Fiddlehead The Clockwork Century - 5 by Cherie Priest

Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.

—WINSTON CHURCHILL, November 10, 1942


So here goes Fiddlehead, which is not exactly the end of the series—but it brings us to the end of the war, at least, and perhaps it may be the last full-length project in the Clockwork Century. For a while.

I am both a little sad and a little relieved at the prospect, really; I love this series from the bottom of my heart, and I have been terribly flattered, honored, and delighted by the response it has garnered from the genre community. But at the same time, twenty years of civil conflict is a very long time, even in a fictional universe. I have always said, from the very beginning, that this series should be the story of two nations on the cusp of what they could withstand. This was always meant to be the story of how the fictionalized war ends, and why.

And now … here it is.

But first and foremost, I must detail my undying thanks to everyone at Tor—in particular my editor, Liz Gorinsky, who first talked me into taking a chance on Boneshaker … and then threw herself behind it with everything she had. None of this would have happened without her. She believed in these books when I believed they were maybe a little too wacky, a little too unconventional; she encouraged and guided me through neuroses, crises of faith, and other assorted potholes in the process, and I cannot say enough to commend the persistence of her awesomeness.

Next up, the inimitable Jennifer Jackson, my agent extraordinaire—my bottle rocket of fiery justice. From whip cracking to hand-holding, she’s 100 percent weapons-grade awesome, and I seriously could not navigate the frothy waters of this industry without her.

And then there are the other usual suspects—so usual, in fact, that I fear I begin to repeat myself in these acknowledgments … because I pull open the last couple of books to take a peek (and remind myself of all those who’ve let me lean on them, all this time) … and I realize that I am hella-lucky to have found myself in such outstanding company.

Therefore, broadly and in brief (this time): a million and one thanks to Team Seattle and the Cap Hill Crew, Uncle Warren’s Secret Service, all the lovely people (and visitors) at Woodthrush and Robin’s Roost, the Nashville Brigade, the Consortium, Team Capybara and all its affiliates, and my spouse.

And of course, all the steampunks, alternate-history geeks, and other assorted amazing readers who’ve been kind enough to spend time with me on this bizarre and beautiful journey.

Thanks again, to all of you. Everywhere. Always.
