What if Huey Long had been President in 1939? No Marshall Aid to Britain, no American involvement in the war ravaging Europe. Another chillingly credible ‘what-if’ thriller from the master of the genre.
For years UN peacekeepers have been deployed to war-torn regions of the world from Rwanda to Serbia and Congo to East Timor. Now it’s America’s turn.
Samuel Simpson is a young, idealistic journalist from Canada. Seeking adventure, he volunteers to become a records keeper for a UN war-crimes investigation team at work in upper New York State. Months earlier, a crippling terrorist attack against the United States resulted in its cities being emptied, its countryside set afire, and its government shaken to its knees.
In the aftermath of this attack, a virtual civil war broke out, until UN peacekeepers arrived to establish an uneasy peace. While Samuel and his team travel through the New York countryside, searching for evidence of an atrocious war crime, he promptly realizes that death is quick to strike from any farmhouse, road corner, or rest area. Even more chillingly, he begins to suspect that there is a traitor in his team, trying not only to conceal important evidence, but working to betray and kill them all, including the woman he loves.
Award-winning author Brendan DuBois paints a disturbing and poignant portrait in this smart, fast-paced thriller.
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