"Nexus is a gripping piece of near future speculation, riffing on the latest developments in cognition enhancement. With all the grit and pace of the Bourne films, this is a clever and confident debut by a writer expertly placed to speculate about where we're heading. Unlike a lot of SF, this novel dares to look the future square in the eye."

Alastair Reynolds, bestselling author of Revelation Space and Blue Remembered Earth

"Any old writer can take you on a roller coaster ride, but it takes a wizard like Ramez Naam to take you on the same ride while he builds the roller coaster a few feet in front of your plummeting car… you'll want to read it before everyone's talking about it."

John Barnes, author of the Timeline Wars and Daybreak series

"If you are posthuman or transhuman this is an absolute must-read for you; and even mere mortals will love it."

Philip Palmer, author of Version 43 and Hell Ship

"Nexus is the most brilliant hard SF thriller I've read in years. It's smart, it's gripping, and it describes a chilling reality that is all-too-plausible… Reminds me of Michael Crichton at his best."

Brenda Cooper, author of The Silver Ship and the Sea and The Creative Fire

"An incredibly imaginative, action-packed intellectual romp! Ramez Naam has turned the notion of human liberty and freedom on its head by forcing the question: Technology permitting, should we be free to radically alter our physiological and mental states?"

Dani Kollin, Prometheus award winning author of The Unincorporated Man

For Mom and Dad, who brought me into this world,

raised me, and have supported me at every step.
