Stephen R. Lawhead
The Spirit Well

Important People

Anen — Friend of Arthur Flinders-Petrie, High Priest of the Temple of Amun in Egypt, 18th dynasty.

Archelaeus Burleigh, Earl of Sutherland — Nemesis of FlindersPetrie, Cosimo, Kit, and all right-thinking people.

Arthur Flinders-Petrie — Also known as The Man Who Is Map, patriarch of his line. Begat Benedict, who begat Charles, who begat Douglas.

Friar Roger Bacon — An early philosopher, scientist, and theologian who worked and taught first at Paris and then Oxford from around 1240 to 1290; he has been called Doctor Mirabilis for his wonderful teaching.

Balthazar Bazalgette — The Lord High Alchemist at the Court of Emperor Rudolf II in Prague, friend and confidant of Wilhelmina.

Benedict Flinders-Petrie — The son of Arthur and Xian-Li, and father of Charles.

Burley Men — Con, Dex, Mal, and Tav. Lord Burleigh ’s henchmen. They keep a Stone Age cat called Baby.

Charles Flinders-Petrie — Son of Benedict and father of Douglas, he is grandson of Arthur.

Cosimo Christopher Livingstone, the Elder, aka Cosimo — A Victorian gentleman who seeks to reunite the Skin Map and understand the key to the future.

Cosimo Christopher Livingstone, the Younger, aka Kit- Cosimo ’s great-grandson.

Dardok — The head of the River City Clan whom Kit first encounters in the Stone Age; also known as Big Hunter.

Douglas Flinders-Petrie- Son of Charles, and great-grandson of Arthur; he is quietly pursuing his own search for the Skin Map, one piece of which is in his possession.

Emperor Rudolf II — King of Bohemia and Hungary, Archduke of Austria and King of the Romans, he is also known as the Holy Roman Emperor and is quite mad.

Engelbert Stiffelbeam — A baker from Rosenheim in Germany, affectionately known as Etzel.

En-Ul- The elder statesman of the River City Clan.

Giles Standfast — Sir Henry Fayth ’s coachman and Kit ’s ally.

Gustavus Rosenkreuz — The Chief Assistant to the Lord High Alchemist and Wilhelmina ’s ally.

Lady Haven Fayth — Sir Henry ’s headstrong and mercurial niece.

Sir Henry Fayth, Lord Castlemain — Member of the Royal Society, staunch friend and ally of Cosimo. Haven ’s uncle.

Snipe — Feral child and malignant aide to Douglas Flinders-Petrie.

Turms- A king of Etruria, one of the Immortals, and a friend of Arthur; he oversees the birth of Benedict Flinders-Petrie when XianLi’s pregnancy becomes problematic.

Wilhelmina Klug, aka Mina — In another life, a London baker and Kit ’s girlfriend. In this life, owns Prague’s Grand Imperial Kaffeehaus with Etzel.

Dr. Thomas Young — Physician, scientist, a certified polymath with a keen interest in the archaeology of ancient Egypt, his astonishing breadth and depth of accomplishment led to his epithet: “The Last Man in the World to Know Everything.”

Xian-Li — Wife of Arthur Flinders-Petrie and mother of Benedict; daughter of the tattooist Wu Chen Hu of Macao.
