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О книге

Добавлена в библиотеку 30.07.2018 пользоватем Sanguinius
Издание 2018 года
Размер fb2 файла: 397.35 KB
Объём: 160 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя

Описание книги

‘Unique, addictive. There’s never been anyone like Waldrop, in or out of science fiction’ – GEORGE R.R. MARTIN

Madison Yazoo Leake, of the bombed-out, radiation-ridden twenty-first century, wanted to stop World War Three before it began.

When he stepped through the time portal, he thought he was entering 1930s Louisiana. Instead, he found a world where Arabs explored America, Christianity and the Roman Empire had never existed, and Aztecs performed human sacrifices near the Mississippi as woolly mammoths roamed nearby.

One hundred and forty people, plus equipment, were due to follow him. They didn’t appear. And Leake began to wonder if he could ever go back…

Them Bones (1984) is the first solo novel by science fiction writer Howard Waldrop. It was nominated for the Philip K. Dick Award in 1984, but lost out to William Gibson’s Neuromancer; both novels were part of the third Ace Science Fiction Specials series edited by Terry Carr.

Praise for Howard Waldrop

‘A tense, fast-paced time-travel yarn, packed with gritty detail’ – Gregory Benford

‘It’s not what the reader expects… You can’t get that from a Howard Waldrop story. The wise Waldrop reader leaves his or her expectations in those little lockers that management has provided near the beginning of the story. You can reclaim them afterward, if you still want them. Most people don’t bother’ – Eileen Gunn

‘It’s original and quirky and weird, and I love it to bits and always have… What makes this book so masterful is Waldrop’s knowledge of history and masterful interweaving of stories to make them more than the sum of their parts.’ – Jo Walton

Howard Waldrop, born in Mississippi and now living in Austin, Texas, is an American iconoclast. His stories combine elements such as alternate history, American popular culture, the American South, old movies, classical mythology and rock ‘n’ roll music. He won the Nebula and World Fantasy Awards for his novelette The Ugly Chickens.

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