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О книге

Добавлена в библиотеку 01.06.2015 пользоватем Sanguinius
Издание 2013 года
Автор: Michael Bunker
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Объём: 32 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя

Описание книги

Leah is a picker. It’s her job to sift through the refuse and waste of the silo and sort it for recycling. On her own time, Leah loves to make homemade paper and she lives to write stories. She just happens to be living in an underground silo full of mysteries and questions, in a dystopian world that has been destroyed by mankind… and the two things she loves to do most are both illegal.

REFUSE is a short story of about 10k words (about 60 pages) that takes place in the world of Hugh Howey’s bestselling WOOL saga. It is the first of a three part series that will make up The Silo Archipelago. The completed The Silo Archipelago omnibus edition is available in one single volume, both as an e-book, and in a print edition. Written with Hugh’s permission, Refuse examines the issues of control, tyranny, and censorship through the lens of history. Throughout time, dissident writers have used paper and words as weapons of war against both governments and really bad ideas. REFUSE, in the spirit of A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch and The Gulag Archipelago, examines what would happen if there were literary dissidents in the silos of Hugh Howey’s WOOL.

The entire The Silo Archipelago series has now been combined into a single Omnibus edition, here:


“Bunker’s onto something here, I think. He’s found a niche that remains unexplored in the silo, both in Howey’s silos and in the other fan-fiction stories that have followed—he’s zooming in, nice and tight, on the hearts and minds of the overlooked authors of the uprisings. The picker community that he’s created—that is, the ranks of people who recycle the silo’s trash, and from it pluck paper material to write their manifestos on—is a fascinating place, dark but full of unfettered hope. REFUSE is a killer first entry in a series that I can’t wait to follow further.”

~ Jason Gurley, Bestselling author of the GREATFALL series.

From the Author

The Silo Archipelago is a bestselling serialized short novel, set in the world of Hugh Howey’s WOOL (by Mr. Howey’s permission,) and originally written and released in three parts. The three parts have now been combined into a single print (and e-book) omnibus version entitled THE SILO ARCHIPELAGO which is now available.

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