to the cave. ‘Rare is the noble that can catch rabbits like a poacher, or fish with mere twine and a tree branch. You know your way in the wild.’

‘As do you.’ He paused, looking at her. She really was a beauty, though her manner disguised that, and being next to Stephane could render a goddess invisible. He quickly tore his gaze away as he realized he was staring and glanced around. ‘I don’t like the idea of going in there without a torch.’

‘Not much dry wood to make a torch,’ she observed.

‘We might not have to,’ he said, hurrying down to the edge of the river. The heavy rain had washed a large amount of detritus into the creek, depositing it here and there on the shore. He found a likely-looking branch and hurried back. ‘Wait here a moment,’ he said, and ducked into the cave. A short time later he emerged with a massive clump of moss. ‘This will burn slowly and give a weak light, but it’s light.’ He wrapped the moss around the branch in as tight a knot as he could, then took out flint from his belt pouch and used his hunting knife to strike sparks. He blew into it and got it smouldering and picked up the torch and blew hard on one sport until a flame flared. ‘It won’t last more than a few minutes, but I’ll get a look around.’

‘Be careful of the bears,’ she asked.

He smiled, knowing the old joke that was coming. ‘How can I tell if there’s one in there?’

‘Usually from the bleeding.’

He shook his head and as he turned to enter he said, ‘How many brothers?’


‘All older?’


Shaking his head he only said, ‘No wonder,’ and entered the cave. She followed him, smiling to herself.

In the gloom they found a widening path that led downward, into a very large cave. Once fashioned by flowing water, the underground hideaway was now above the water table, providing a dry floor upon which to rest. Ty poked the torch around in every corner making sure they were alone, then said, ‘Something made a lair here, but two, three years ago.’

‘Bear, I think,’ said Gabriella.

He made one quick circle around and then said, ‘Let’s head back. If we wait too much longer, there’ll be no rabbit left for either of us.’

‘Yes, I’ve been away too long as it is. The Princess is my charge and I’ve already violated it by leaving her alone.’

‘Then why did you?’ Ty asked as they exited the cave.

‘It seemed like the right thing to do at the time. Besides, she instructed me that at some point I should go off with you for a short while, as she had something she needed to discuss with Lord Henry in person.’

‘Lord Henry?’

‘That’s how she named him. I assume it must be something she considered a matter of state.’

Now Ty looked completely confused.

‘Despite what one might think, Stephane is a very serious-minded woman when she chooses to be. She knows she will be highly placed in marriage, a duchess or even a queen, and that she will play a role vital in keeping peace between Roldem and their neighbours.’

‘Now my curiosity is piqued,’ admitted Ty. ‘Affairs of state, out here of all places.’

‘No more improbable than affairs of the heart, surely.’

Not entirely sure what to say to this, Ty merely nodded.

Stephane watched as Gabriella and Ty vanished from sight and turned to Hal who was turning the rabbits. ‘How much longer until they are cooked?’ she asked.

He said, ‘Another half hour. If we had a hotter fire, sooner, but too hot and it dries and is tough. Too slow and it’s chewy and tough. Just right and it’s savoury … and tough.’

She laughed. ‘You do manage to keep your spirits up.’

Hal let out a small sigh. ‘Truth, Highness? I’d as soon be riding through a thousand Keshian Dog Soldiers with a wooden spoon as my only weapon than having to drag you through this wilderness.’

‘You’re not dragging me,’ she said, smiling. ‘I’m escaping.’

He laughed. ‘Speaking of keeping one’s spirits up.’ He turned the rabbits again. The spits were twigs and they rested on rocks, and seemed constantly to want to turn back one way. Vigilance was needed to ensure the rabbits weren’t burned through on one side and raw on the other.

She was silent for a moment, her expression turning pensive, and at last she said, ‘I wanted to have a chance to speak to you alone.’

He turned to give her his undivided attention. ‘Yes?’

‘My position is at best difficult,’ she began, hesitantly. ‘Lady Franciezka holds you and Ty in high regard, or she never would have entrusted me to your care. Yet I fear that your king may not be …’

‘You worry King Gregory might see you as a bargaining chip, much as your Lord John does.’

