Helliconia is a planet that, due to the massively eccentric orbit of its own sun around another star, experiences seasons that lasts eons. Whole civilisations grow in the Spring, flourish in the Summer and then die in the brutal winters. The human-like inhabitants have been profoundly changed by their experience of this harsh cycle.
Helliconia is a planet that, due to the massively eccentric orbit of its own sun around another star, experiences seasons that lasts eons. Whole civilisations grow in the Spring, flourish in the Summer and then die in the brutal winters. The human-like inhabitants have been profoundly changed by their experience of this harsh cycle. In orbit above the planet a terran mission struggles to observe and understand the effects on society of such a massive climatic impact. Massive, thoroughly researched, minutely organised, full of action, pulp references and deep drama this is a classic trilogy.
‘Our ablest SF writer.’
‘Propels the reader headlong into marvel. A trilogy which has acquired monumental nobility.’
‘Science fiction has never before had this grandeur.’
‘Brian Aldiss’ towering imagination places his Helliconia trilogy far above standard science fiction.’
‘Rarely has someone else’s brave new world been brought so stunningly to life.’
‘One of the best SF writers Britain has ever produced.’
‘A marvellous journey to another world — a remarkable feat of the imagination.’
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