The teenagers left the silver lake and walked slowly toward the dark timber.

"Larry? That strange smell is making me sick. I don't want to go in there."

"Aw, come on! Don't get all spooked-out," Larry replied, but admitted to himself that something was wrong, dreadfully wrong.

Suddenly they heard a low growl, and then a snarl from the timber, just a few yards away.

Joan grabbed his hand and shouted, "Come on, Larry. Run!"

Then a scream touched them, a howling. A shriek of such hideousness that the young couple ran blindly through the night.

"Oh my God!" Larry screamed as he pointed to the grotesque figures surrounding them,encircling them with eyes red and wild. The Beasts were large, long-legged, and clumsy—and they were hungry. They wanted raw meat, the sweet, hot, salty taste of blood. Not fearing the darkness they knew so well, they chased Larry and Joan—knowing that their appetite would soon be satisfied . . .