‘I don’t know what to think, Hal,’ she said plainly. ‘All my life I have been trained to rule, but in the Roldemish fashion of a queen, to offer quiet council to my husband when alone, and to smile and remain silent in public.’

Hal thought of Bethany and laughed. ‘It’s a bit different in the west, especially along the Far Coast. Our mothers, and wives, are hardly shy in letting their feelings be known.’

‘What I’m saying is that if it comes to a conflict, I’m not certain I can stand my ground. If Gregory threatens …’ She fell silent. ‘Roldem’s fleet combined with that of the Isles would drive Kesh back to their own ports.’

Hal shook his head. ‘I know that’s conventional thinking, but with those pirates in league with … someone, raiding free along this coast the balance of power may not be what we thought.’ Seeing her troubled expression, he decided to change the subject. ‘But you didn’t ask to be alone with me to speak of warfare. I pledge to you that as a son of the House of conDoin, I will give my life if need be to keep you from any harm. When this madness is over you shall be safely returned to Roldem. And you’ll have a Kingdom-born husband in tow only if that is your pleasure.’

She smiled. ‘Thank you.’ Impulsively she leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. ‘I am in need of a good friend.’

For reasons Hal didn’t fully understand, hearing that phrase caused his stomach to sink a bit. Pushing aside his feelings, he said, ‘It is the burden of your office that you marry at your father’s pleasure. Not the pleasure of Lord John Worthington or Sir William Alcorn-’ His eyes widened.

‘What?’ asked Princess Stephane.

‘When did Lord John rise to such great influence in your father’s court?’

‘I’m not sure. He’s been around for quite some time. He was very nice to me when I was little.’

‘But when did he gain control, er, start to manifest enough influence to get your father to begin making policy changes in Roldem?’

She thought for a moment, then said, ‘Five years ago, maybe six.’

‘Immediately after the Three Moon Banapis?’

She thought, then said, ‘I think so.’ Six years earlier, one of the rarest of events had taken place when all three moons rose full, as one, on the eve of Banapis, Midsummer’s Day. It happened once every century, more or less.

‘That’s when Sir William began asserting his influence.’

‘What does that mean?’ asked the Princess.

‘I’m not entirely sure,’ said Hal, taking the rabbits off the fire. ‘All I do know is that we must somehow get you safely to Rillanon, and to enter the city without drawing attention to ourselves, I think we need to find Lord James Dasher Jamison.’

‘Why him?’

‘For many reasons, least of which is that he is by a strange twist of history a very distant cousin of mine but, most importantly, he’s the one man in Rillanon I am certain is not under the control of Sir William Alcorn.’

Ty and Gabriella appeared and Ty said, ‘We found a cave.’

‘Good,’ said Hal. ‘Rabbit?’

Neither bothered to answer as Ty tore one in half and handed it to Gabriella while Hal did the same for the Princess. Around a mouthful of hot coney, Ty said, ‘We should stay dry in that cave and we can rest up for a day or two.’

Hal shook his head. ‘No, we need to leave at first light tomorrow and start for Ran.’

‘Ran, you certain?’

Hal nodded. ‘Yes. From there I can use my father’s rank to convince someone to sail us to Rillanon. We must get there as quickly and secretly as possible.’

‘Isn’t that going to be a little difficult if you’re bullying naval captains with your father’s rank?’

‘Not if I’m accompanied by my …’ he waved his hand, ‘companions. We’ll contrive a story, but this young beauty is no princess,’ he nodded at Stephane. ‘She is someone or other’s daughter whom I’m using badly as she hopes against hope to marry above her station.’

Stephane actually laughed. ‘Now you play the role of a young noble of my nation.’ She sighed. ‘Even my brothers.’ She leaned forward and touched him on the arm. ‘I will say, Lord Henry, if other men of the west are like you, the ladies of my nation would do well to visit the Far Coast.’

Hal actually blushed and Ty laughed. Gabrielle contented herself with a knowing smile, and they began to fashion a story that would pass muster once they reached Rillanon.

Assuming they reached Ran, which meant getting through these mountains without running into bandits, false Kingdom soldiers, or wild animals. Two swords, three belt knives, and a sling might gain them a meal, but against what lived in these mountains they were little defence.

Still, Hal turned his mind away from the dangers and considered what needed to be done to get the Princess to his king. He was determined to ensure she arrived safely and departed as she willed, or he would give his life in the attempt.

