Novelization of the BBC TV Series A for Andromeda.
Originality, excitement, pace, and scientific accuracy—readers who appreciate these elements in science fiction will enjoy thoroughly this outstanding novel of adventure. A for Andromeda is the product of a very successful collaboration between an astrophysicist of world-wide reputation and a talented dramatist whose work for British television has received the highest critical recognition.
The scene is set ten years from now. A new radio-telescope picks up from the constellation of Andromeda, two hundred light-years away, a complex series of signals which prove to be a program for a giant computer. Someone in outer space is trying to communicate, using a supremely clever yet entirely logical method.
When the necessary computer is built and begins to relay the information it receives from Andromeda, the project assumes a vital importance: politically, militarily, and commercially. For scientists find themselves possessing knowledge previously unknown to man, knowledge of such a nature that the security of human life itself is threatened.
As a seven-part serial on BBC television, this story established popularity records. The last several installments doubled BBC’s audience, reaching 80 per cent of the viewing audience of Great Britain.
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