Aidan Marshall isn't like the others who now work as civilians for the PowerUp! gym. He doesn't feel like he fits in, even among the misfits. Being gay means nothing to the people he's with. He can read thoughts and speak with his mind, and no one ever feels comfortable in his presence. Hell, even he doesn't like to be left alone with himself.
When his boss assigns him a mission to locate a stolen book, he jumps at the chance to use his psychic abilities and prove himself a valuable part of the team. He's fine working on his own and has nearly located the book he's been sent to retrieve when Gavin Caldwell screws up the entire case.
Gavin is a pain in the ass. He's a pencil pusher and a leftover from the administrative nightmare that was the PWP. A nice guy to have on your side when it comes to balancing the books, but otherwise he's nothing but a burden--as is clearly evidenced when he botches the case. It doesn't help matters that he's exactly Aidan's type.
With no recourse but to use Gavin to right the wrong he's done, Aidan and Gavin go undercover in a high-stakes operation posing as lovers--where anything and everything goes. In the course of their mission, Aidan finds out there's much more to Gavin than meets the eye, and much more to himself than he'd ever thought possible. Because with Gavin, Aidan learns how to love not only another man, but himself as well.
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