Robert Adams Horseclans’ Odyssey

Author’s Introduction

In the previous Horseclans volumes (Swords of the Horseclans through The Patrimony) I have moved consistently forward in time from the initial volume of the series (The Coming of the Horseclans); but this volume and the next few which will follow it are all set before the time of The Coming. If some of my readers are confused by this, I am sorry, but I had deliberately left the initial volume open at both ends because I was planning just what I have now done.

The books to follow this one will deal with the origin of the prairiecats, the discovery of the breed of mind-speaking horses, certain of the adventures of Milo of Morai prior to his return to the Horseclans, and much, much more. May Sacred Sun shine always upon you all.

Robert Adams

Richmond, Virginia

28 July 1980