Hal awoke suddenly, and saw in the half-gloom of the cave both Gabriella and Ty on their feet with weapons in hand. Ty motioned for Hal to stay silent. He realized his arms were around the Princess, and that she was looking at him with questioning eyes. Untangling himself, he put a finger to his lips and drew his sword. The last he remembered was standing his watch at the cave mouth and returning to wake Ty, then snuggling in behind Stephane for warmth. Summer it might be, but in that cave in the mountains it was anything but warm. At sometime during the night she had either backed into him or he had reached out, but waking up in that intimate proximity was troubling.

He moved quietly until he stood on the other side of Lady Gabriella, who crouched with a wicked-looking dirk in her right hand, a shorter belt knife in her left. He remembered the belt knife, but couldn’t help but wonder where she had been hiding the dirk.

Voices from outside were now intelligible. ‘Bloody nuisance, checking every cave from here to Ran. They’re miles east of here, I’ll wager.’

‘You’re not paid to wager or think,’ said another voice. ‘If the captain wants you to dive into every stream, climb trees, and look under rocks, that’s what you’ll do.’

‘And who made you king of the day?’

A meaty smack followed, and the first voice cried, ‘No need for that, Neely! I was just saying …’

‘Say any more and you’ll be crawling back to the camp. Now, get in and check that cave!’

Hal glanced around. The cave was larger in the rear than at the mouth, with an ‘S’ curve coming in, so they might be able to hide. Hal indicated to the Princess that she should move into the farthest corner and she nodded and hurried over on silent feet.

He then motioned for Lady Gabriella to stand opposite the second curve of the entrance, where she would be seen as soon as the man stepped inside. She indicated she understood and moved to the indicated position. Hal tapped Ty on the shoulder and they moved until their backs were flat against the wall, just beyond the curve that hid them from anyone coming into the cave.

Hal put up his sword and pulled out his belt knife just as a man came into the cave, squinting as his eyes adjusted to the gloom. Gabriella moved and the man’s eyes widened. ‘You!’ he began.

Hal stepped up behind him and clamped his hand over his mouth, quickly cutting his throat and with a yank, tossing him to one side. Ty was already moving to protect the entrance, sword at the ready.

After a moment, a shout from outside was heard. ‘Booker! You taking a piss in there or what?’

Ty glanced at Hal who shook his head, indicating that they both should stay silent.

‘Booker?’ came the inquiry as footsteps could be heard entering the cave.

‘Neely!’ shouted Hal, trying to disguise his voice.

‘What?’ came the reply. A beefy man stepped into view.

This time it was Lady Gabriella who stepped out of the shadows and had a blade across the man’s throat before he could react. Even before he had hit the ground, Ty was moving towards the cave mouth to see if any others waited outside.

A moment later he was back. ‘Just the two of them!’

Hal said, ‘We move now. If they’re out in pairs, it means their camp is close by.’

The four of them came out of the cave and saw two horses tied to low-hanging tree limbs. Ty kept his gaze moving and seeing nothing, he clambered up a pile of rocks until he was standing on top of the overhang above the cave entrance. Finally he pointed to the south. ‘Smoke. Campfire. Maybe a mile away, no more.’

He scrambled back down and jumped the last five feet to land beside the Princess. Looking at Hal he said, ‘We ride?’

‘Double,’ said Hal.

‘We won’t be moving fast that way,’ said Ty.

‘If they have patrols out in spokes of a wheel, we travel straight away from this cave and that campfire smoke, and no one will come back here for hours, after those two fail to report back. We may get until tomorrow morning.’ Hal looked around. ‘I know nothing of these mountains. Which way?’

Ty pointed. ‘We follow the water course. There will be a cut in the mountains, or we turn west when we run out of trail. Either way, we’d best be miles from here when they find those two inside the cave.’

Hal nodded agreement and the two women hurried towards the horses. Ty and Hal grabbed some loose brush and moved it around, masking the horse prints back to a patch of rocks, then hurried back up the slope. Hal mounted then extended an arm and the Princess swung up behind him, Ty doing the same with Gabriella.

Without further discussion, Ty took the lead, and they began the slow climb up into the mountains, farther away from civilization every step.
