“A solid command of character development that makes her tales irresistibly compelling and distinguishes her as a major new voice in science fiction.”
As a class 9 empath with advanced biogenetic augmentation, she has complete mental and physical control of her body and can read other people’s intentions before thew can even think them. Faced with deceptions behind deceptions, Ahni is caught in a dangerous game of family politics—and in the middle of it all lies the fate of her brother.
Hew search leads her to the Platforms, which orbit high above Earth. On the Platform New York Up, “upsider” life is different. They have their own culture, values, and ambitions—and now they want their independence from Earth. One upsider leader, Dane Nilsson, is determined to accomplish NYUp’s secession, but he has a secret, one that, once exposed, could condemn him to death.
When Ahni stumbles upon Dane during her quest for vengeance, her destiny becomes inextricably linked to his. Together they must delve beyond the intrigue and manipulated schemes to get to the core of the Platforms and shatter any preconceived notions of what defines the human race.
“Her prose is strong and her insights true; although more than one story here deals with virtual reality, the pleasures afforded by this collection are very real.”
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