War has devastated the African continent. Millions of homeless, hungry refugees have fled to other lands. In England, as more and more Africans arrive and set up communities, normal life soon begins to disintegrate, with the entire population irrevocably factionalized into the Afrims and their supporters; the right-wing government and its supporters; and the ever-growing British civilian refugee group, ousted from its communities by the Afrims.
Forced by violence to leave their home in London, Alan and Isobel Whitman attempt to drive to Bristol with their daughter, Sally, to seek shelter with relatives. But the car breaks down and the Whitmans find themselves at the mercy of roving bands from the various factions. Separated from and reunited with his family, forced to suffer from indignities and dangers, torn by loyalities and sympathies, Alan is unable to give his allegiance to any of the three warring groups until a final brutal decision is made for him.
In this, his second novel, Christopher Priest dramatically explores the inevitable outcome of human prejudice and hatred. This is an engrossing, frightening and irresistible story.
First published in England under the title
Fugue for a Darkening Island.
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