The Hollows Insider (A book in the Rachel Morgan series) A non fiction book by Kim Harrison

Hollows Timeline

1953 Watson and Crick discover the DNA double-helix model. Collaborating with Rosalind Franklin, they use Cold War funding for their own research instead of for space and unconventional weapon development. This greatly advances the understanding of genetic manipulation as the US develops genetic weapons instead of nuclear. Space exploration fizzles out.

1958 Rosalind Franklin continues her research, helping to push genetic understanding up for the following twenty years and giving us a wealth of genetically produced drugs in the 1960s.

1962 Genetic insulin becomes readily available.

1966-1969 Turn begins and ends. The T4 Angel virus transported by a tomato designed to feed the people of the third worlds.

1979 Ivy and Trent are born.

1980 Kisten is born.

1981 Rachel is born. Personal computers become available.

1995 Trent and Rachel's fathers die. Leon Bairn quits the I.S. and is assassinated to keep his findings quiet.

1997 Rachel graduates High School and starts classes at a two-year school.

1999-2003 Rachel interns with the I.S.

2001 Ivy joins the I.S. as a full runner after graduating from a four-year course of study.

2003 Rachel and Ivy work together during Rachel's last year as an intern.

2006 Rachel quits the I.S.
