Werehunter is a short story collection of Mercedes Lackey's early work.
Lope through the night with a young woman who has been given the power to transform herself into a leopard, but who now finds herself pursued by a hunter who is more than human: Follow the adventures of Skitty, ship's cat extraordinaire, and telepathic problem-solver. Ride with a late night driver on a solitary road who learns that what appears to be a piece of cardboard blowing across the road is actually something very sinister in disguise. Join Lackey's celebrated occult detective Diana Tregarde as she attends a gathering of romance writers and encounters a visitor whose passionate desire is for fresh, warm blood. Return to the world of the Heralds of Valdemar. And there's much more.
Lackey's many fans will know what to expect: unforgettable characters in spellbinding stories from a grand master of fantasy and science fiction. And readers just discovering her have a treat in store.
The story Werehunter was originally the song Golden Eyes on the album Magic, Moondust & Melancholy , and was inspired by Andre Norton's Witch World series. The were characters from Year of the Unicorn and the Jargoon Pard meet their long lost kin in this short story.
Stories include:
A Tale of Two SKitties
A Better Mousetrap
The Last of the Season
Satanic, Versus
Wet Wings
Stolen Silver
Operation Desert Fox
Grey's Ghost
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