Neal Shusterman Shattered Sky

For Keith, Patricia, Terry, Mark, Maureen, Eric, and Jan, who have been there to remind me that it’s not the end of the world!


Shattered Sky has been a labor of love that could not have been possi­ble without the efforts and support of many people. Thanks to Robby Elfman for sharing with me his heartfelt experiences during The March of the Living. Thanks to Yael Lock and Jeffrey Schrier for Talmudic wisdom and valuable opinions. Grapas a Gabriela Hebin for checking my less-than-perfect Spanish. Thanks to my kids—Brendan, Jarrod, Joelle, and Erin—for being an endless source of joy and inspi­ration. Thanks to Sharon McKeag, my assistant, for her tireless work, and for being willing to research dubious things like the flash point of human flesh. Thanks to Kathleen Doherty, Tom Doherty, Jonathan Schmidt, and Linda Quinton at Tor Books for their belief in this tril­ogy and their support of all my work.

The Star Shard Trilogy—and Shattered Sky in particular—is intended for an adult readership. Its themes and subject matter may be too intense for younger readers. That said, I think it’s the best thing I’ve ever written.
