As the debut novel by filmmaker Kelly Schwarze, Alien Domicile explores the mysteries that lie behind a massive conspiracy, one that masks the limitations of humans and their place in the universe. This heart-pounding story takes readers on a fictional journey into what lies behind the gates of the world’s most infamous and secretive military base: Area 51.
Readers follow a broad cast of characters, all facing extreme danger as they try to unravel the mystery that the government is working so hard to keep under wraps. A Special Forces unit is confronted with the unthinkable when entering the base’s territory, and another group of people awaken dazed and confused miles underground. Soon, all of them are faced with horrors that defy everything they’d thought possible.
Alien Domicile is based on the feature film, also written and directed by Kelly Schwarze. Now, he brings his decades of cinematic storytelling experience to the world of fiction novels. Schwarze thrills readers with a visceral tale that explores interdimensional time travel, human genetic mutations, and the darker side of the cosmos.
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