Money and effort cannot always secure a desired goal. Some things are unattainable.

— Tlulaxa warning

To study the captive Navigator specimen Admiral Harte had delivered to Salusa, Roderick commanded the most advanced research laboratory that Imperial funds could construct on short notice. Desperate to understand how he could make such creatures for his own Imperial purposes, he staffed the facility with skilled and eager scientists, most of them drawn from the Suk Medical School. Roderick knew that time was short and the research itself was dangerous. He had no idea what Josef Venport would do next.

Not daring to inflame the Butlerians who still infested the capital city, the Emperor had ordered the construction of the underground laboratory in great secrecy, and stationed more than a thousand soldiers to guard it. If Manford Torondo ever learned that a captive Navigator was held somewhere in Zimia, he might summon a mob in an attempt to breach the facility, smash the large tank, and destroy the critically important work. Even worse, that might just be the beginning: Roderick recalled reports of what the violent, rampaging Butlerians had done to another Navigator they seized on Baridge.

He hoped the heavily armed soldiers he had stationed to guard the Navigator would prevent that, and he was also concerned about something else. When Roderick ordered the stationing of the troops, he’d said to the commander, “Just as we were about to arrest Josef Venport in the throne room, Norma Cenva appeared in her tank and whisked him away, vanishing into the folds of space. If her tank appears anywhere near our captive Navigator, you are to immediately open fire on the prisoner. We will not let her have him back.…”

Now, through a secure access, the Emperor and Haditha entered the underground facility, accompanied by a confident Umberto Harte. Roderick smelled the odor of melange, noted the jumpsuited scientists and assistants who surrounded the creature’s tank. The Suk researchers monitored the thing’s vital signs while trying to glean useful data from blood and cellular samples. Roderick had authorized all investigatory measures, including dissection, should the thing die in the course of research.

“It says its name is Dobrec,” said Harte, looking at the tank.

“It also says it has no use for appellations, or for our concerns.” Roderick had read the preliminary reports. “We need to find answers, so we can seize this advantage from Directeur Venport.”

“Are you saying we need to create our own Navigators like this?” Haditha stopped beside the tank, looked deeply troubled. “What horrible things Directeur Venport must do to them—”

The Navigator swiveled toward her, pressing close to the speakerpatch. “Wondrous things. I am much more than I ever was before.”

“I doubt we will convince him to switch his allegiance, Sire,” said Harte. “But if we understand the process, we can recruit new Navigators — ones that are loyal to you.”

Roderick frowned. “That is still a long way off, Admiral.”

“You are incapable of understanding what to do,” Dobrec said. “Only Norma Cenva knows how to guide and nurture us through the transformation.” He enfolded himself in the dense gas.

“I hope you can find some use for him, Sire,” Harte said.

Roderick was impressed with the Admiral. Umberto Harte was not an egotistical man, and accepted the need to hide the sensational news that he had captured a fully developed Navigator alive. For the time being, Harte’s soldiers were sequestered, not allowed to communicate with their own families. A press announcement assured the cheering Zimia citizens that the survivors were just being debriefed about Directeur Venport’s defenses at Kolhar. The entire force was confined at one of the largest Salusan military bases, many kilometers from the Imperial city. In order to keep the important secret, Roderick would likely dispatch them on another off-planet mission for the time being.

A small man in a scarlet-and-gold jumpsuit approached from the back of the laboratory — Demos Athens, the head of the facility, accompanied by a much taller man in a long black garment. Athens nodded toward his dour companion. “Sire, may I present Robér Cecilio, an adept of the Scalpel order of the Suk Medical School, one of our most skilled deep-interrogators. His talents will be useful in extracting information from the captive Navigator.”

Cecilio bowed. “With your blessing, Sire, I am ready to help unravel the secrets this creature holds in its mind.”

Roderick had some unpleasant experience with the infamous Scalpel torturers. His brother had used them often — far too often, and Roderick had seen them in action. “I have never approved of your cruel methods.” He drew a breath, reminding himself that he was the Emperor now, not just a brother and a top adviser. “But I understand what may be necessary to obtain the information we desperately require.”

Haditha looked concerned. “We need to understand the origin of the Navigators, but that creature is no longer human. Scalpel methods may not be effective in this case.”

Roderick knew what she was thinking, and agreed. “I do not approve of torture … even of such an inhuman thing.”

“But you do approve of results, Sire. The information you seek is vital to the Imperium.” Cecilio gave a slight bow. “Nevertheless, I will use the lightest possible touch, gauging everything I do carefully.”

Roderick warned, “We do not want this Navigator to die at your hands, or suffer.”

Cecilio leaned close to the Emperor and lowered his voice. “Sire, with all respect we should not be having this conversation in front of the subject. Our methods should remain secret from him.”

Roderick spoke loudly enough for all to hear. “No, I want Dobrec aware of his situation and the peril he faces. This Navigator must understand how necessary the information is to us.” He nodded toward the Scalpel interrogator. “Very well, I authorize you to see what you can find out.”

He stared ruefully at the creature in the tank, and the Navigator looked back with oversized eyes that seemed only remotely aware of the people around him, staring far past the Emperor, into the deepest and most uncharted regions of space and time.
